Factores de riesgo para enfermedad crónica no transmisible en jóvenes universitarios de un programa de las ciencias de la salud de Barranquilla
Galeano-Muñoz, Luisa
Pinillos-Patiño, Yisel
Herazo-Beltrán, Yaneth
González- Prestán, Jaime
López-Royero, Andrea
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Cooperativa servicios y suministros 212518 RS
Objetivo: Determinar los factores de riesgo en salud relacionados
con el estilo de vida en jóvenes universitarios de
un programa de la facultad de ciencias de la salud de una
institución de educación superior de Barranquilla.
Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en
595 estudiantes. Una aleatorización estratificada de los
matriculados en los ocho semestres del programa permitió
la muestra de 239 personas. Los datos se obtuvieron
mediante preguntas adaptadas del método “STEPwise”
de la OMS.
Resultados: El departamento del Atlántico 72,4% reportó
la mayor procedencia, la edad se observó entre 15-20
años 62,3% y el 19,7% cursaban segundo semestre. El
consumo de alimentos fritos fue del 94,1%, bebidas azucaradas
86,6% y comida de paquetes 86,2%. El 61,9%
reportó realizar al menos 30 minutos al día de actividad
física vigorosa y el 44,4% menos de 30 minutos al día de
actividad física moderada.
Conclusiones: Existe factores de riesgo importantes para
enfermedades no transmisible, generando la necesidad de
establecer programas específicos en torno a la alimentación
saludable y los efectos del consumo de tabaco y el
abuso de alcohol, que promueva la salud y prevenga la
aparición de enfermedad no transmisible mediante la modificación
de hábitos de vida.
Objective: To determine the risk factors in health related to lifestyle in young university students of a program of the faculty of health sciences of a higher education institution of Barranquilla. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study in 595 students. A stratified randomization of those enrolled in the eight semesters of the program allowed the sample of 239 people. The data was obtained through questions adapted from the WHO “STEPwise” method. Results: The department of the Atlantic 72.4% reported the highest origin, age was observed between 15-20 years 62.3% and 19.7% were in the second semester. The consumption of fried foods was 94.1%, sweetened beverages 86.6% and package food 86.2%. The 61.9% reported performing at least 30 minutes a day of vigorous physical activity and 44.4% less than 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity. Conclusions: There are important risk factors for noncommunicable diseases, generating the need to establish specific programs around healthy eating and the effects of tobacco consumption and alcohol abuse, which promotes health and prevents the appearance of non-communicable disease through the modification of life habits.
Objective: To determine the risk factors in health related to lifestyle in young university students of a program of the faculty of health sciences of a higher education institution of Barranquilla. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study in 595 students. A stratified randomization of those enrolled in the eight semesters of the program allowed the sample of 239 people. The data was obtained through questions adapted from the WHO “STEPwise” method. Results: The department of the Atlantic 72.4% reported the highest origin, age was observed between 15-20 years 62.3% and 19.7% were in the second semester. The consumption of fried foods was 94.1%, sweetened beverages 86.6% and package food 86.2%. The 61.9% reported performing at least 30 minutes a day of vigorous physical activity and 44.4% less than 30 minutes a day of moderate physical activity. Conclusions: There are important risk factors for noncommunicable diseases, generating the need to establish specific programs around healthy eating and the effects of tobacco consumption and alcohol abuse, which promotes health and prevents the appearance of non-communicable disease through the modification of life habits.
Palabras clave
Factores de riesgo, Estilo de vida, Enfermedad crónica, Risk Factors, Life Style, Chronic Disease