Análisis financiero Hospital Materno Infantil Ciudadela Metropolitana de Soledad luego de expedida la resolución 262 del 20 de octubre de 2021 (2020-2022)
Acuña Cáceres, Inés
Miranda Martínez, Kelly
Pacheco García, Cristina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El sector salud, se fragmento por la pandemia por el COVID-19 afectando la economía colombiana, sumado a factores como la desigualdad social, la ineficiencia en el manejo de los recursos, la deshumanización de los servicios de salud, la falta de calidad en la educación, la salud e infraestructura y las demoras en las transferencias por los servicios prestados a las Empresas Sociales del Estado por parte de las Empresas Promotoras de Planes de Beneficios.
La E.A.P.B dentro de su oferta buscan garantizar que la atención en salud sea bajo los principios de la pertinencia, racionalidad y oportunidad así mismo deben garantizar las transferencias de recursos a las E.S.E e I.P.S quienes serán las encargadas de cubrir la atención primeria y especializada en salud de los usuarios de una determinada zona. Es por esto que uno de los problemas que atraviesan las empresas sociales del estado es el no pago oportuno por parte de la aseguradoras, por lo que estas deben recurrir a procedimiento adicionales que les permitirán garantizar la transferencia de recursos de manera oportuna y reiterada.
The health sector was fragmented by the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the Colombian economy, added to factors such as social inequality, inefficiency in resource management, dehumanization of health services, lack of quality in education, health and infrastructure, and delays in transfers for services provided to State Social Enterprises by Benefit Plan Promoter Companies. The E.A.P.B within its offer seeks to guarantee that health care is under the principles of relevance, rationality and opportunity, likewise they must guarantee the transfer of resources to the E.S.E and I.P.S who will be in charge of covering primary and specialized health care of users in a certain area. This is why one of the problems that state social enterprises are experiencing is the non-timely payment by insurers, which is why they must resort to additional procedures that will allow them to guarantee the transfer of resources in a timely and repeated manner.
The health sector was fragmented by the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting the Colombian economy, added to factors such as social inequality, inefficiency in resource management, dehumanization of health services, lack of quality in education, health and infrastructure, and delays in transfers for services provided to State Social Enterprises by Benefit Plan Promoter Companies. The E.A.P.B within its offer seeks to guarantee that health care is under the principles of relevance, rationality and opportunity, likewise they must guarantee the transfer of resources to the E.S.E and I.P.S who will be in charge of covering primary and specialized health care of users in a certain area. This is why one of the problems that state social enterprises are experiencing is the non-timely payment by insurers, which is why they must resort to additional procedures that will allow them to guarantee the transfer of resources in a timely and repeated manner.
Palabras clave
Situación financiera, Cuentas por cobrar, Salud, Derecho, Paciente, Aseguradoras, Administración, Financial situation, Accounts receivable, Health, Law, Patient, Insurers, Administration