Impacto de la migraña crónica sobre la calidad de vida de pacientes con y sin síntomas depresivos atendidos durante la pandemia por COVID-19 durante el año 2021 en una clínica de Barranquilla
Barrios Agamez, Wilfrido José
Vega Perdomo, Fabio José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: La migraña crónica es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia en población de edad productiva. Asimismo, durante la pandemia de COVID-19 estos pacientes debieron enfrentar un sinnúmero de obstáculos para recibir atención y tratamientos, esto ocasionado por las medidas sanitarias y la poca preparación de nuestro sistema de salud en Colombia para dicho reto, generando mayor discapacidad y compromiso en la calidad de vida. Objetivo: Nuestro estudio tiene como objetivo describir el impacto de la migraña crónica sobre la calidad de vida en pacientes con y sin síntomas depresivos atendidos en una clínica ubicada en Barranquilla durante la pandemia del COVID-19 en el año 2021. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal en una clínica de la ciudad de Barranquilla, donde se evaluaron 1960 historias clínicas, seleccionando 317 que cumplían con criterios de inclusión propuestos en el estudio. Se aplicaron tres instrumentos; (I) HIT-6 para medir el impacto del dolor de cabeza en la productividad, (II) MSQ 2.1 para estimar la calidad de vida de pacientes con migraña, (III) inventario depresión Beck 2 en la que se evalúa presencia de síntomas depresivos y la gravedad del paciente. Los datos fueron recogidos aplicando las encuestas vía telefónica, los análisis estadísticos se realizaron usando STATA versión 15.1.
Introduction: Chronic migraine is a disease of high prevalence in the population of working age. Likewise, during the COVID-19 pandemic, these patients had to confront any number of obstacles to receive care and treatments, this was caused by sanitary measures and the insufficient preparation of our health system in Colombia for this challenge, generating greater disability and commitment to quality of life. Objective: Our study aims to describe the impact of chronic migraine on quality of life in patients with and without depressive symptoms managed in a clinic located in Barranquilla during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. Methodology: An observational, cross-sectional study was developed in a clinic in the city of Barranquilla, where 1960 medical records were evaluated, selecting 317 that met the inclusion criteria proposed in the study. Three instruments were administered; (I) HIT-6 to measure the impact of a headache on productivity (II) MSQ 2.1 to estimate the quality of life of patients with migraine, (III) Beck 2 depression inventory in which the presence of depressive symptoms and the severity of the patient is evaluated. Data were collected using telephone surveys, statistical analyses were performed using STATA version 15.1.
Introduction: Chronic migraine is a disease of high prevalence in the population of working age. Likewise, during the COVID-19 pandemic, these patients had to confront any number of obstacles to receive care and treatments, this was caused by sanitary measures and the insufficient preparation of our health system in Colombia for this challenge, generating greater disability and commitment to quality of life. Objective: Our study aims to describe the impact of chronic migraine on quality of life in patients with and without depressive symptoms managed in a clinic located in Barranquilla during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. Methodology: An observational, cross-sectional study was developed in a clinic in the city of Barranquilla, where 1960 medical records were evaluated, selecting 317 that met the inclusion criteria proposed in the study. Three instruments were administered; (I) HIT-6 to measure the impact of a headache on productivity (II) MSQ 2.1 to estimate the quality of life of patients with migraine, (III) Beck 2 depression inventory in which the presence of depressive symptoms and the severity of the patient is evaluated. Data were collected using telephone surveys, statistical analyses were performed using STATA version 15.1.
Palabras clave
Migraña crónica, Calidad de vida, Síntomas depresivos, Impacto del dolor, Chronic migraine, Quality of life, Depressive symptoms, Impact of pain