Construcción vivero de mangles y aulas ambientales – Ciénaga Mayorquín barrio las Flores – Barranquilla
Soto Blanchar, Welquin Yoset
Morales Polo, Fidel Angel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Construcción de un Vivero de Mangle y Aulas Ambientales en La ciénaga de
Mallorquín, barrio Las Flores en la ciudad de Barranquilla, este será construido por
la entidad ambiental EPA Barranquilla Verde.
El proyecto contara con zona de Vivero de Mangle, de Aulas Ambientales, zona
común (Servicio, Oficina, Parqueo, muelle, caseta de vigilancia. Se utilizarán
materiales amigables con el medio ambiente.
La elección del proyecto surge de la necesidad de detener la deforestación del área
de manglar ubicada alrededor de la ciénaga de Mallorquín, desconociendo la
importancia ecológica y ambiental de esta especie.
La falta de educación ambiental y la invasión de terrenos.
Reducción del área deforestada en el sector de la Ciénaga de Mallorquín en la
ciudad de Barranquilla en un porcentaje del 85 % (Recuperación de Biodiversidad,
Recuperación del Uso del Suelo, Reducción de la Degradación del Suelo, del
calentamiento Global y por último recupera del área paisajísticamente).
Construction of a Mangrove Nursery and Environmental Classrooms in the Mallorquin swamp, Las Flores neighborhood in the city of Barranquilla, which will be built by the environmental entity EPA Barranquilla Verde. The project will have a Mangrove Nursery area, Environmental Classrooms, common area (Service, Office, Parking, dock, surveillance booth. Environmentally friendly materials will be used. Background: The choice of the project arises from the need to stop deforestation in the mangrove area located around the Mallorquín swamp, ignoring the ecological and environmental importance of this species. Lack of environmental education and invasion of land. Objective: Reduction of the deforested area in the sector of the Mallorquin swamp in the city of Barranquilla by a percentage of 85% (Recovery of Biodiversity, Recovery of Land Use, Reduction of Soil Degradation, Global warming and finally recover of the landscape).
Construction of a Mangrove Nursery and Environmental Classrooms in the Mallorquin swamp, Las Flores neighborhood in the city of Barranquilla, which will be built by the environmental entity EPA Barranquilla Verde. The project will have a Mangrove Nursery area, Environmental Classrooms, common area (Service, Office, Parking, dock, surveillance booth. Environmentally friendly materials will be used. Background: The choice of the project arises from the need to stop deforestation in the mangrove area located around the Mallorquín swamp, ignoring the ecological and environmental importance of this species. Lack of environmental education and invasion of land. Objective: Reduction of the deforested area in the sector of the Mallorquin swamp in the city of Barranquilla by a percentage of 85% (Recovery of Biodiversity, Recovery of Land Use, Reduction of Soil Degradation, Global warming and finally recover of the landscape).
Palabras clave
Mangle, Pmbok, Ciénaga, Mallorquín, Mangrove, Pmbok, Swamp