Niveles de actividad física y comportamiento sedentario en preescolares
Ramírez Rivera, Ronald
González Osorio, Humberto Ismael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivos: Determinar el nivel de actividad física y el comportamiento sedentario en preescolares.
Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en 1.076 niños y niñas que asisten a la Instituciones Educativas de Cartagena, Municipio de Turbaco (Bolívar) y Zona Bananera (Magdalena). Se aplicó el Cuestionario para la Medición de actividad física y comportamiento sedentario en niños (C-MAFYCS) diligenciado por los padres de familia.
Resultados: En general se observa que la tendencia al uso de transporte activo es mayor, con una media entre 54,03 ± 51,94 y 9,0±11,7 minutos, respecto al uso de transporte motorizado que alcanzó una media entre 29,97 ± 40,77 y 6,4±11,0 minutos. De igual manera se evidencia que los niños gastan en juego activo una media entre 112,7 ± 93,6 y 76,1 ± 75,1 minutos. Con respecto al promedio del tiempo de actividad física durante un día (124,76 ± 94,11 y 85,3±77,4 minutos) así como el tiempo medio de actitud sedentaria cada día (132±86,9 y 110,60 ± 78,11 minutos). Un grupo mostró que hay una relación significativa con El sexo y la edad con actividad física y el otro grupo hay una relación significativa con el comportamiento sedentario y el sexo de los participantes.
Conclusiones: El tiempo en actividad física todos los días no cumple con las recomendaciones establecidas y el comportamiento sedentario no tiene diferencia de sexo y es alto.
Objective: To determine the level of physical activity and sedentary behavior in preschoolers. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 1,076 children attending the Educational Institutions of Cartagena, Municipality of Turbaco (Bolívar) and Zona Bananera (Magdalena). The Questionnaire for the Measurement of physical activity and sedentary behavior in children (C-MAFYCS) completed by parents was applied. Results: In general, it is observed that the tendency to use active transport is greater, with an average between 54.03 ± 51.94 and 9.0 ± 11.7 minutes, compared to the use of motorized transport that reached an average between 29 , 97 ± 40.77 and 6.4 ± 11.0 minutes. Likewise, it is evident that children spend an average of 112.7 ± 93.6 and 76.1 ± 75.1 minutes in active play. With respect to the average well as the average time of sedentary attitude each day (132 (86.9 and 110.60 ± 78.11 minutes). One group showed that there is a significant relationship with sex and age with physical activity and the other group there is a significant relationship with sedentary behavior and the sex of the participants. Conclusions: The time in physical activity every day does not comply with the established recommendations and sedentary behavior has no sex difference and is high.
Objective: To determine the level of physical activity and sedentary behavior in preschoolers. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out on 1,076 children attending the Educational Institutions of Cartagena, Municipality of Turbaco (Bolívar) and Zona Bananera (Magdalena). The Questionnaire for the Measurement of physical activity and sedentary behavior in children (C-MAFYCS) completed by parents was applied. Results: In general, it is observed that the tendency to use active transport is greater, with an average between 54.03 ± 51.94 and 9.0 ± 11.7 minutes, compared to the use of motorized transport that reached an average between 29 , 97 ± 40.77 and 6.4 ± 11.0 minutes. Likewise, it is evident that children spend an average of 112.7 ± 93.6 and 76.1 ± 75.1 minutes in active play. With respect to the average well as the average time of sedentary attitude each day (132 (86.9 and 110.60 ± 78.11 minutes). One group showed that there is a significant relationship with sex and age with physical activity and the other group there is a significant relationship with sedentary behavior and the sex of the participants. Conclusions: The time in physical activity every day does not comply with the established recommendations and sedentary behavior has no sex difference and is high.
Palabras clave
Actividad física, Estilo de vida sedentario, Desarrollo infantil, Niño, Preescolar, Physical activity, Sedentary lifestyle, Child development, Child, Preschool