Estrategias pedagógicas para potenciar la lectura crítica en los estudiantes tercer grado de básica primaria de la Institución Educativa Dolores María Ucros del municipio de Soledad - Atlántico
Martínez Tejera, María Paulina
Palacio Vélez, Carolina Elvira
Vélez Peña, Janeth Del Pilar
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Estrategias pedagógicas para potenciar la lectura crítica en los estudiantes de tercer grado de básica primaria de la institución educativa Dolores María Ucros, es un proyecto de investigación que se centra en identificar los elementos que contribuyan al ejercicio de la
lectura con una postura no sólo comunicativa sino como una experiencia significativa de aprendizaje. Lo que demanda analizar, planear y ejecutar estrategias que al ser implementadas acerquen a los educandos al acto de leer como una experiencia significativa
en su aprendizaje y de formación personal, es decir, dotándolos de habilidades de pensamiento que les permitan interactuar con el mundo, reconocer su entorno y que los convierta en personas con capacidad para la transformación social, dando respuestas a los
desafíos del nuevo siglo. La investigación se realizó bajo el enfoque cualitativo, recolectando la información
a través de encuestas, observación de clases, revisión documental y talleres de socialización de experiencias. En los principales hallazgos se encuentra la comprensión de la necesidad que tienen las instituciones educativas de asumir un sinnúmero de información que llega a
los estudiantes sin muchos filtros y que exige de los docentes propender por una formación
hacia una postura analítica y crítica. Además, esta propuesta evidencia la incidencia del
contexto de la escuela, en el currículum educativo y por ende, conlleva a la reflexión del
quehacer del docente del día a día en el aula de clases, a la evaluación de esos procesos y al
análisis del impacto en la comunidad estudiantil para finalmente proponer herramientas que
aporten a la labor docente en el acto pedagógico para la sensibilización y el desarrollo de la
criticidad ante aquello que lee, sino también a lo acontece a su alrededor.
Pedagogical strategies to foster critica! reading in the third grade primary school students of the Dolores Maria Ucros educational institution is a research project that focuses on identifying the elements that contribute to the reading exercise with a posture that is not only communicative but as a meaningful leaming experience. What demands to analyze, plan and execute strategies that, when implemented, bring learners to the act of reading as a significant experience in their learning and personal formation, that is, by providing them with think:ing skills that allow them to interact with the world, recognize their environment and make them people capable of social transformation, responding to the challenges ofthe new century. The research was carried out under the qualitative approach, collecting the information through surveys, class observation, documentary revision and socialization workshops of experiences. In the main findings is the understanding of the need for educational institutions to assume a myriad of information that reaches students without many filters and requires teachers to train for an analytical and critica} position. In addition, this proposal evidences the incidence of the school context in the educational currículum and, therefore, leads to the reflection of the day-to-day work of the teacher in the classroom, to the evaluation of those processes and to the analysis of the ímpact in the student community to finally propose tools that contribute to the teaching work in the pedagogic act for the sensitization and the development of criticality before what he reads, but also to what happens around him.
Pedagogical strategies to foster critica! reading in the third grade primary school students of the Dolores Maria Ucros educational institution is a research project that focuses on identifying the elements that contribute to the reading exercise with a posture that is not only communicative but as a meaningful leaming experience. What demands to analyze, plan and execute strategies that, when implemented, bring learners to the act of reading as a significant experience in their learning and personal formation, that is, by providing them with think:ing skills that allow them to interact with the world, recognize their environment and make them people capable of social transformation, responding to the challenges ofthe new century. The research was carried out under the qualitative approach, collecting the information through surveys, class observation, documentary revision and socialization workshops of experiences. In the main findings is the understanding of the need for educational institutions to assume a myriad of information that reaches students without many filters and requires teachers to train for an analytical and critica} position. In addition, this proposal evidences the incidence of the school context in the educational currículum and, therefore, leads to the reflection of the day-to-day work of the teacher in the classroom, to the evaluation of those processes and to the analysis of the ímpact in the student community to finally propose tools that contribute to the teaching work in the pedagogic act for the sensitization and the development of criticality before what he reads, but also to what happens around him.
Palabras clave
Lectura, Lectura crítica, Estrategia, Reading, Critical reading, Strategy