Proceso de atención de enfermería a familia con procesos familiares disfuncionales
Rojas Torres, Indiana
Guerra Ramírez, Merilyn
Lastre Amell, Gloria
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Instituto Superior Tecnológico Bolivariano de Tecnología
La funcionalidad familiar, es aquella que permite la promoción para el desarrollo integral de sus integrantes, así como un
estado de salud favorable, donde los miembros de la misma se relacionan internamente como grupo humano. Asimismo,
contribuye notoriamente a las relaciones interpersonales que se generan en el interior de cada familia, cuando esta armonía
se rompe, se predispone al deterioro familiar y se produce la disfunción familiar, afectando a sus integrantes en todas sus
dimensiones. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar el Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (PAE), a una familia con procesos
familiares disfuncionales en un corregimiento del Distrito de Barranquilla Colombia, con el fin de brindarles cuidados de
Enfermería para el mejoramiento de su dinámica familiar. La metodología utilizada consiste en la aplicación de instrumentos
de salud familiar en la práctica comunitaria, se identificó y abordó una familia ensamblada donde se utilizó la taxonomía de
valoración por dominios de Nanda, la clasificación de resultados de Enfermería (NOC) y la clasificación de intervenciones de
Enfermería (NIC). Dando como resultados, los hallazgos obtenidos en las visitas domiciliarias, estas revelaron un deterioro de
las relaciones familiares, por lo que se elaboró un plan de cuidado para intervenir la familia en estudio, planteando el objetivo
de funcionamiento de la familia, con actividades basadas en el acercamiento familiar y la comunicación. Como conclusión se
logró establecer una propuesta de intervención de Enfermería, con la cual se logró el acercamiento y mejora en la
comunicación familiar, estableciendo compromisos para el logro de la efectividad de la funcionalidad familiar.
Family functionality is that which allows the promotion for the integral development of its members, as well as a favorable state of health, where its members are internally related as a human group. Likewise, it contributes notably to the interpersonal relationships that are generated within each family, when this harmony is broken, it is predisposed to family deterioration and family dysfunction occurs, affecting its members in all its dimensions. The objective of this study is to develop the Nursing Care Process (PAE), to a family with dysfunctional family processes in a district of the District of Barranquilla Colombia, in order to provide nursing care for the improvement of their family dynamics. The methodology used consists of the application of family health instruments in community practice, an assembled family was identified and approached where the taxonomy of valuation by Nanda domains, the classification of Nursing Results (NOC) and the classification of interventions were used Nursing (NIC). Giving as results, the findings obtained at home visits, these revealed a deterioration of family relationships, so a care plan was developed to intervene the family under study, setting the objective of family functioning, with activities based on Family approach and communication. In conclusion, it was possible to establish a proposal for Nursing intervention, with which the approach and improvement in family communication was achieved, establishing commitments for the achievement of the effectiveness of family functionality.
Family functionality is that which allows the promotion for the integral development of its members, as well as a favorable state of health, where its members are internally related as a human group. Likewise, it contributes notably to the interpersonal relationships that are generated within each family, when this harmony is broken, it is predisposed to family deterioration and family dysfunction occurs, affecting its members in all its dimensions. The objective of this study is to develop the Nursing Care Process (PAE), to a family with dysfunctional family processes in a district of the District of Barranquilla Colombia, in order to provide nursing care for the improvement of their family dynamics. The methodology used consists of the application of family health instruments in community practice, an assembled family was identified and approached where the taxonomy of valuation by Nanda domains, the classification of Nursing Results (NOC) and the classification of interventions were used Nursing (NIC). Giving as results, the findings obtained at home visits, these revealed a deterioration of family relationships, so a care plan was developed to intervene the family under study, setting the objective of family functioning, with activities based on Family approach and communication. In conclusion, it was possible to establish a proposal for Nursing intervention, with which the approach and improvement in family communication was achieved, establishing commitments for the achievement of the effectiveness of family functionality.
Palabras clave
Relación familiares, Promoción de la Salud, Relaciones madre e hijo, Comunicación, Conflicto familiar, Family relationship, Health Promotion, Mother and child relationships, Communication, Family conflict