Caso de estudio para la enseñanza gerencial. Panaderías y panes: un caso de supervivencia y sostenibilidad
Viloria Guerrero, Alexis Esther
Mercado Gonzàlez, Rosiris Elena
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El presente caso permite conocer acerca de la sostenibilidad de la empresa Panadería 20 de Julio ubicada en la carrera 43 69-200 norte de la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia. Este negocio nace desde el emprendimiento de su fundador Antonio Serna Gómez quien desde muy pequeño se viò enfrentado a luchar y crecer como empresario. Barranquilla ocupa el cuarto lugar entre las ciudades del país con más locales comerciales dedicados a la panadería, con una cifra de 565 negocios (Sectorial, 2016). Uno de los estudios más destacados a nivel internacional, en cuanto a las tendencias y retos, es realizado por la compañía Puratos. En su estudio denominado Taste Tomorrow de 2015, evidenciaron algunas megatendencias para el sector de panaderías. Por una parte, esas tendencias apuntan a factores de calidad del producto con respecto al origen de sus ingredientes; que tan saludables son y las características del producto terminado. Otro aspecto es cultural y tiene que ver con la identidad; se considera que en un mundo globalizado la comida y la cultura local se convierten en elementos de autoexpresión y, a la vez, se busca la integración de las culturas. De modo que se debe procurar originalidad sin dejar de incorporar recetas, ingredientes, o métodos de preparación de otras partes del mundo, enriqueciendo así la oferta.
El caso muestra la permanencia de la empresa gracias a la fuerza y a la sagacidad que su dueño ha mostrado en este sector alimenticio. Se pretende con el estudio del caso, que los estudiantes puedan desarrollar y conocer cómo se puede desde lo financiero, negociación con los proveedores, relaciones con los clientes y la competencia, desarrollar estrategias que permitan la sostenibilidad en un marco de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, sustentabilidad y perdurabilidad de la empresa objeto de estudio. El espíritu emprendedor de Antonio Serna, desarrolla un perfil de empresa que se amolda a la industria panadera, analiza las alternativas estratégicas y toma de decisiones estratégicas desde los inicios de la compañía.
El caso empresarial “Panadería y Panes, un Caso de Supervivencia y Competitividad” se enmarca en la línea investigativa “Desarrollo Gerencial”, que tiene como propósito conocer las diferentes practicas gerenciales, organizacionales y empresariales en el campo de la Administración y la Innovación desarrolladas por empresas del Caribe Colombiano, las cuales pueden enseñar cuales han sido los factores clave de éxito o fracaso en el marco de la ejecución de estrategias aplicadas para alcanzar un posicionamiento competitivo superior, además de identificar como las empresas se han sobrepuesto o no a las crisis como resultado de factores internos y externos.
La elaboración del presente caso de estudio para la enseñanza gerencial sigue la metodología Harvard, desde donde se pretende exponer historias empresariales que permitan apropiar conocimiento práctico en el marco de las organizaciones, sus procesos de administración y gestión.
Los investigadores abordan su objetivo de enseñanza en la elaboración del caso, partiendo de las problemáticas identificadas en las distintas sesiones y entrevistas con los personas y directivos de la organización. El proceso de elaboración es de doble vía, no se busca la prueba hipótesis o verificaciones teóricas. Se aplican técnicas de observación y narrativas que permitan construir el problema de estudio para dar cumplimiento al objetivo de enseñanza buscado.
Por otra parte, se trata de un caso de enseñanza gerencial, el cual se elaboró teniendo como marco referencial la metodología usada por la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard.
The next case lets know about the sustainability of the company. 20 de Julio`s bakery is located at carrera 43 69-200, North of Barranquilla city, Colombia. This business born from the entrepreneurship of its fundador Antonio Serna Gòmez, who since too little was confronted to fight and grow like a bussinesman. Barranquilla take the fourth place between cities with most business premises dedicated to bakery, with a number of 565(sectorial, 2016). One of the most destacated studies in internacional level, about tendences and challengues, is made for Puratos company. In the study denominated Taste Tomorrow since 2015, megatrends take evidence for bakery sector. How much healthy they are and the characteristics of the finished product. It is considerate that in globalizated world, food and local culture begin in selt-expretions and, at the same time, it looks for incorporation of other cultures. To be ensure of incorporate originalities recipes, ingredients or methods of preparation from other parts in the world, enriching the ofert. The case lets see the stay of the company thanks of the strong and acumen that its owner has showed in the food sector. We pretend with the study of the case, that students can development from financial, bargaing with vendors, relations with buyers and with competitiveness, develop strategies that let the sustainability and durability of company we study. The business spirit of Antonio Serna develop a company profile that adjust it in the bakery industry, watch the strategic alternatives and becomes strategic decitions since the start of the company. The business case “Panaderìa y Panes, un Caso de Competencia y Competitividad”, is in the investigative line “Genera Develop”, that have like purpose know the generals diferents performs, organizational and business, in the Administration and Innovation field, develoments by companies from the Colombia`s caribbean, that can teach whom have been the factor key of success and failur in the ejecution way of apply strategics to achive a high competitive position, futhermore identify how the companies have been overexposed or not to the crisis effect of internal and external factors. The elavoration of this case of study for managerial education follow the Havard methodology, where pretend show the business history that let have practice knowing in the contexts of organizations, it administracion and gestion process. The researchers adress the education objetive making the case, starting in the problematics iden tified in the diferents sections and interviews with the people and managers of the organization. The process of organization have two ways, doesn`t look for a hyphotesis evidence and theoretical verification. They apply techniques and narratives observations that let make the study problem to comply the ecucation objetive wanted. Additionaly, this case is about management education, that was made having like reference the methodology used by School of Business of Harvard.
The next case lets know about the sustainability of the company. 20 de Julio`s bakery is located at carrera 43 69-200, North of Barranquilla city, Colombia. This business born from the entrepreneurship of its fundador Antonio Serna Gòmez, who since too little was confronted to fight and grow like a bussinesman. Barranquilla take the fourth place between cities with most business premises dedicated to bakery, with a number of 565(sectorial, 2016). One of the most destacated studies in internacional level, about tendences and challengues, is made for Puratos company. In the study denominated Taste Tomorrow since 2015, megatrends take evidence for bakery sector. How much healthy they are and the characteristics of the finished product. It is considerate that in globalizated world, food and local culture begin in selt-expretions and, at the same time, it looks for incorporation of other cultures. To be ensure of incorporate originalities recipes, ingredients or methods of preparation from other parts in the world, enriching the ofert. The case lets see the stay of the company thanks of the strong and acumen that its owner has showed in the food sector. We pretend with the study of the case, that students can development from financial, bargaing with vendors, relations with buyers and with competitiveness, develop strategies that let the sustainability and durability of company we study. The business spirit of Antonio Serna develop a company profile that adjust it in the bakery industry, watch the strategic alternatives and becomes strategic decitions since the start of the company. The business case “Panaderìa y Panes, un Caso de Competencia y Competitividad”, is in the investigative line “Genera Develop”, that have like purpose know the generals diferents performs, organizational and business, in the Administration and Innovation field, develoments by companies from the Colombia`s caribbean, that can teach whom have been the factor key of success and failur in the ejecution way of apply strategics to achive a high competitive position, futhermore identify how the companies have been overexposed or not to the crisis effect of internal and external factors. The elavoration of this case of study for managerial education follow the Havard methodology, where pretend show the business history that let have practice knowing in the contexts of organizations, it administracion and gestion process. The researchers adress the education objetive making the case, starting in the problematics iden tified in the diferents sections and interviews with the people and managers of the organization. The process of organization have two ways, doesn`t look for a hyphotesis evidence and theoretical verification. They apply techniques and narratives observations that let make the study problem to comply the ecucation objetive wanted. Additionaly, this case is about management education, that was made having like reference the methodology used by School of Business of Harvard.
Palabras clave
Competitividad, Sostenibilidad, Estrategias empresariales