Relación del Burnout y estrategias de afrontamiento con el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de los programas de Fisioterapia y Psicología de la jornada diurna en la Universidad Simón Bolívar de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Estren Barrios, Yajaira
Figueroa Arrieta, Katherine
García Padilla, Arlington
Gravini Gómez, Melina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Los estudiante universitarios se ven enfrentados a un sinnúmero de situaciones y exigencias relacionadas con su proceso de aprendizaje, en donde tienen que cumplir con los diferentes trabajos, asistir a las clases, realizar practicas profesionales, mantener un buen promedio, responder a las exigencias de los docentes; la sumatoria de cada de uno de éstos, se constituye posiblemente en factores de estrés. A causa de todas estas responsabilidades muchos de los estudiantes abandonan sus estudios o disminuyen su rendimiento académico sin encontrar una explicación alguna. En este sentido, es de gran importancia analizar la relación del Burnout, estrategias de afrontamiento y rendimiento académico en los estudiantes universitarios. La propuesta metodológica en la que se sustenta el trabajo es de tipo descriptiva, correlacional y transversal ya que la intención se centra en caracterizar en un momento dado, los niveles de Burnout, la utilización de Estrategias de Afrontamiento con el rendimiento académico de la población estudiantil, así como identificar las relaciones de éstas variables. En este estudio se centro con una muestra de 283 estudiantes universitarios de la jornada diurna de la Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla de los programas de Psicología y Fisioterapia, quienes respondieron el MBI-ES (Schaufeli, Martínez, Marques Pinto, Salanova, & Bakker, 2002) y La Escala de estrategias de Coping- modificada (EEC-M). Para el análisis de esta investigación se utilizó el Programa Estadístico de Ciencias Sociales (SPSS) versión 15. Los resultados obtenidos no muestran relación significativa entre el Burnout y el rendimiento académico de los estudiante, con relación a las estrategias de afrontamiento se observó que la estrategia más utilizada por los estudiantes es la de solución de problemas, lo que indica que en la medida en que los estudiantes utilicen esta estrategia su rendimiento académico será mas favorable y con buenos resultados.
The university students meet faced to a myriad of situations and requirements related to theirs learning process, where they have to expire with the different works, be present at the classes, realize professional practices, support a good average, answer to the requirements of the teachers; Adding these factors, is constituted possibly in factors of stress. Because of all these roles many students drop out or diminish their academic performance without finding an explanation. In this respect, it´s performs great importance to analyze the relation of the Burnout, strategies of confrontation (copin) and academic performance in the university students. The methodological offer in which the work is sustained is of type descriptive, correlacional and Cross Street since the intention centres on characterizing at any one time, Burnout's levels, the utilization of Strategies of Confrontation with the academic performance of the student population, as well as on identifying the relations of changeable these. On this study it centred with a sample of 283 university students of the diurnal day of the University On Barranquilla's Simón Bolívar of the programs of Psychology and Physical therapy, who answered the MBI - ES (Schaufeli, Martínez, Pinto Marquess, Salanova, and Bakker, 2002) and The Scale of Coping's strategies - modified (EEC-M). For the analysis of this investigation there was in use the Statistical Program of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15. The obtained results do not show significant relation between the Burnout and the academic performance of the students, with relation to the strategies of confrontation (copin) was observed that the strategy most used by the students is that of solution of problems, which indicates that in the measure in which the students should use this strategy the academic performance of they will be favorably and with good results.
The university students meet faced to a myriad of situations and requirements related to theirs learning process, where they have to expire with the different works, be present at the classes, realize professional practices, support a good average, answer to the requirements of the teachers; Adding these factors, is constituted possibly in factors of stress. Because of all these roles many students drop out or diminish their academic performance without finding an explanation. In this respect, it´s performs great importance to analyze the relation of the Burnout, strategies of confrontation (copin) and academic performance in the university students. The methodological offer in which the work is sustained is of type descriptive, correlacional and Cross Street since the intention centres on characterizing at any one time, Burnout's levels, the utilization of Strategies of Confrontation with the academic performance of the student population, as well as on identifying the relations of changeable these. On this study it centred with a sample of 283 university students of the diurnal day of the University On Barranquilla's Simón Bolívar of the programs of Psychology and Physical therapy, who answered the MBI - ES (Schaufeli, Martínez, Pinto Marquess, Salanova, and Bakker, 2002) and The Scale of Coping's strategies - modified (EEC-M). For the analysis of this investigation there was in use the Statistical Program of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 15. The obtained results do not show significant relation between the Burnout and the academic performance of the students, with relation to the strategies of confrontation (copin) was observed that the strategy most used by the students is that of solution of problems, which indicates that in the measure in which the students should use this strategy the academic performance of they will be favorably and with good results.
Palabras clave
Estrés en el trabajo, Fatiga Mental, Psicología industrial, Rendimiento académico, Satisfacción frente a los estudios, Síndrome burnout