Estilos de personalidad de abuelos cuidadores y prácticas de crianza utilizadas con sus nietos
Álvarez-Caicedo, Liseth Vanessa
Cala, Kimberly
Riaño-Garzón, Manuel
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan
Díaz-Camargo, Edgar
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Antecedentes: Los cambios familiares y el papel del abueloa través del tiempo, han sido relevantes ya que éstos cumplencon un papel importante en la transmisión de valoressociales y emocionales, y en la actualidad han ido tomandoprotagonismo ante tareas relacionadas con cuidado, educacióny crianza.Objetivo: Relacionar los estilos de personalidad de abueloscuidadores y las prácticas de crianza utilizadas con sus nietosmediante instrumentos pertinentes para la obtención deinferencias entre dichas variables.Métodos: La presente investigación utiliza una metodologíacuantitativa con un enfoque no experimental de alcance correlacional,con un muestreo no probabilístico intencional dede 60 abuelos cuidadores como participantes.Resultados: Los estilos de personalidad más frecuentes enla población son: Obsesivo Compulsivo, Esquizoide, Dependiente,Esquizotípico y Depresivo; las prácticas de crianzamás empleadas son: Orientación Positiva, Técnicas de Sensibilizacióny Expresión de Afecto, así mismo, se encuentraque el sexo femenino es quien posee mayor correlación conlas variables.Conclusiones: Dependiendo de las características comportamentalesde los estilos de personalidad y el rango en el cualsus rasgos se manifiesten se emplean las prácticas de crianza.
Background: Family changes and the role of grandfather over time have been relevant since they play an important role in the transmission of social and emotional values and nowadays they have been taking center stage in front of tasks related to care, education and upbringing. Objective: To relate the personality styles of caregivers grandparents and the parenting practices used with their grandchildren through relevant instruments to obtain inferences between various variables. Methods: The present investigation uses a quantitative methodology with a non-experimental approach of correlational scope, with an intentional non-probabilistic sample of 60 caregivers grandparents as participants. Results: The most frequent personality styles in the population are: Obsessive Compulsive, Schizoid, Dependent, Schizotypal and Depressive; the most used parenting practices are: Positive Orientation, Sensitization Techniques and Expression of Affection, likewise, it is found that the female sex has the highest correlation with the variables. Conclusions: Depending on the behavioral characteristics of personality styles and the range in which their characteristics stand out, parenting practices are used.
Background: Family changes and the role of grandfather over time have been relevant since they play an important role in the transmission of social and emotional values and nowadays they have been taking center stage in front of tasks related to care, education and upbringing. Objective: To relate the personality styles of caregivers grandparents and the parenting practices used with their grandchildren through relevant instruments to obtain inferences between various variables. Methods: The present investigation uses a quantitative methodology with a non-experimental approach of correlational scope, with an intentional non-probabilistic sample of 60 caregivers grandparents as participants. Results: The most frequent personality styles in the population are: Obsessive Compulsive, Schizoid, Dependent, Schizotypal and Depressive; the most used parenting practices are: Positive Orientation, Sensitization Techniques and Expression of Affection, likewise, it is found that the female sex has the highest correlation with the variables. Conclusions: Depending on the behavioral characteristics of personality styles and the range in which their characteristics stand out, parenting practices are used.
Palabras clave
Abuelos, Cuidadores, Personalidad, Crianza, Grandparents, Caregivers, Personality, Breeding