Análisis de la reparación integral a las familias víctimas del conflicto armado interno, respecto a ley 1448 de 2011 del departamento Norte de Santander
Anaya Toloza, Maria del Pilar
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo de investigación refiere al análisis de la reparación integral a las
familias víctimas del conflicto armado interno, respecto a ley 1448 de 2011 del departamento
Norte de Santander; Normativa que se ha dictado para reivindicar la integridad y el derecho
de las víctimas.
El objeto de estudio es establecer el cumplimiento de la ley en la población de interés,
esto permite identificar la manera de proceder del estado en su debida aplicación. Por otra
parte, detallar los problemas estructurales existentes y las medidas adoptadas para su
El análisis fue realizado bajo el enfoque de investigación Cualitativa, abordando el
método Hermenéutico del problema planteado y así analizar los beneficios que tiene la ley
y las posibles deficiencias.
El estado colombiano ha sufrido grandes daños causados por el desplazamiento forzado,
hostigamientos y violación a los derechos humanos.
Adicionalmente uno de los departamentos de Colombia como lo es Norte de Santander,
por estar ubicado en una zona estratégica fronteriza, favorece a los grupos armados no
estatales permitiéndoles la movilidad y su cometido respecto al narcotráfico, los grupos que
aprovechan estas zonas veredales con los municipios del Tarra, San Calixto, Tibú y la
subregión del Catatumbo son usados para el narcotráfico, su distribución y para el
movimiento de sus tropas como lo son las (FARC, EPL, ELN). Finalmente, la conclusión se
centraría en si el gobierno en aras del cumplimiento de la ley ha realizado la debida
reparación del bien jurídico lesionado de las víctimas del conflicto armado.
This research article refers to the analysis of comprehensive reparation for families victims of internal armed conflict, with respect to law 1448 of 2011 of the Department Norte de Santander; Regulations that have been issued to claim the integrity and right of victims. The purpose of the study is to establish compliance with the law in the population of interest, this allows to identify the way to proceed from the state in its proper application. On the other hand, to detail the existing structural problems and the measures taken to improve them. The analysis was carried out under the Qualitative Research approach, addressing the Hermeneutic method of the problem raised and thus analyzing the benefits of the law and possible deficiencies. The Colombian state has suffered extensive damage caused by forced displacement, harassment and human rights violations. In addition, one of the departments of Colombia such as Norte de Santander, because it is located in a strategic border area, it favors non-state armed groups allowing them mobility and their role with respect to drug trafficking, the groups that take advantage of these green areas with the municipalities of Tarra, San Calixto, Tibu and the Subregion of the Catatumbo are used for drug trafficking, their distribution and for the movement of their troops as they are (FARC , EPL, ELN). Finally, the conclusion would focus on whether the government has carried out the proper reparation of the injured legal property of victims of the armed conflict.
This research article refers to the analysis of comprehensive reparation for families victims of internal armed conflict, with respect to law 1448 of 2011 of the Department Norte de Santander; Regulations that have been issued to claim the integrity and right of victims. The purpose of the study is to establish compliance with the law in the population of interest, this allows to identify the way to proceed from the state in its proper application. On the other hand, to detail the existing structural problems and the measures taken to improve them. The analysis was carried out under the Qualitative Research approach, addressing the Hermeneutic method of the problem raised and thus analyzing the benefits of the law and possible deficiencies. The Colombian state has suffered extensive damage caused by forced displacement, harassment and human rights violations. In addition, one of the departments of Colombia such as Norte de Santander, because it is located in a strategic border area, it favors non-state armed groups allowing them mobility and their role with respect to drug trafficking, the groups that take advantage of these green areas with the municipalities of Tarra, San Calixto, Tibu and the Subregion of the Catatumbo are used for drug trafficking, their distribution and for the movement of their troops as they are (FARC , EPL, ELN). Finally, the conclusion would focus on whether the government has carried out the proper reparation of the injured legal property of victims of the armed conflict.
Palabras clave
Conflicto armado, Narcotráfico, Reparación, Victimas