Estrés laboral, calidad del sueño y síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de la Costa Caribe Colombiana
Rosales Caballero, Oskana María
Vendries Castellanos, Katerine
Rincón Wandurraga, Oscar Mauricio
Polo Acuña, Marco Vinicio
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de riesgo asociados a estrés laboral, calidad del
sueño y síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de la Costa Caribe Colombiana. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal aplicado a 242 trabajadores de las empresas incluidas en la investigación. La información fue recopilada por el grupo de trabajo empleando técnicas y métodos de investigación, como entrevistas y aplicación de cuestionarios a través de formularios digitalizados y compartidos por medios electrónicos y formularios impresos entregador directamente a los trabajadores. Se midió y evaluó los niveles de riesgo asociados a estrés laboral, calidad del sueño y síntomas osteomusculares y su relación, mediante los cuestionarios de “Encuesta Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)”, “Encuesta de Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh” y “Cuestionario Nórdico de Síntomas Musculotendinosos”.
Resultados: En general los resultados muestran que el estrés laboral, la mala
calidad del sueño y los síntomas osteomusculares son problemas muy comunes
entre los trabajadores de la Costa Caribe Colombiana. Finalmente, de 242
trabajadores encuestados en el periodo evaluado, el 0,4% (1) manifestó sentirse
vacíos todos los días al terminar su jornada laboral, el 41,3% (100) pocas veces a
la semana, mes o año y el 57,4% (139) nunca ha tenido el sentimiento de vacío.
Con un comportamiento similar encontramos que el 1,2% (3) de los encuestados se ha sentido fatigado laboralmente todos los días al levantarse por la mañana y
enfrentar la jornada laboral, el 52,1% (126) pocas veces a la semana, mes o año y
el 46,7% (113) nunca se sentido fatigado. En coherencia con las dos variables
anteriores encontramos que 2,1% (5) nunca se ha sentido activo laboralmente, el
25,6% (62) pocas veces a la semana, mes o año, y 72,3% (175) todos los días se
ha sentido activo laboralmente. En cuanto a la calidad del sueño el 12 (29) % de los trabajadores tienen entre bastante y muy mala calidad de sueño, en cambio, pero el 88% (213) tiene entre bastante y muy buena calidad de Sueño. Respecto a el uso de medicación como medio de motivación para dormir ya sea por su cuenta o recetada por un médico, encontramos que 23,1% (56) toma medicamentos entre menos de una a 3 veces o más en la semana, frente al 76,9% (186) que no toma medicamentos por lo menos ninguna vez en el último mes.
Ahora bien, en cuanto a los síntomas osteomusculares de los encuestados entre los últimos 12 meses y 7 días, el 33,1% (80) presento molestias en el Cuello, mientras el 69,9% (132) no, el 28,1% (68) en Espalda Baja Zona Lumbar, mientras que el 71,9% (174) no y el 11,2% (27) presentan molestias en Una o Dos Rodillas, mientras que el 88,8% (215) no. De estos trabajadores el 54.5% (13) siente dolor entre suave y moderado, el 3,7% (9) entre mucho e insoportable, mientras que el 41,7% (101) manifestó no sentir dolor. Conclusión: Los resultados del proyecto sobre "Estrés Laboral, Calidad del Sueño y Síntomas Osteomusculares en trabajadores de la Costa Caribe Colombiana" evidencian que estos son problemas muy comunes no solo en la región. Así mismo la no intervención a tiempo y de manera efectiva tendrá efectos negativos no solo en la salud mental y física de los trabajadores, sino que terminará impactado en su rendimiento y productividad, extendiéndose también en el bienestar de su entorno familiar. Se recomienda realizar más estudios realizando medición y evaluación especifica por tipo de sector, turnicidad, etc., y correlacionando mejor las variables sociodemográficas, para así de esta manera determinar la atención prioritaria e intervenirlos a través de programa de promoción y prevención como son Programa SVE Psicosocial, Programa de Hábitos y Estilos de Vida Saludable y SVE Osteomuscular.
Objective: Determine the risk levels associated with work stress, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers on the Colombian Caribbean Coast. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study in 242 workers from the companies included in the research. The information was collected by the work group using research techniques and methods, such as interviews and application of questionnaires through digitized forms and shared by electronic means and printed forms delivered directly to the workers. The risk levels associated with work stress, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms and their relationship were measured and evaluated using the “Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)” questionnaires, “Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Survey” and “Nordic Musculotendon Symptoms Questionnaire. Results: In general, the results show that work stress, poor sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms are very common problems among workers on the Colombian coast. Finally, of 242 workers surveyed in the period evaluated, 0.4% (1) reported feeling empty every day at the end of their workday, 41.3% (100) a few times a week, month or year, and 57.4% (139) have never had the feeling of emptiness. With a similar behavior we found that 1.2% (3) of those surveyed have felt work fatigue every day when getting up in the morning and facing the work day, 52.1% (126) a few times a week, month or year and 46.7% (113) never felt fatigued. Consistent with the two previous variables, we find that 2.1% (5) have never felt active at work, 25.6% (62) a few times a week, month or year, and 72.3% (175) all the days he has felt active at work. Regarding sleep quality, 12 (29)% of workers have between fairly and very poor quality of sleep, on the other hand, but 88% (213) have between quite and very good quality of sleep. Regarding the use of medication as a means of motivation to sleep, whether on their own or prescribed by a doctor, we found that 23.1% (56) take medication between less than one to 3 times or more a week, compared to 76 .9% (186) who do not take medications at least once in the last month. Now, regarding the musculoskeletal symptoms of those surveyed between the last 12 months and 7 days, 33.1% (80) had neck discomfort, while 69.9% (132) did not, 28.1 % (68) in the Lower Back Lumbar Area, while 71.9% (174) do not and 11.2% (27) present discomfort in One or Two Knees, while 88.8% (215) do not. Of these workers, 54.5% (13) feel pain between mild and moderate, 3.7% (9) between a lot and unbearable, while 41.7% (101) stated that they did not feel pain. Conclusion: The results of the project on "Work Stress, Sleep Quality and Osteomuscular Symptoms in workers on the Colombian Caribbean Coast" show that these are very common problems not only in the region. Likewise, failure to intervene in a timely and effective manner will have negative effects not only on the mental and physical health of workers, but will end up impacting their performance and productivity, also extending to the well-being of their family environment. It is recommended to carry out more studies, carrying out specific measurement and evaluation by type of sector, shift, etc., and better correlating the sociodemographic variables, in order to determine priority attention and intervene through promotion and prevention programs such as the EVS Program. Psychosocial, Healthy Habits and Lifestyles Program and Osteomuscular EVS.
Objective: Determine the risk levels associated with work stress, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms in workers on the Colombian Caribbean Coast. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study in 242 workers from the companies included in the research. The information was collected by the work group using research techniques and methods, such as interviews and application of questionnaires through digitized forms and shared by electronic means and printed forms delivered directly to the workers. The risk levels associated with work stress, sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms and their relationship were measured and evaluated using the “Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)” questionnaires, “Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Survey” and “Nordic Musculotendon Symptoms Questionnaire. Results: In general, the results show that work stress, poor sleep quality and musculoskeletal symptoms are very common problems among workers on the Colombian coast. Finally, of 242 workers surveyed in the period evaluated, 0.4% (1) reported feeling empty every day at the end of their workday, 41.3% (100) a few times a week, month or year, and 57.4% (139) have never had the feeling of emptiness. With a similar behavior we found that 1.2% (3) of those surveyed have felt work fatigue every day when getting up in the morning and facing the work day, 52.1% (126) a few times a week, month or year and 46.7% (113) never felt fatigued. Consistent with the two previous variables, we find that 2.1% (5) have never felt active at work, 25.6% (62) a few times a week, month or year, and 72.3% (175) all the days he has felt active at work. Regarding sleep quality, 12 (29)% of workers have between fairly and very poor quality of sleep, on the other hand, but 88% (213) have between quite and very good quality of sleep. Regarding the use of medication as a means of motivation to sleep, whether on their own or prescribed by a doctor, we found that 23.1% (56) take medication between less than one to 3 times or more a week, compared to 76 .9% (186) who do not take medications at least once in the last month. Now, regarding the musculoskeletal symptoms of those surveyed between the last 12 months and 7 days, 33.1% (80) had neck discomfort, while 69.9% (132) did not, 28.1 % (68) in the Lower Back Lumbar Area, while 71.9% (174) do not and 11.2% (27) present discomfort in One or Two Knees, while 88.8% (215) do not. Of these workers, 54.5% (13) feel pain between mild and moderate, 3.7% (9) between a lot and unbearable, while 41.7% (101) stated that they did not feel pain. Conclusion: The results of the project on "Work Stress, Sleep Quality and Osteomuscular Symptoms in workers on the Colombian Caribbean Coast" show that these are very common problems not only in the region. Likewise, failure to intervene in a timely and effective manner will have negative effects not only on the mental and physical health of workers, but will end up impacting their performance and productivity, also extending to the well-being of their family environment. It is recommended to carry out more studies, carrying out specific measurement and evaluation by type of sector, shift, etc., and better correlating the sociodemographic variables, in order to determine priority attention and intervene through promotion and prevention programs such as the EVS Program. Psychosocial, Healthy Habits and Lifestyles Program and Osteomuscular EVS.
Palabras clave
Estrés laboral, Calidad de sueño, Trastornos de traumas acumulativos, Sector privado, Work stress, Sleep quality, Cumulative trauma disorders, Private sector