Estrategias de educación en salud para la prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad en estudiantes universitarios. Revisión sistemática
Gómez Arrieta, Yulieth Johana
Maldonado Martínez, Camila Andrea
Morales Botello, Angie Carolina
Restrepo Osorio, Elizabeth
Sandoval López, Sharon Nicole
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: La obesidad es una condición que puede manifestarse desde la
infancia, y supone un problema prioritario de salud pública tanto en países
desarrollados como en vía de desarrollo, principalmente por sus implicaciones en el
desarrollo de todo tipo de Enfermedades No Transmisibles y el aumento
desmesurado en lo sindicadores de en la morbilidad y mortalidad a nivel mundial.
Estudios realizados han demostrado que la intervención del fisioterapeuta puede
prevenir el aumento de los indicadores de sobrepeso y obesidad, así como también
las enfermedades no transmisibles, por eso es muy importante entornos y
comunidades favorables que permitan influir en las elecciones de las personas, de
modo que la opción más sencilla (la más accesible, disponible y asequible) sea la
más saludable en materia de alimentos y actividad física periódica. En el plano
individual, las personas pueden optar por: limitar la ingesta energética procedente
de la cantidad de grasa total y de azúcares; aumentar el consumo de frutas y
verduras, así como de legumbres, cereales integrales y frutos secos; y realizar una
actividad física periódica. Objetivo: Identificar las estrategias de educación en salud
para la prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad en jóvenes universitarios disponibles
en la literatura científica actualizada. Materiales y método: Revisión sistemática de
los resultados de estudios sobre estrategias de educación en salud para la
prevención del sobrepeso y la obesidad en jóvenes universitarios. Se identificaron
80 artículos a través de la búsqueda automatizada en las bases de datos PUBMED,
Scopus, Sciencie Direct, OVID, WOS y SpringerTaylor, publicados en el periodo
comprendido entre 2018 y el 2022. Para seleccionar los artículos fue preciso
considerar la utilidad y la relevancia del tema estudiado y la credibilidad o
experiencia de los autores en la temática. Se tuvo en cuenta la validez interna y
externa de cada uno de los artículos revisados. Resultados: Se evidenciaron
multiplicidad de modelos teóricos utilizados para el diseño de las intervenciones en
salud pública dirigidas a población universitaria para la prevención del sobrepeso y
la obesidad, principalmente el Modelo de Creencias de Salud, Modelo PRECEDE,
Modelo de Etapas de Cambio, la Teoría del Aprendizaje Social de Bandura, la
Teoría de Acción Razonada y la Teoría del comportamiento planificado. Se
identificaron estrategias de carácter inter y multidisciplinarios dirigidas al fomento de
los estilos de vida saludables en los diferentes contextos familiares, laborales,
educativos y de salud basadas en Estrategias IEC (Información, Educación y
Comunicación) para el cambio de comportamiento. Se identificaron la existencia de
diversos dispositivos electrónicos y aplicaciones que promueven la práctica de
actividad física y recomendaciones para la adquisición de hábitos alimenticios
saludables. Conclusiones: Las estrategias de educación en salud para prevenir el
sobrepeso y obesidad en jóvenes universitarios deben de carácter inter y
multidisciplinarios basadas en los modelos teóricos que sustentan las
intervenciones en salud pública y las Estrategias IEC (Información, Educación y
Comunicación) para el cambio de comportamiento. Finalmente, se evidenciaron la
importancia que revisten las nuevas tecnologías para la adquisición de hábitos
saludables de vida, sobre todo por su fácil uso y portabilidad, dado que gran parte
de la población cuenta con al menos un dispositivo móvil, los cuales pueden ser
utilizados dentro y fuera del contexto universitario.
Introduction: Obesity is a condition that can manifest itself from childhood and is a priority public health problem in both developed and developing countries, mainly due to its implications in the development of all types of Non-Communicable Diseases and the excessive increase in in the syndicators of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Studies carried out have shown that the intervention of the physiotherapist can prevent the increase in indicators of overweight and obesity, as well as non-communicable diseases, for this reason it is very important to have favorable environments and communities that allow influencing people's choices, so that the simplest option (the most accessible, available and affordable) is the healthiest in terms of food and regular physical activity. At the individual level, people can choose to: limit energy intake from the amount of total fat and sugars; increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts; and perform regular physical activity. Objective: To identify health education strategies for the prevention of overweight and obesity in university students available in the updated scientific literature. Materials and method: Systematic review of the results of studies on health education strategies for the prevention of overweight and obesity in university students. 80 articles were identified through the automated search in the PUBMED, Scopus, Science Direct, OVID, WOS and SpringerTaylor databases, published in the period between 2018 and 2022. To select the articles, it was necessary to consider the usefulness and relevance of the topic studied and the credibility or experience of the authors in the topic. The internal and external validity of each of the reviewed articles was taken into account. Results: Multiple theoretical models used for the design of public health interventions aimed at the university population for the prevention of overweight and obesity were evidenced, mainly the Health Beliefs Model, PRECEDE Model, Stages of Change Model, Theory of Bandura's Social Learning, the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Inter and multidisciplinary strategies aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles in different family, work, educational and health contexts based on IEC Strategies (Information, Education and Communication) for behavior change were identified. The existence of various electronic devices and applications that promote the practice of physical activity and recommendations for the acquisition of healthy eating habits were identified. Conclusions: Health education strategies to prevent overweight and obesity in young university students must be interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary based on theoretical models that support public health interventions and IEC Strategies (Information, Education and Communication) for behavior change behaviour. Finally, the importance of new technologies for the acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits was evidenced, especially for its easy use and portability, given that a large part of the population has at least one mobile device, which can be used indoors. and outside the university context.
Introduction: Obesity is a condition that can manifest itself from childhood and is a priority public health problem in both developed and developing countries, mainly due to its implications in the development of all types of Non-Communicable Diseases and the excessive increase in in the syndicators of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Studies carried out have shown that the intervention of the physiotherapist can prevent the increase in indicators of overweight and obesity, as well as non-communicable diseases, for this reason it is very important to have favorable environments and communities that allow influencing people's choices, so that the simplest option (the most accessible, available and affordable) is the healthiest in terms of food and regular physical activity. At the individual level, people can choose to: limit energy intake from the amount of total fat and sugars; increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as legumes, whole grains and nuts; and perform regular physical activity. Objective: To identify health education strategies for the prevention of overweight and obesity in university students available in the updated scientific literature. Materials and method: Systematic review of the results of studies on health education strategies for the prevention of overweight and obesity in university students. 80 articles were identified through the automated search in the PUBMED, Scopus, Science Direct, OVID, WOS and SpringerTaylor databases, published in the period between 2018 and 2022. To select the articles, it was necessary to consider the usefulness and relevance of the topic studied and the credibility or experience of the authors in the topic. The internal and external validity of each of the reviewed articles was taken into account. Results: Multiple theoretical models used for the design of public health interventions aimed at the university population for the prevention of overweight and obesity were evidenced, mainly the Health Beliefs Model, PRECEDE Model, Stages of Change Model, Theory of Bandura's Social Learning, the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Inter and multidisciplinary strategies aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles in different family, work, educational and health contexts based on IEC Strategies (Information, Education and Communication) for behavior change were identified. The existence of various electronic devices and applications that promote the practice of physical activity and recommendations for the acquisition of healthy eating habits were identified. Conclusions: Health education strategies to prevent overweight and obesity in young university students must be interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary based on theoretical models that support public health interventions and IEC Strategies (Information, Education and Communication) for behavior change behaviour. Finally, the importance of new technologies for the acquisition of healthy lifestyle habits was evidenced, especially for its easy use and portability, given that a large part of the population has at least one mobile device, which can be used indoors. and outside the university context.
Palabras clave
Actividad física, obesidad, Estilo de vida saludable, Comportamiento sedentario, Jóvenes universitarios