Educación inclusiva. Avances en la implementación del decreto 1421 de 2017 en las escuelas oficiales del municipio de Baranoa
Llanos Fontalvo, Sara Vanessa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Fundamentada en la Declaratoria de los DD.HH. de 1949 y la Ley 1346 de 2009 “…promover, proteger y asegurar el goce pleno y en condiciones de igualdad de todos los derechos humanos y libertades fundamentales por todas las personas con discapacidad, y promover el respeto de su dignidad inherente…”. La educación es un derecho fundamental, que a nivel nacional se encuentra amparada en el Artículo 67 de nuestra carta magna, “… La educación es un derecho de la persona y un servicio público que tiene una función social; con ella se busca el acceso al conocimiento, a la ciencia, a la técnica, y a los demás bienes y valores de la cultura. El Estado colombiano en virtud de las normativas anteriormente mencionadas y la evolución globalizada del concepto de moral hoy se habla en las instituciones oficiales de una educación inclusiva, donde todos los niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes se les garantice su derecho fundamental de acceso a la educación promoviendo la permanencia y promoción de los mismos, por medio de modelos metodológicos que permiten a la escuela adaptarse al estudiante y no al contrario como era costumbre, el Decreto 1421 de 2017, tiene como objeto la implementación de una ruta, esquema y condiciones para la atención de esta población con algún tipo de discapacidad en todos los niveles de formación desde preescolar hasta la media, bajo los principios de calidad, diversidad, pertinencia, participación, equidad e interculturalidad señalados en la Ley 1618 de 2013.
Based on the Declaration of Human Rights of 1949 and Law 1346 of 2009 "... to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity... ". Education is a fundamental right, which at the national level is protected by Article 67 of our Magna Carta, "... Education is a right of the person and a public service that has a social function; with it is sought access to knowledge, science, technology, and the other goods and values of culture. The Colombian State, by virtue of the aforementioned regulations and the globalized evolution of the concept of morality, today speaks in official institutions of an inclusive education, where all children, adolescents and young people are guaranteed their fundamental right of access to education, promoting their permanence and promotion, through methodological models that allow the school to adapt to the student and not the other way around as was customary, Decree 1421 of 2017, aims to implement a route, scheme and conditions for the attention of this population with some type of disability at all levels of training from preschool to the middle, under the principles of quality, diversity, relevance, participation, equity and interculturality indicated in Law 1618 of 2013.
Based on the Declaration of Human Rights of 1949 and Law 1346 of 2009 "... to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity... ". Education is a fundamental right, which at the national level is protected by Article 67 of our Magna Carta, "... Education is a right of the person and a public service that has a social function; with it is sought access to knowledge, science, technology, and the other goods and values of culture. The Colombian State, by virtue of the aforementioned regulations and the globalized evolution of the concept of morality, today speaks in official institutions of an inclusive education, where all children, adolescents and young people are guaranteed their fundamental right of access to education, promoting their permanence and promotion, through methodological models that allow the school to adapt to the student and not the other way around as was customary, Decree 1421 of 2017, aims to implement a route, scheme and conditions for the attention of this population with some type of disability at all levels of training from preschool to the middle, under the principles of quality, diversity, relevance, participation, equity and interculturality indicated in Law 1618 of 2013.
Palabras clave
Educación, Inclusión, Infraestructura, PIAR, Education, Inclusion, Infrastructure