Diseño y validación de una escala para evaluar el Riesgo Suicida (ERS) en adolescentes colombianos
Bahamón Muñetón, Marly Johana
Alarcón-Vásquez, Yolima
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Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
El objetivo del estudio fue construir y validar una escala para la evaluación
del riesgo suicida en adolescentes. Los ítems iniciales se elaboraron con
base en la revisión bibliográfica y se sometió a evaluación de expertos con
el fin de analizar aspectos teóricos y lingüísticos. La muestra fue de 537
adolescentes entre 13 y 18 años, con una media de 15.2 (DE = 1.1), 268
hombres (49.9 %) y 269 (50.1 %) mujeres. La consistencia interna total
del instrumento fue de 0.934; las escalas mostraron alfa de Cronbach entre
0.71 y 0.929; se aplicó el omega de Mcdonald con el uso del software
R y los resultados fueron muy similares. Se realizó análisis factorial
exploratorio método VARIMAX y análisis factorial confirmatorio con el
uso del programa estadístico AMOS. Los análisis de ítems, correlación y
efectos de suelo y techo mostraron correlaciones entre 0.411** y 0.784**
con el puntaje global. Las correlaciones de los ítems con las dimensiones
fluctuaron entre 0.71** y 0.908**. Una vez obtenida la agrupación de
los ítems en cuatro factores, se hallaron correlaciones significativamente
altas entre las subescalas con el puntaje global (0.749**a 0.868**). En
conclusión, el instrumento constituye una medida válida y confiable para
la evaluación del riesgo suicida en adolescentes colombianos.
This study aims to construct and validate a scale for the assessment of suicide risk in adolescents. Initial items were prepared based on bibliographical review and were subject to expert evaluation with the objective of analyzing theoretical and linguistic aspects. 537 adolescents between 13 and 18 years old with a mean of 15.2 (SD = 1.1), 268 being male (49.9%) and 269 (50.1%) being womenfemale were sampled. The internal consistency of the instrument was .934, the scales showed Cronbach’s alphas between 0.71 and 0.929, it was applied from Mcdonald's Omega with the use of software R and the results were very similar. Exploratory factorial analysis was made VARIMAX method and confirmatory factorial analysis was determined with the use of the statistical program masters. The items analysis, correlation, and effects of floor and ceiling, and showed correlations between 0.411** and 0.784** with a global score. The items correlations fluctuated between 0.71 and 0.908****. In conclusion, the instrument shows to be a valid and reliable measure for suicide risk in an adolescent assessment tool.
This study aims to construct and validate a scale for the assessment of suicide risk in adolescents. Initial items were prepared based on bibliographical review and were subject to expert evaluation with the objective of analyzing theoretical and linguistic aspects. 537 adolescents between 13 and 18 years old with a mean of 15.2 (SD = 1.1), 268 being male (49.9%) and 269 (50.1%) being womenfemale were sampled. The internal consistency of the instrument was .934, the scales showed Cronbach’s alphas between 0.71 and 0.929, it was applied from Mcdonald's Omega with the use of software R and the results were very similar. Exploratory factorial analysis was made VARIMAX method and confirmatory factorial analysis was determined with the use of the statistical program masters. The items analysis, correlation, and effects of floor and ceiling, and showed correlations between 0.411** and 0.784** with a global score. The items correlations fluctuated between 0.71 and 0.908****. In conclusion, the instrument shows to be a valid and reliable measure for suicide risk in an adolescent assessment tool.
Palabras clave
Riesgo suicida, Adolescencia, Suicidio, Evaluación suicidio, Escala suicidio, ERS, Risk suicide, Adolescence, Suicide, Suicide scale