El reglamento interno de trabajo como un instrumento protector de los derechos de los trabajadores y del empleador al ejecutar los procesos disciplinarios sancionatorios
Rico Machuca, Juan Carlos
Castro Borja, Yeraldin
Camargo Mercado, Omar Alonso
Burgos García, Marleidis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Para hablar del reglamento interno de trabajo, primero debemos abordar el nacimiento del derecho al trabajo, el cual dio paso a la reglamentación interna en cada empresa posteriormente, respetando las normas constitucionales y legislativas sobre este Derecho.
La Constitución de 1991 consideró a los trabajadores sujetos de especial protección al ordenar al legislador en su Artículo 53 el expedir un estatuto del trabajo que considere los principios mínimos, para garantizar su dignidad humana y su derecho a la igualdad, en razón a la situación de subordinación propia de la relación laboral.
En aras de garantizar y hacer efectivo las garantías consagradas en la Constitución Política, la jurisprudencia ha sostenido que es “indispensable que los entes de carácter privado fijen unas formas o parámetros mínimos que delimiten el uso de este poder y que permitan al conglomerado conocer las condiciones en que puede o ha de desarrollarse su relación con éstos. Es aquí donde encuentra justificación la existencia y la exigencia que se hace de los llamados reglamentos, manuales de convivencia, estatutos, etc., en los cuales se fijan esos mínimos que garantizan los derechos al debido proceso y a la defensa de los individuos que hacen parte del ente correspondiente”. Sentencia C-593/14.
Uno de los aspectos más importantes dentro del desarrollo empresarial es el Reglamento Interno de trabajo el cual se puede definir como un “conjunto de normas que gobiernan la relación entre el empleador y los trabajadores, en las que se incluyen las conductas que son sancionables, lo mismo que las sanciones a imponer y el procedimiento para imponerlas, ya que este se encarga de crear una protección bipartita, en la cual se establecen normas que no afecten los derechos mínimos del trabajador ni de la empresa y es tan importante que si no existiera sería muy difícil sancionar a un trabajador por algún acto impropio, puesto que no había ninguna sustentación normativa o regulatoria que ampare una decisión sancionatoria.
Como principal conclusión derivada de la investigación en torno a la protección que puede brindar el Reglamento Interno de Trabajo a los empleados y empleadores en procesos disciplinarios sobre sus derechos, se puede indicar que este documento si es elaborado a conciencia por el empleador, con los requisitos establecidos en la ley, cumpliendo los principios de publicidad, justicia y equidad, podrá brindarle a este las herramientas necesarias para evitar sanciones innecesarias, multas por vulneración de derechos y garantizaría los buenos procedimientos disciplinarios al interior de una organización, garantizando menos controversias sobre asuntos relacionados a vulneración de derechos laborales y al debido proceso.
Ahora bien, desde el punto de vista del ordenamiento jurídico dispuesto en dicho estatuto, que es el código Sustantivo del Trabajo, el reglamento de trabajo está regulado por los artículos 104 a 125 del Código Sustantivo del Trabajo siendo muy impórtate dentro de la organización de una empresa al momento de tratar algún problema surgido con un trabajador, puesto que cualquier sanción debe estar contemplada en el reglamento, y si este no existe, la empresa tendrá dificultades si decide sancionar a un empleado sin las bases regulatorias y sin ofrecerle al trabajador un debido proceso.
De acuerdo a lo planteado en el presente artículo podemos establecer como conclusión sobre la protección que puede brindar el Reglamento Interno de Trabajo a los empleados y empleadores en procesos disciplinarios sobre sus derechos laborales, se resalta que existen requisitos legales los cuales se deben cumplir como mínimo los dispuestos en la misma y que este documento debe ser elaborado a conciencia por el empleador y posterior a ello debe aplicar en su proceso de aplicación la verificación de que ha cumplido con los principios de publicidad, justicia y equidad para generar las normas internas suficientes y que sean de conocimiento y manejo de todos con el fin de evitar la mayor cantidad de controversias posibles.
Además, resulta crítico para las empresas que establezcan un proceso disciplinario atendiendo a su esquema corporativo, pero garantizando a los trabajadores de la mejor manera posible su derecho a la defensa y al debido proceso. En caso de que no exista la estructura que permita segunda instancia, por ejemplo, es recomendable indicar al trabajador las opciones de las cuales dispone fuera de la empresa de manera escrita, dejando evidencia de dicha alternativa.
To talk about internal labor regulations, we must first approach the birth of the right to work, which later gave way to internal regulations in each company, respecting the constitutional and legislative norms on this Law. The 1991 Constitution, considered workers as subjects of special protection by ordering the legislator in Article 53 to issue a labor statute that considers the minimum principles, to guarantee their human dignity and their right to equality, due to the situation of subordination of the employment relationship. In order to guarantee and make effective the guarantees enshrined in the Political Constitution, jurisprudence has held that it is “essential that private entities establish certain minimum forms or parameters that define the use of this power and that allow the employees to know the conditions in which their relationship with them can be or will be developed. It is here where the existence and the demand that is made of the so-called regulations, coexistence manuals, statutes, etc., in which those minimums are set that guarantee the rights to due process and the defense of the individuals who are part of the corresponding entity ". Sentence C-593/14. One of the most important aspects of business development is the Internal Work Regulations, which can be defined as a “set of norms that govern the relationship between the employer and the workers, which include the behaviors that are punishable, as well as the sanctions to be imposed and the procedure to impose them, since this is responsible for creating bipartite protection, in which rules are established that do not affect the minimum rights of the worker or the company and it is so important that if it did not exist it would be very difficult to sanction a worker for an improper act, since there was no normative or regulatory support to protect a sanctioning decision. As the main conclusion derived from the research on the protection that the Internal Labor Regulations can provide to employees and employers in disciplinary processes regarding their rights, it can be indicated that this document is prepared thoroughly by the employer, with the requirements established in the law, complying with the principles of publicity, justice and fairness, it will be able to provide it with the necessary tools to avoid unnecessary sanctions, fines for violation of rights and would guarantee good disciplinary procedures within an organization, guaranteeing fewer controversies on related matters. to violation of labor rights and due process. Now, from the point of view of the legal system established in this statute, which is the Substantive Labor Code, the labor regulations are regulated by articles 104 to 125 of the Substantive Labor Code, being very important within the organization of a company when dealing with a problem that arises with a worker, since any sanction must be contemplated in the regulation, and if this does not exist, the company will have difficulties if it decides to sanction an employee without the regulatory bases and without offering the worker a due process. In accordance with the provisions of this article, we can establish as a conclusion about the protection that the Internal Labor Regulations can provide to employees and employers in disciplinary processes, regarding their labor rights, it is highlighted that there are legal requirements, which must be comply at least with the provisions in it and that this document must be prepared conscientiously by the employer and after that, it must apply in its application process the verification that it has complied with the principles of publicity, justice and equity, to generate sufficient internal rules, and that they are known and handled by everyone, in order to avoid as many controversies as possible. In addition, it is critical for companies to establish a disciplinary process according to their corporate scheme, but guaranteeing workers in the best possible way their right to defense and due process. In the event that the structure that allows second instance does not exist, for example, it is advisable to indicate to the worker the options available outside the company in writing, leaving evidence of such alternative.
To talk about internal labor regulations, we must first approach the birth of the right to work, which later gave way to internal regulations in each company, respecting the constitutional and legislative norms on this Law. The 1991 Constitution, considered workers as subjects of special protection by ordering the legislator in Article 53 to issue a labor statute that considers the minimum principles, to guarantee their human dignity and their right to equality, due to the situation of subordination of the employment relationship. In order to guarantee and make effective the guarantees enshrined in the Political Constitution, jurisprudence has held that it is “essential that private entities establish certain minimum forms or parameters that define the use of this power and that allow the employees to know the conditions in which their relationship with them can be or will be developed. It is here where the existence and the demand that is made of the so-called regulations, coexistence manuals, statutes, etc., in which those minimums are set that guarantee the rights to due process and the defense of the individuals who are part of the corresponding entity ". Sentence C-593/14. One of the most important aspects of business development is the Internal Work Regulations, which can be defined as a “set of norms that govern the relationship between the employer and the workers, which include the behaviors that are punishable, as well as the sanctions to be imposed and the procedure to impose them, since this is responsible for creating bipartite protection, in which rules are established that do not affect the minimum rights of the worker or the company and it is so important that if it did not exist it would be very difficult to sanction a worker for an improper act, since there was no normative or regulatory support to protect a sanctioning decision. As the main conclusion derived from the research on the protection that the Internal Labor Regulations can provide to employees and employers in disciplinary processes regarding their rights, it can be indicated that this document is prepared thoroughly by the employer, with the requirements established in the law, complying with the principles of publicity, justice and fairness, it will be able to provide it with the necessary tools to avoid unnecessary sanctions, fines for violation of rights and would guarantee good disciplinary procedures within an organization, guaranteeing fewer controversies on related matters. to violation of labor rights and due process. Now, from the point of view of the legal system established in this statute, which is the Substantive Labor Code, the labor regulations are regulated by articles 104 to 125 of the Substantive Labor Code, being very important within the organization of a company when dealing with a problem that arises with a worker, since any sanction must be contemplated in the regulation, and if this does not exist, the company will have difficulties if it decides to sanction an employee without the regulatory bases and without offering the worker a due process. In accordance with the provisions of this article, we can establish as a conclusion about the protection that the Internal Labor Regulations can provide to employees and employers in disciplinary processes, regarding their labor rights, it is highlighted that there are legal requirements, which must be comply at least with the provisions in it and that this document must be prepared conscientiously by the employer and after that, it must apply in its application process the verification that it has complied with the principles of publicity, justice and equity, to generate sufficient internal rules, and that they are known and handled by everyone, in order to avoid as many controversies as possible. In addition, it is critical for companies to establish a disciplinary process according to their corporate scheme, but guaranteeing workers in the best possible way their right to defense and due process. In the event that the structure that allows second instance does not exist, for example, it is advisable to indicate to the worker the options available outside the company in writing, leaving evidence of such alternative.
Palabras clave
Reglamento interno del trabajo, Principios, Garantías, Debido proceso, Igualdad, Empleador, Trabajador, Ordenamiento jurídico, Internal labor regulations, Principles, Guarantees, Due process, Equality, Employer, Worker, Legal system