Variables que afectan la calidad educativa en la Institución educativa San Rafael del municipio de Albania la Guajira
Peralta Medina, Rosmira
González Valdeblanquez, Carmen
Freyle Melo, Enrique
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El propósito principal de la siguiente investigación fue analizar la calidad de la educación en la Institución Educativa San Rafael de Albania, departamento de La Guajira, Colombia; tomando como referencia el nivel socioeconómico de los padres, zona de residencia de los estudiantes, el género de los estudiantes.
Para el estudio se tomó una muestra de 144 estudiantes, de los cuales el 43,1% fueron hombres y el 56,9% fueron mujeres. Los datos se recolectaron de la base de datos del ICFES del año 2014. El tipo de investigación fue descriptiva y correlacional.
Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el software estadístico SPSS, se realizaron estudios estadísticos descriptivos, correlación lineal de Pearson, y pruebas de hipótesis. Se concluye que el nivel socio económico de los padres incide en el desempeño académico de los estudiantes, hay diferencias significativas en cuanto al aprendizaje de hombres y mujeres. No hay diferencia significativa en cuanto al aprendizaje de los estudiantes y el lugar de residencia, sea zona rural o zona urbana. La mayoría de las madres de familia no tiene formación profesional y su ocupación es dedicarse a los oficios del hogar.
The main purpose of this investigation was to analyze the quality of education in San Rafael Educational Institution of Albania, Department of La Guajira, Colombia; taking as reference variables such as socioeconomic status of parents, area of residence of students, educational level of parents, gender of students. For the study a sample of 144 students, of whom 43.1% were men and 56.9% were women took. Data were collected from the base of ICFES 2014. The research was descriptive and correlational. For data analysis SPSS statistical software was used and concluded that the socioeconomic status of parents affects the academic performance of students, there are significant differences in the learning of men and women. No significant difference in terms of student learning and place of residence, whether rural or urban area. Most mothers do not have professional training and occupation is devoted to the household chores.
The main purpose of this investigation was to analyze the quality of education in San Rafael Educational Institution of Albania, Department of La Guajira, Colombia; taking as reference variables such as socioeconomic status of parents, area of residence of students, educational level of parents, gender of students. For the study a sample of 144 students, of whom 43.1% were men and 56.9% were women took. Data were collected from the base of ICFES 2014. The research was descriptive and correlational. For data analysis SPSS statistical software was used and concluded that the socioeconomic status of parents affects the academic performance of students, there are significant differences in the learning of men and women. No significant difference in terms of student learning and place of residence, whether rural or urban area. Most mothers do not have professional training and occupation is devoted to the household chores.
Palabras clave
Calidad educativa, Desempeño académico, Evaluación, Educational quality, Academic performance, Evaluation