Diseño de una ruta pedagógica para el ingreso y adaptación al sistema educativo colombiano desde los estados emocionales que experimentan los niños y niñas migrantes venezolanos de grado quinto
Mora Izquierdo, Dayana Paola
Murillo Maldonado, Claudia Milena
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El fenómeno migratorio de ciudadanos venezolanos hacia Colombia y otros países, ha aumentado en los últimos cinco años, observándose que en el año 2021 hay un total de 1’742.927 migrantes del vecino país en territorio colombiano; lo que deja en evidencia el aumento de la demanda en todos los sectores económicos del país. Frente a esta situación específica, el Ministerio de Educación ha trazado lineamientos y promovido el restablecimiento de derechos a los niños venezolanos, sobre todo aquellos relacionados con la educación. Es por tanto que se traza como objetivo de esta investigación diseñar una ruta pedagógica para el ingreso y adaptación al sistema educativo colombiano desde los estados emocionales que experimentan los niños y niñas migrantes venezolanos del grado quinto de primaria. Para esto se desarrolla una metodología con enfoque cualitativo, bajo un paradigma interpretativo dialógico, con un método de investigación fenomenológico; además se utiliza como instrumento una matriz de análisis documental, y una entrevista semiestructurada dirigida a estudiantes migrantes venezolanos. Como resultados se obtuvo que a nivel emocional la migración provoca emociones como angustia, culpa, ansiedad y también esperanza; si hay normatividad actualmente que cobije a los niños migrantes en el sistema educativo colombiano, además en el contexto de la realidad de la Institución objeto de estudio, se observa que no hay estimados lineamientos para la atención a población migrante. Por otra parte, los niños en su mayoría se sienten frustrados por no entender la tarea, existe un caso de violencia escolar dirigido a un estudiante migrante, los niños reconocen que la calidad educativa en Colombia es mayor, pero difieren en cuanto a la educación deportiva y artística, sugieren mejoras hacia las clases extracurriculares. En cuanto a la pedagogía, indican que los docentes han facilitado los nuevos cambios. La cantidad de materias, el sistema de calificación y el estilo de letra son diferentes a los que estaban habituados, sin embargo, se encuentran en proceso de adaptarse a los cambios; una de las mayores preocupaciones encontradas, alude a que no se esta incluyendo la cultura venezolana en las actividades académicas, por tanto, no se cumple totalmente la consigna de una educación intercultural. También los niños entrevistados refieren la necesidad de volver a las clases presenciales y mejorar la carga académica. Todo esto conllevo a que se trazaran responsabilidades en una ruta de atención bajo tres grupos: Institución educativa, docentes y pares, padres de familia y comunidad; con el objetivo de finalizar un proceso escolar de manera funcional. Se concluye entonces, que los estudiantes migrantes venezolanos requieren de un acompañamiento a nivel académico y emocional, que permita una adaptación funcional al nuevo entorno educativo; además como agentes de la comunidad educativa, los docentes, directivos, pares y familias deben comprometerse a participar en el proceso de adaptación escolar de manera integral y continua; por lo tanto todas las estrategias planteadas en la ruta de atención al estudiante migrante en Colombia fueron pensadas para brindar un servicio de calidad, lograr que el niño maximice su potencial no solamente cognitivo sino de manera integral.
The migratory phenomenon of Venezuelan citizens to Colombia and other countries has increased in the last five years, with a total of 1'742,927 migrants from the neighboring country in Colombian territory in 2021, which evidences the increase in demand in all economic sectors of the country. Faced with this specific situation, the Ministry of Education has outlined guidelines and promoted the restoration of rights to Venezuelan children, especially those related to education. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design a pedagogical route for the entry and adaptation to the Colombian educational system based on the emotional states experienced by Venezuelan migrant children in the fifth grade of primary school. For this purpose, a methodology with a qualitative approach is developed, under a dialogic interpretative paradigm, with a phenomenological research method; in addition, a documentary analysis matrix and a semi-structured interview directed to Venezuelan migrant students are used as instruments. As results it was obtained that at an emotional level migration provokes emotions such as anguish, guilt, anxiety and also hope; if there are currently regulations that cover migrant children in the Colombian educational system, also in the context of the reality of the Institution under study, it is observed that there are no estimated guidelines for the attention to the migrant population. On the other hand, most of the children feel frustrated for not understanding the task, there is a case of school violence directed to a migrant student, the children recognize that the quality of education in Colombia is higher, but they differ in terms of sports and artistic education, they suggest improvements towards extracurricular classes. Regarding pedagogy, they indicate that teachers have facilitated the new changes. The number of subjects, the grading system and the style of writing are different from what they were used to, however, they are in the process of adapting to the changes; one of the greatest concerns found, alludes to the fact that the Venezuelan culture is not being included in academic activities, therefore, the slogan of an intercultural education is not fully complied with. The children interviewed also refer to the need to return to face-to-face classes and improve the academic load. All this led to the development of responsibilities in an attention route under three groups: educational institution, teachers and peers, parents and community; with the objective of finalizing the school process in a functional way. It is concluded then, that Venezuelan migrant students require academic and emotional support, which allows a functional adaptation to the new educational environment; also as agents of the educational community, teachers, managers, peers and families must be committed to participate in the process of school adaptation in a comprehensive and continuous manner; therefore all the strategies proposed in the care route for migrant students in Colombia were designed to provide a quality service, to ensure that the child maximizes his potential not only cognitively but in a comprehensive manner.
The migratory phenomenon of Venezuelan citizens to Colombia and other countries has increased in the last five years, with a total of 1'742,927 migrants from the neighboring country in Colombian territory in 2021, which evidences the increase in demand in all economic sectors of the country. Faced with this specific situation, the Ministry of Education has outlined guidelines and promoted the restoration of rights to Venezuelan children, especially those related to education. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design a pedagogical route for the entry and adaptation to the Colombian educational system based on the emotional states experienced by Venezuelan migrant children in the fifth grade of primary school. For this purpose, a methodology with a qualitative approach is developed, under a dialogic interpretative paradigm, with a phenomenological research method; in addition, a documentary analysis matrix and a semi-structured interview directed to Venezuelan migrant students are used as instruments. As results it was obtained that at an emotional level migration provokes emotions such as anguish, guilt, anxiety and also hope; if there are currently regulations that cover migrant children in the Colombian educational system, also in the context of the reality of the Institution under study, it is observed that there are no estimated guidelines for the attention to the migrant population. On the other hand, most of the children feel frustrated for not understanding the task, there is a case of school violence directed to a migrant student, the children recognize that the quality of education in Colombia is higher, but they differ in terms of sports and artistic education, they suggest improvements towards extracurricular classes. Regarding pedagogy, they indicate that teachers have facilitated the new changes. The number of subjects, the grading system and the style of writing are different from what they were used to, however, they are in the process of adapting to the changes; one of the greatest concerns found, alludes to the fact that the Venezuelan culture is not being included in academic activities, therefore, the slogan of an intercultural education is not fully complied with. The children interviewed also refer to the need to return to face-to-face classes and improve the academic load. All this led to the development of responsibilities in an attention route under three groups: educational institution, teachers and peers, parents and community; with the objective of finalizing the school process in a functional way. It is concluded then, that Venezuelan migrant students require academic and emotional support, which allows a functional adaptation to the new educational environment; also as agents of the educational community, teachers, managers, peers and families must be committed to participate in the process of school adaptation in a comprehensive and continuous manner; therefore all the strategies proposed in the care route for migrant students in Colombia were designed to provide a quality service, to ensure that the child maximizes his potential not only cognitively but in a comprehensive manner.
Palabras clave
Adaptación, Derecho a la educación, Estados emocionales, Estudiantes migrantes, Ruta pedagógica, Adaptation, Right to education, Emotional states, Migrant students, Pedagogical route