Participación de las mujeres migrantes venezolanas en la actividad doméstica y productiva en Barranquilla
Díaz Reyes, Sara Patricia
Llinás Zapata, Julieth Esperanza
Lozano Mendoza, Keren Daniela
Méndez Mancera, Dilia Rosa
Rodríguez Martínez, Milenis
Palmera Pérez, Leaneth Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La migración venezolana ha generado un impacto notable en Colombia durante los
últimos años, con Barranquilla recibiendo una gran afluencia de migrantes,
especialmente mujeres, que representan el 55% del flujo migratorio en esta ciudad.
La participación de estas mujeres en actividades domésticas y productivas ha
abierto un importante debate académico y social, destacando las limitaciones y
dificultades que enfrentan en términos de derechos y condiciones laborales. Aunque
estas mujeres contribuyen significativamente a la economía local y al bienestar de
los hogares, su desarrollo integral se ve limitado por barreras laborales, sociales y
culturales (Valdés, 2019).
Este estudio analiza las condiciones de trabajo de las mujeres migrantes
venezolanas en Barranquilla, desde un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño descriptivo y
mediante encuesta aplicada a una muestra de 30 mujeres centrándose en los
sectores domésticos y productivos. Se examinan factores como la informalidad
laboral, la discriminación salarial, la falta de acceso a seguridad social y la
exposición a riesgos en el trabajo (Castro, 2018). También se estudia el acceso de
estas mujeres a derechos fundamentales, incluyendo salud, educación y vivienda,
y se evalúan las políticas públicas implementadas en Barranquilla y Colombia en
beneficio de la población migrante.
Venezuelan migration has generated a notable impact in Colombia in recent years, with Barranquilla receiving a large influx of migrants, especially women, who represent 55% of the migratory flow in this city. The participation of these women in domestic and productive activities has opened an important academic and social debate, highlighting the limitations and difficulties they face in terms of rights and working conditions. Although these women contribute significantly to the local economy and the well-being of households, their comprehensive development is limited by labor, social and cultural barriers (Valdés, 2019). This study analyzes the working conditions of Venezuelan migrant women in Barranquilla, from a quantitative approach, descriptive design and through a survey applied to a sample of 30 women focusing on the domestic and productive sectors. Factors such as labor informality, wage discrimination, lack of access to social security and exposure to risks at work are examined (Castro, 2018). It also studies the access of these women to fundamental rights, including health, education and housing, and evaluates the public policies implemented in Barranquilla and Colombia to benefit the migrant population.
Venezuelan migration has generated a notable impact in Colombia in recent years, with Barranquilla receiving a large influx of migrants, especially women, who represent 55% of the migratory flow in this city. The participation of these women in domestic and productive activities has opened an important academic and social debate, highlighting the limitations and difficulties they face in terms of rights and working conditions. Although these women contribute significantly to the local economy and the well-being of households, their comprehensive development is limited by labor, social and cultural barriers (Valdés, 2019). This study analyzes the working conditions of Venezuelan migrant women in Barranquilla, from a quantitative approach, descriptive design and through a survey applied to a sample of 30 women focusing on the domestic and productive sectors. Factors such as labor informality, wage discrimination, lack of access to social security and exposure to risks at work are examined (Castro, 2018). It also studies the access of these women to fundamental rights, including health, education and housing, and evaluates the public policies implemented in Barranquilla and Colombia to benefit the migrant population.
Palabras clave
Migración venezolana, Mujeres migrantes, Barranquilla, Inclusión laboral