Estudio de la percepción en estudiantes universitarios sobre la aplicación de mediación tecnológica basada en m-learning y realidad amentada en su proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la asignatura anatomía del área de ciencias básicas medicas
Chacón C., Gustavo
Padilla V., Ever
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
La investigación realizada tuvo como finalidad el estudio de la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios del área de ciencias básicas medicas, de la asignatura fundamentos de anatomía en el programa de medicina en una universidad de carácter privado de la ciudad de Barranquilla, sobre la incorporación de elementos tecnológicos tales como dispositivos móviles y realidad aumentada mediadores en su proceso de aprendizaje. Se empleó el método asociado a los estudios de corte cualitativo con diseño fenomenológico, este tipo de enfoque metodológico fue escogido dada su orientación y centro en la exploración descripción y comprensión que los individuos tienen en torno a su experiencia con un determinado fenómeno, la forma en que lo asimilan: sentimientos, emociones, razonamientos, visiones y percepciones. Para la muestra se conformó un grupo intencional de quince estudiantes activos matriculados en segundo semestre del programa de medicina de la Universidad Simón Bolívar, cuya estructura curricular e intensidad horaria fuera equivalente. Los criterios adicionales de selección se centraron en el interés manifestado por el estudiante para participar en el experimento; no fue tomado como criterio el rendimiento académico, grupal o individual de los estudiantes.
The research carried out was aimed at the study of the perception of university students in the area of basic medical sciences, of the subject of anatomy in the medicine program at a private university in the city of Barranquilla, on the incorporation of elements technological such as mobile devices and augmented reality mediators in their learning process. The method associated with qualitative studies with phenomenological design was used, this type of methodological approach was chosen given its orientation and center in the exploration description and understanding that individuals have around their experience with a certain phenomenon, the way in which that assimilate it: feelings, emotions, reasoning, visions and perceptions. For the sample, an intentional group of fifteen active students enrolled in the second semester of the Simón Bolívar University medical program was formed, whose curricular structure and hourly intensity were equivalent. Additional selection criteria focused on the interest expressed by the student to participate in the experiment; The academic, group or individual performance of the students was not taken as criteria.
The research carried out was aimed at the study of the perception of university students in the area of basic medical sciences, of the subject of anatomy in the medicine program at a private university in the city of Barranquilla, on the incorporation of elements technological such as mobile devices and augmented reality mediators in their learning process. The method associated with qualitative studies with phenomenological design was used, this type of methodological approach was chosen given its orientation and center in the exploration description and understanding that individuals have around their experience with a certain phenomenon, the way in which that assimilate it: feelings, emotions, reasoning, visions and perceptions. For the sample, an intentional group of fifteen active students enrolled in the second semester of the Simón Bolívar University medical program was formed, whose curricular structure and hourly intensity were equivalent. Additional selection criteria focused on the interest expressed by the student to participate in the experiment; The academic, group or individual performance of the students was not taken as criteria.
Palabras clave
Dispositivos móviles, Aprendizaje móvil, Educación, Realidad aumentada, Mediación tecnológica, Mobile devices, Mobile learning, Education, Augmented reality, Technological mediation