La leyenda de la llorona como acontecimiento Caribe
Reales Rizo, María del Pilar
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas
La escena Caribe es un crisol cultural que nutre una destacada tradición narrativa en literatura,
música, teatro y danza. Su riqueza se fundamenta en la memoria ancestral, permeada por creencias,
saberes, mitos y leyendas que buscan explicar el origen del mundo, las costumbres, los temores y
la formación de colectivos sociales. A través de esta investigación se propuso analizar la
implicación sociohistórica y cultural de la leyenda de La Llorona, enfocándose en la simbología
de la puesta en escena de María del Pilar Reales. Con un enfoque cualitativo, diseño
fenomenológico y tipo descriptivo, los resultados resaltan la complejidad de La Llorona como
acontecimiento arraigado en sociedades latinoamericanas. A través de dimensiones
antropológicas, histórico-sociales, de representación y significado del llanto, se destaca cómo La
Llorona personifica elementos animistas, adaptándose a lo largo del tiempo y manifestándose en
diversas formas artísticas. Su llanto trasciende lo emocional para transmitir complejas experiencias
humanas y sociales, convirtiéndola en un reflejo dinámico de la cultura, un vínculo
intergeneracional, una narrativa teatral rica y simbólica y un elemento unificador en eventos
culturales. La presencia constante de La Llorona en el patrimonio local enriquece la identidad de
las comunidades y destacan su importancia para el teatro, la cultura y la herencia latinoamericana.
The Caribbean scene is a rich cultural melting pot that nourishes a prominent narrative tradition in literature, music, theater, and dance. Its wealth is rooted in ancestral memory, permeated with beliefs, knowledge, myths, and legends that seek to explain the origin of the world, customs, fears, and the formation of social collectives. The research aimed to analyze the sociohistorical and cultural implication of the La Llorona legend, focusing on the symbolism of María del Pilar Reales' performance. With a qualitative approach, phenomenological design, and descriptive type, the results highlight the complexity of La Llorona as a phenomenon ingrained in Latin American societies. Across anthropological, historical-social, representational, and meaning of crying dimensions, it is emphasized how La Llorona personifies animistic elements, adapting over time and manifesting in various artistic forms. Its crying transcends the emotional to convey complex human and social experiences, making it a dynamic reflection of culture, an intergenerational link, a rich and symbolic theatrical narrative, and a unifying element in cultural events. The constant presence of La Llorona in local heritage enriches community identity, emphasizing its importance for theater, culture, and Latin American heritag
The Caribbean scene is a rich cultural melting pot that nourishes a prominent narrative tradition in literature, music, theater, and dance. Its wealth is rooted in ancestral memory, permeated with beliefs, knowledge, myths, and legends that seek to explain the origin of the world, customs, fears, and the formation of social collectives. The research aimed to analyze the sociohistorical and cultural implication of the La Llorona legend, focusing on the symbolism of María del Pilar Reales' performance. With a qualitative approach, phenomenological design, and descriptive type, the results highlight the complexity of La Llorona as a phenomenon ingrained in Latin American societies. Across anthropological, historical-social, representational, and meaning of crying dimensions, it is emphasized how La Llorona personifies animistic elements, adapting over time and manifesting in various artistic forms. Its crying transcends the emotional to convey complex human and social experiences, making it a dynamic reflection of culture, an intergenerational link, a rich and symbolic theatrical narrative, and a unifying element in cultural events. The constant presence of La Llorona in local heritage enriches community identity, emphasizing its importance for theater, culture, and Latin American heritag
Palabras clave
La Llorona, Cultura Caribe, Performance, Identidad cultural, legado artístico, La Llorona, Caribbean culture, Performance, Cultural identity, Artistic legacy