Factores que inciden en el empoderamiento del uso de la plataforma Success factor en la compañía expreso Brasilia S.A
Parra Yepes, Andrea Carolina
Iguaran Suarez, Iveth Nattaly
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La intención de este trabajo de grado fue diseñar una propuesta para fortalecer el empoderamiento de los empleados de cualquier rango en la compañía para el uso de la herramienta Success Factor con el fin de generar una oportunidad para el mejoramiento en la eficacia y análisis del departamento de gestión humana a través de las alternativas optimas y vanguardistas. Para ello se analizó a detalle la problemática, se recolecto información por medio de los instrumentos de investigación y por último se expusieron los resultados obtenidos de los factores por los cuales no se está realizando el uso de la herramienta Success Factor. Adicionalmente se procedió a realizar una valoración interna por medio de la herramienta de análisis “Árbol de Problemas” con el fin de determinar las causas y efectos predominantes de nuestra situación problema.
Logramos identificar tres variables fundamentales para el desarrollo de esta problemática las cuales ayudaron a identificar con bases teóricas cuáles son esas propuestas de alternativas y estrategias que se propusieron a la gerencia estas son: Comunicación asertiva empoderamiento y el nivel de compromiso y motivación de los empleados.
Para concluir se recomendó a la administración que es necesario generar consciencia a los colaboradores del uso adecuado y óptimo de los planes de acción para lograr con mayor eficiencia el desarrollo de estas prácticas. Asimismo, es importante involucrar a todos los actores dentro de cada proceso, para lograr la construcción de un sistema de gestión del talento humano mucho más responsable y empoderado.
The aim of this dissertation is to design a proposal to strengthen the empowerment of employees at any level among a organization to implement the Success Factor tool, in order to create an opportunity for improvement in the efficiency and analysis of the human resource management through optimal and avant-garde alternatives. For this, the problem was analyzed in detail, information was collected through the research instruments and then, the results were expossed showing the factors that lead why the Success Factor tool is not being carried out. Additionally, an internal assessment was performed with “Problem Tree” analysis tool to determine the predominant causes and effects of our problem situation. We were able to identify 3 fundamental variables for the development solutions of this problem, along with theoretical bases, that helped to identify those alternative proposals and strategies that were presented to management, such as: assertive communication, empowerment and the level of commitment, and motivation of the employees. To conclude, it was recommended to the upper management that it is necessary to raise awareness among employees of the appropriate and optimal use of action plans to achieve more efficient development of these practices. Likewise, it is important to involve all the actors within each process, to achieve the construction of a more responsible and empowered human talent management system.
The aim of this dissertation is to design a proposal to strengthen the empowerment of employees at any level among a organization to implement the Success Factor tool, in order to create an opportunity for improvement in the efficiency and analysis of the human resource management through optimal and avant-garde alternatives. For this, the problem was analyzed in detail, information was collected through the research instruments and then, the results were expossed showing the factors that lead why the Success Factor tool is not being carried out. Additionally, an internal assessment was performed with “Problem Tree” analysis tool to determine the predominant causes and effects of our problem situation. We were able to identify 3 fundamental variables for the development solutions of this problem, along with theoretical bases, that helped to identify those alternative proposals and strategies that were presented to management, such as: assertive communication, empowerment and the level of commitment, and motivation of the employees. To conclude, it was recommended to the upper management that it is necessary to raise awareness among employees of the appropriate and optimal use of action plans to achieve more efficient development of these practices. Likewise, it is important to involve all the actors within each process, to achieve the construction of a more responsible and empowered human talent management system.
Palabras clave
Success factor, Adherencia, Procesos, Control, Empoderamiento, Adherence, Processes, Empowerment