Bienestar psicológico en adolescentes colombianos
Bahamón, Marly J.
Alarcón Vásquez, Yolima
Cudris Torres, Lorena
Trejos Herrera, Ana M.
Campo Aráuz, Lorena
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología y de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica.
Objetivo: Analizar el bienestar psicológico explorando las estrategias recurrentes usadas para su potenciación en adolescentes. Método: Estudio cualitativo en el que se llevaron a cabo entrevistas
semiestructuradas a 60 adolescentes colombianos.
Resultados: El análisis mostró la existencia de estrategias de interacción social, hedonistas, de control y de redefinición y proyección subjetiva positiva en los adolescentes. Se identificó capacidad del joven con altas medidas de bienestar
para la detección de aspectos susceptibles de mejora y la reestructuración de sí mismo para transformarse en torno a ello, así como la capacidad de promover la vivencia de emociones positivas para sí como una fuente de bienestar. Conclusiones: el análisis sugiere que los jóvenes con altos puntajes en bienestar acuden a estrategias de redefinición
y proyección subjetiva positiva seguido de estrategias hedonistas, en tanto los adolescentes con bajas puntuaciones utilizan estrategias hedonistas seguidas de estrategias orientadas al cambio.
Objective: Analyzing psychological well-being has been called exploring the recurrent strategies in adolescents. Method: Qualitative study in which use semi-structured interviews were conducted with 60 Colombian adolescents. Results: The analysis showed the existence of strategies of social interaction, hedonistic and control in adolescents. The capacity of the young person with high well-being measures was identified for the detection of aspects susceptible to improvement and the restructuring of himself to be transformed around it, as well as the ability to promote the experience of positive emotions for himself as a source of well-being. Conclusions: the analysis suggests that young people with high well-being scores resort to strategies of redefinition and positive subjective projection followed by hedonistic strategies, while adolescents with low scores use hedonistic strategies followed by strategies oriented to change.
Objective: Analyzing psychological well-being has been called exploring the recurrent strategies in adolescents. Method: Qualitative study in which use semi-structured interviews were conducted with 60 Colombian adolescents. Results: The analysis showed the existence of strategies of social interaction, hedonistic and control in adolescents. The capacity of the young person with high well-being measures was identified for the detection of aspects susceptible to improvement and the restructuring of himself to be transformed around it, as well as the ability to promote the experience of positive emotions for himself as a source of well-being. Conclusions: the analysis suggests that young people with high well-being scores resort to strategies of redefinition and positive subjective projection followed by hedonistic strategies, while adolescents with low scores use hedonistic strategies followed by strategies oriented to change.
Palabras clave
Bienestar psicológico, Adolescentes, Jóvenes, Bienestar subjetivo, Psychological well-being, Adolescents, Young people, Subjective well-being