Analizar el vínculo laboral que se desarrolla en el ejercicio de la prostitución en Colombia
Camacho Sanabria, María Valentina
Guerrero Villamizar, Nataly Fabiana
Mendoza Antolínez, Yuliteh Camila
Polo Miranda, Leidher Rolando
Restrepo Alvear, Juan David
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La prostitución es uno de los oficios más antiguos del mundo y actualmente en Colombia es un
tema álgido, ignorado, sin protección socio-normativa idónea que dignifique dicha actividad y
permita acciones en favor de los trabajadores sexuales promoviendo una diferencia entre una
actividad de abusados y abusadores, trata de personas e inclusive explotación sexual infantil, a
una ocupación regulada por una política pública donde estas personas estén reconocidas como
cualquier otro trabajador, con un contrato, prestaciones, seguridad social y pensión. En Colombia
la prostitución no es ilegal, ni está penalizada, sin embargo, no hay un marco jurídico especifico
que regule y proteja los derechos de las personas que ejercen la prostitución voluntariamente;
lo anterior atiende a intereses particulares con una carga moral y socio-cultural donde se procura
desestimular dicha actividad de antaño en vez de regular lo inevitable. El objetivo general fue
analizar el reconocimiento de la prostitución como una actividad laboral merecedora de
protección constitucional, desarrollándose en función de un paradigma estructuralista y un tipo
de investigación analítica de acuerdo a su diseño analítico secuencial. Como resultado se
evidenció que se debe considerar la prostitución como un oficio que va más allá de la simple
prestación de un servicio porque involucra derechos fundamentales que pertenecen a la esfera
personal de todo individuo tales como la libertad sexual, la dignidad humana, el derecho al
Trabajo para concluir que la prostitución es una actividad infravalorada sujeta a estigmas y
prejuicios sociales que impiden su tránsito en el ámbito normativo.
Prostitution is one of the oldest trades in the world and currently in Colombia it is a critical issue, ignored, without suitable socio-regulatory protection that dignifies said activity and allows actions in favor of sex workers promoting a difference between an activity of abused and abusers, human trafficking and even child sexual exploitation, to an occupation regulated by a public policy where these people are recognized like any other worker, with a contract, benefits, social security and pension. In Colombia prostitution is not illegal, nor is it penalized, however, there is no specific legal framework that regulates and protects the rights of people who engage in prostitution voluntarily; The foregoing attends to particular interests with a moral and socio-cultural charge where an attempt is made to discourage said activity of yesteryear instead of regulating the inevitable. The general objective was to analyze the recognition of prostitution as a work activity deserving of constitutional protection, developing based on a structuralist paradigm and a type of analytical research according to its sequential analytical design. As a result, it was evidenced that prostitution should be considered as a trade that goes beyond the simple provision of a service because it involves fundamental rights that belong to the personal sphere of every individual such as sexual freedom, human dignity, the right to work to conclude that prostitution is an undervalued activity subject to stigmas and social prejudices that prevent its transit in the normative field.
Prostitution is one of the oldest trades in the world and currently in Colombia it is a critical issue, ignored, without suitable socio-regulatory protection that dignifies said activity and allows actions in favor of sex workers promoting a difference between an activity of abused and abusers, human trafficking and even child sexual exploitation, to an occupation regulated by a public policy where these people are recognized like any other worker, with a contract, benefits, social security and pension. In Colombia prostitution is not illegal, nor is it penalized, however, there is no specific legal framework that regulates and protects the rights of people who engage in prostitution voluntarily; The foregoing attends to particular interests with a moral and socio-cultural charge where an attempt is made to discourage said activity of yesteryear instead of regulating the inevitable. The general objective was to analyze the recognition of prostitution as a work activity deserving of constitutional protection, developing based on a structuralist paradigm and a type of analytical research according to its sequential analytical design. As a result, it was evidenced that prostitution should be considered as a trade that goes beyond the simple provision of a service because it involves fundamental rights that belong to the personal sphere of every individual such as sexual freedom, human dignity, the right to work to conclude that prostitution is an undervalued activity subject to stigmas and social prejudices that prevent its transit in the normative field.
Palabras clave
Prostitución, Legalización, Vulneración de derechos, Prostitution, Legalization, Violation of rights