Cultura de seguridad organizacional y satisfacción laboral: un análisis en el contexto de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo
Acosta Guzmán, Ricardo Andrés
Baños Varela, Valentina
Castro Ipuana, Osmari Yari
Chamorro Madera, Jennifer
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la cultura de seguridad organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores en el ámbito de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo.
Materiales y Métodos: Esta investigación empleó un enfoque cuantitativo y se clasificó como un estudio descriptivo transversal, evaluando las dimensiones de la cultura organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de los trabajadores de la Región Caribe Colombiana en un único momento temporal. El diseño no experimental de corte transversal permitió recopilar datos sin manipular las variables, ideal para describir y analizar la interrelación entre estas en un contexto específico. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario diseñado específicamente para recopilar información sobre diversas variables sociodemográficas y laborales de los participantes. Este instrumento midió aspectos como el sexo, el estrato socioeconómico, el nivel educativo, los años de antigüedad en el trabajo, el estado civil, el tipo de cargo que ocupan y su autopercepción de salud. La inclusión de estas variables permitió obtener un perfil detallado de la muestra y analizar posibles correlaciones con las variables principales del estudio. En cuanto a los instrumentos especializados, se empleó el Cuestionario Nórdico de Seguridad en el Trabajo (NOSACQ50), una herramienta validada internacionalmente y diseñada para evaluar de forma exhaustiva la percepción de la cultura de seguridad en los entornos de trabajo. Este cuestionario consta de 50 ítems distribuidos en siete dimensiones que abarcan aspectos cruciales de la cultura de seguridad, desde el compromiso de la dirección hasta la confianza en los sistemas de seguridad. Las instrucciones detalladas del NOSACQ-50 aseguran que las respuestas reflejen adecuadamente la realidad de cada puesto de trabajo, incluso en casos donde ciertos elementos no aplican directamente. Para el análisis de los datos recopilados, el equipo de investigación se apoyó en un conjunto cuidadosamente seleccionado de librerías de Python. Pandas fue la herramienta principal para la manipulación y limpieza de datos, permitiendo una preparación precisa de la información. Se complementó su trabajo con NumPy para realizar cálculos matemáticos y estadísticas fundamentales. La visualización de datos se llevó a cabo utilizando Matplotlib y Seaborn, que ayudaron a crear representaciones gráficas claras y esclarecedoras de los resultados obtenidos.
Esta metodología robusta y multifacética permitió un análisis comprehensivo de la cultura organizacional y la satisfacción laboral en el contexto de la Región Caribe Colombiana. La combinación de instrumentos validados, un diseño de investigación apropiado y herramientas de análisis avanzadas proporcionó una base sólida para la interpretación de los resultados y la formulación de conclusiones significativas, contribuyendo así al entendimiento de estos importantes aspectos en el ámbito laboral de la región.
Resultados: Los resultados del estudio abordan las características sociodemográficas y laborales de la población estudiada, así como sobre su nivel de satisfacción laboral. En cuanto a la composición demográfica, se observa un ligero predominio de hombres (52.14%) en la muestra. La mayoría de los participantes pertenecen a los estratos socioeconómicos 1 y 2, representando en
conjunto el 71.58% de la población estudiada. En términos de formación académica, se destaca que un tercio de los encuestados (33.33%) posee nivel profesional, seguido de cerca por aquellos con formación técnica (28.85%). El perfil laboral de los participantes revela una fuerza de trabajo con experiencia considerable, ya que el 39.74% reporta más de 5 años de antigüedad en su trabajo actual. En cuanto al estado civil, los solteros (34.19%) y quienes viven en unión libre (32.26%) constituyen los grupos más numerosos. Es notable que la mayoría de los encuestados (63.89%) ocupa posiciones operativas dentro de sus organizaciones. Un aspecto positivo para resaltar es la autopercepción de salud, donde una amplia mayoría (73.07%) califica su estado de salud como bueno o muy bueno. En lo que respecta a la satisfacción laboral, los resultados muestran tendencias interesantes. Los niveles más altos de satisfacción se relacionan con aspectos de participación en la toma de decisiones, tanto a nivel departamental como grupal, así como con los procesos de negociación laboral. Esto sugiere que los empleados se sienten valorados y escuchados en sus entornos de trabajo. Sin embargo, se identifican áreas de oportunidad en lo referente a las posibilidades de promoción y formación, donde los niveles de satisfacción son comparativamente más bajos. El índice general de satisfacción laboral presenta una distribución favorable, con una concentración marcada en los valores más altos de la escala. Este patrón indica que, en general, existe una percepción positiva del ambiente y las condiciones laborales entre los participantes del estudio. No obstante, la presencia de algunas frecuencias en los valores intermedios y bajos señala que hay un margen para mejorar la experiencia laboral de ciertos segmentos de la población estudiada.
Conclusión: En conclusión, este estudio revela una fuerza laboral en la Región Caribe Colombiana caracterizada por su diversidad socioeconómica y educativa, con una notable experiencia laboral. Los resultados indican un alto nivel general de satisfacción laboral, particularmente en aspectos relacionados con la participación en la toma de decisiones y la negociación laboral. Sin embargo, se identifican oportunidades de mejora en áreas como el desarrollo profesional y las posibilidades de promoción. Estos hallazgos sugieren que, si bien las organizaciones de la región han logrado crear ambientes de trabajo generalmente positivos, aún existen áreas donde se pueden implementar estrategias para aumentar la satisfacción y el desarrollo de los empleados, lo cual podría contribuir a mejorar tanto el bienestar laboral como la productividad en la región
Objective: To analyze the relationship between organizational safety culture and job satisfaction of workers in the context of occupational safety and health. Materials and Methods: This research employed a quantitative approach and was classified as a cross-sectional descriptive study, evaluating the dimensions of organizational culture and job satisfaction of workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region at a single point in time. The non-experimental cross-sectional design allowed data collection without manipulating variables, ideal for describing and analyzing the interrelation between these in a specific context. For data collection, a questionnaire was specifically designed to gather information on various sociodemographic and occupational variables of the participants. This instrument measured aspects such as gender, socioeconomic stratum, educational level, years of work experience, marital status, type of position held, and self-perceived health status. The inclusion of these variables allowed for a detailed profile of the sample and analysis of possible correlations with the main study variables. Regarding specialized instruments, the Nordic Occupational Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50) was employed, an internationally validated tool designed to comprehensively assess the perception of safety culture in work environments. This questionnaire consists of 50 items distributed across seven dimensions covering crucial aspects of safety culture, from management commitment to trust in safety systems. The detailed instructions of NOSACQ-50 ensure that responses adequately reflect the reality of each work position, even in cases where certain elements do not directly apply. For the analysis of collected data, the research team relied on a carefully selected set of Python libraries. Pandas was the main tool for data manipulation and cleaning, allowing precise preparation of information. Its work was complemented with NumPy for mathematical calculations and fundamental statistics. Data visualization was carried out using Matplotlib and Seaborn, which helped create clear and illuminating graphical representations of the obtained results.This robust and multifaceted methodology allowed for a comprehensive analysis of organizational culture and job satisfaction in the context of the Colombian Caribbean Region. The combination of validated instruments, an appropriate research design, and advanced analysis tools provided a solid foundation for interpreting results and formulating significant conclusions, thus contributing to the understanding of these important aspects in the region's work environment. Results: The study results address the sociodemographic and occupational characteristics of the studied population, as well as their level of job satisfaction. Regarding demographic composition, a slight predominance of men (52.14%) is observed in the sample. Most participants belong to socioeconomic strata 1 and 2, collectively representing 71.58% of the studied population. In terms of academic training, it is noteworthy that one-third of respondents (33.33%) possess a professional level, closely followed by those with technical training (28.85%). The occupational profile of participants reveals a workforce with considerable experience, as 39.74% report more than 5 years of seniority in their current job. Regarding marital status, single individuals (34.19%) and those in cohabitation (32.26%) constitute the largest groups. It is notable that the majority of respondents (63.89%) occupy operational positions within their organizations. A positive aspect to highlight is the self-perception of health, where a large majority (73.07%) rate their health status as good or very good. Concerning job satisfaction, the results show interesting trends. The highest levels of satisfaction are related to aspects of participation in decision-making, both at departmental and group levels, as well as with labor negotiation processes. This suggests that employees feel valued and heard in their work environments. However, areas of opportunity are identified regarding possibilities for promotion and training, where satisfaction levels are comparatively lower. The general index of job satisfaction presents a favorable distribution, with a marked concentration in the highest values of the scale. This pattern indicates that, in general, there is a positive perception of the environment and working conditions among study participants. Nevertheless, the presence of some frequencies in intermediate and low values indicates that there is room for improving the work experience of certain segments of the studied population. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study reveals a workforce in the Colombian Caribbean Region characterized by its socioeconomic and educational diversity, with notable work experience. The results indicate a high general level of job satisfaction, particularly in aspects related to participation in decision-making and labor negotiation. However, opportunities for improvement are identified in areas such as professional development and promotion possibilities. These findings suggest that, while organizations in the region have managed to create generally positive work environments, there are still areas where strategies can be implemented to increase employee satisfaction and development, which could contribute to improving both job well-being and productivity in the region.
Objective: To analyze the relationship between organizational safety culture and job satisfaction of workers in the context of occupational safety and health. Materials and Methods: This research employed a quantitative approach and was classified as a cross-sectional descriptive study, evaluating the dimensions of organizational culture and job satisfaction of workers in the Colombian Caribbean Region at a single point in time. The non-experimental cross-sectional design allowed data collection without manipulating variables, ideal for describing and analyzing the interrelation between these in a specific context. For data collection, a questionnaire was specifically designed to gather information on various sociodemographic and occupational variables of the participants. This instrument measured aspects such as gender, socioeconomic stratum, educational level, years of work experience, marital status, type of position held, and self-perceived health status. The inclusion of these variables allowed for a detailed profile of the sample and analysis of possible correlations with the main study variables. Regarding specialized instruments, the Nordic Occupational Safety Climate Questionnaire (NOSACQ-50) was employed, an internationally validated tool designed to comprehensively assess the perception of safety culture in work environments. This questionnaire consists of 50 items distributed across seven dimensions covering crucial aspects of safety culture, from management commitment to trust in safety systems. The detailed instructions of NOSACQ-50 ensure that responses adequately reflect the reality of each work position, even in cases where certain elements do not directly apply. For the analysis of collected data, the research team relied on a carefully selected set of Python libraries. Pandas was the main tool for data manipulation and cleaning, allowing precise preparation of information. Its work was complemented with NumPy for mathematical calculations and fundamental statistics. Data visualization was carried out using Matplotlib and Seaborn, which helped create clear and illuminating graphical representations of the obtained results.This robust and multifaceted methodology allowed for a comprehensive analysis of organizational culture and job satisfaction in the context of the Colombian Caribbean Region. The combination of validated instruments, an appropriate research design, and advanced analysis tools provided a solid foundation for interpreting results and formulating significant conclusions, thus contributing to the understanding of these important aspects in the region's work environment. Results: The study results address the sociodemographic and occupational characteristics of the studied population, as well as their level of job satisfaction. Regarding demographic composition, a slight predominance of men (52.14%) is observed in the sample. Most participants belong to socioeconomic strata 1 and 2, collectively representing 71.58% of the studied population. In terms of academic training, it is noteworthy that one-third of respondents (33.33%) possess a professional level, closely followed by those with technical training (28.85%). The occupational profile of participants reveals a workforce with considerable experience, as 39.74% report more than 5 years of seniority in their current job. Regarding marital status, single individuals (34.19%) and those in cohabitation (32.26%) constitute the largest groups. It is notable that the majority of respondents (63.89%) occupy operational positions within their organizations. A positive aspect to highlight is the self-perception of health, where a large majority (73.07%) rate their health status as good or very good. Concerning job satisfaction, the results show interesting trends. The highest levels of satisfaction are related to aspects of participation in decision-making, both at departmental and group levels, as well as with labor negotiation processes. This suggests that employees feel valued and heard in their work environments. However, areas of opportunity are identified regarding possibilities for promotion and training, where satisfaction levels are comparatively lower. The general index of job satisfaction presents a favorable distribution, with a marked concentration in the highest values of the scale. This pattern indicates that, in general, there is a positive perception of the environment and working conditions among study participants. Nevertheless, the presence of some frequencies in intermediate and low values indicates that there is room for improving the work experience of certain segments of the studied population. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study reveals a workforce in the Colombian Caribbean Region characterized by its socioeconomic and educational diversity, with notable work experience. The results indicate a high general level of job satisfaction, particularly in aspects related to participation in decision-making and labor negotiation. However, opportunities for improvement are identified in areas such as professional development and promotion possibilities. These findings suggest that, while organizations in the region have managed to create generally positive work environments, there are still areas where strategies can be implemented to increase employee satisfaction and development, which could contribute to improving both job well-being and productivity in the region.
Palabras clave
Cultura organizacional, Satisfacción en el trabajo, Seguridad y salud en el trabajo