Alternativas para los jornaleros del municipio de Repelón Atlántico disfruten de una pensión de vejez
González Martínez, Janio Alfonso
Moreno Sarmiento, Mario
Cervantes Mejía, Andrés Felipe
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente ensayo, se refiere a la importancia de que todas las personas que se dedican a una actividad laboral tengan el derecho a un sistema de seguridad social, y así puedan disfrutar del beneficio de una pensión de vejez
Es importante señalar que nuestro ensayo se trata de las alternativas para que los jornaleros del municipio de Repelón – Atlántico disfruten de una pensión de vejez.
Durante la investigación pudimos constatar que un alto porcentaje de las personas que se dedican a trabajo del campo o área rural no cuentan con un contrato laboral; por este motivo sus patrones no les pagan la seguridad social. Es importante también resaltar que estas personas no tienen el hábito de cotizar la pensión de manera independiente ya que algunos desconocen cómo hacerlo y otros alegan no ganar lo suficiente.
En cuanto a las alternativas para que los jornaleros del municipio de Repelón – Atlántico tengan derecho a la pensión de vejez debemos trabajar más para la fomentación de empleos con contratos laborales y así garantizar que los jornaleros cuenten con una pensión de vejez
El gobierno nacional debe buscar mecanismos de protección laboral para los jornaleros ya que estas personas son de familia de escasos recursos y gran parte de ellos falta de educación.
El mercado laboral en el sector rural presenta como características los empleos de baja calidad, como los jornaleros y los trabajadores familiares, ingresos precarios en donde el 66% de los trabajadores devengan ingresos menores al equivalente de 1SMLV por hora y el restante 34% tienen ingresos equivalentes iguales o mayores a 1 SMLV por hora.
In this essay, he refers to the importance that all people who are engaged in a work activity have the right to a social security system, and thus can enjoy the benefit of an old-age pension. It is important to point out that our essay is about the alternatives so that the day laborers of the municipality of Repelón - Atlántico enjoy an old-age pension. During the investigation we were able to verify that a high percentage of the people who work in the fields or rural areas do not have an employment contract; for this reason their employers do not pay them social security. It is also important to highlight that these people do not have the habit of contributing to the pension independently since some do not know how to do it and others allege that they do not earn enough. Regarding the alternatives so that the day laborers of the municipality of Repelón - Atlántico have the right to the old age pension, we must work more to promote jobs with labor contracts and thus guarantee that the day laborers have an old age pension. The national government must seek labor protection mechanisms for day laborers since these people are from low-income families and most of them lack education. The labor market in the rural sector presents as characteristics low-quality jobs, such as day laborers and family workers, precarious income where 66% of workers earn less than the equivalent of 1 SMLV per hour and the remaining 34% have income equal to or greater than 1 SMLV per hour.
In this essay, he refers to the importance that all people who are engaged in a work activity have the right to a social security system, and thus can enjoy the benefit of an old-age pension. It is important to point out that our essay is about the alternatives so that the day laborers of the municipality of Repelón - Atlántico enjoy an old-age pension. During the investigation we were able to verify that a high percentage of the people who work in the fields or rural areas do not have an employment contract; for this reason their employers do not pay them social security. It is also important to highlight that these people do not have the habit of contributing to the pension independently since some do not know how to do it and others allege that they do not earn enough. Regarding the alternatives so that the day laborers of the municipality of Repelón - Atlántico have the right to the old age pension, we must work more to promote jobs with labor contracts and thus guarantee that the day laborers have an old age pension. The national government must seek labor protection mechanisms for day laborers since these people are from low-income families and most of them lack education. The labor market in the rural sector presents as characteristics low-quality jobs, such as day laborers and family workers, precarious income where 66% of workers earn less than the equivalent of 1 SMLV per hour and the remaining 34% have income equal to or greater than 1 SMLV per hour.
Palabras clave
Estabilidad laboral, Jornaleros, Contrato laboral, Pensión de vejez, Cotización, Seguridad social, Job stability, Day laborers, Employment contract, Old Age Pension, Contribution, Social security