Significados asociados a la sexualidad y estereotipos de género en la comunidad estudiantil de la Universidad Simón Bolívar – Barranquilla
Calderín Heins, Alejandra
Altamar Rodríguez, Jahey Alejandra
Mejía Ayala, Adrián Andrés
Sierra Mejía, Lina Marcela
Solano Cabrera, Catalina
Villalobos Acuña, Carmen Cristy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo de este trabajo es describir los significados asociados a la sexualidad y estereotipos de género en la comunidad estudiantil de la Universidad Simón Bolívar – Barranquilla, dichos significados se construyen a partir de los procesos de interacción social donde confluyen creencias, opiniones y conocimiento respecto a la sexualidad, el género, la identidad de género. Este trabajo hace parte del proyecto de investigación “Estereotipos de género y diversidad sexual, un estudio descriptivo en la Universidad Simón Bolívar- Barranquilla”. El diseño metodológico del proyecto para lograr dar respuesta al objetivo contemplado es el enfoque cualitativo, desde donde se pretende describir y comprender la realidad social, las construcciones que los y las participantes realizan acerca de la sexualidad y los estereotipos de género, reconociendo la importancia del contexto social e histórico. Dentro de las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de información se aplicaron la encuesta de caracterización socio demográfica y la entrevista semiestructurada. La información recolectada a partir de las entrevistas y las encuestas de caracterización fueron analizadas, los datos sociodemográficos analizados estadísticamente y las entrevistas fueron organizadas en categorías y subcategorías asociadas a la sexualidad y los estereotipos de género. Participaron del estudio 13 estudiantes de la facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, entre hombres y mujeres. Dentro de las conclusiones encontramos que los y las jóvenes consideran que la sexualidad va más allá de la relación sexual incluye aspectos como el erotismo, la intimidad, el placer, así mismo, la sexualidad responde a procesos biológicos, psicológicos y sociales, hace parte del desarrollo evolutivo personal. De igual manera, consideran que la construcción de estereotipos de género y la identidad de género como parte de los procesos sociales, en ese sentido, se encontró que los estereotipos de género se traducen en unas características que deben cumplir hombres y mujeres, así plantea el desafío para aquellos jóvenes que se declaran por fuera de lo normativo.
The objective of this work is to describe the meanings associated with sexuality and gender stereotypes in the student community of the Simón Bolívar University - Barranquilla, these meanings are built from the processes of social interaction where beliefs, opinions and knowledge converge regarding sexuality, gender, gender identity. This work is part of the research project “Gender stereotypes and sexual diversity, a descriptive study at the Universidad Simón Bolívar- Barranquilla”. The methodological design of the project in order to respond to the objective contemplated is the qualitative approach, from which it is intended to describe and understand the social reality, the constructions that the participants make about sexuality and gender stereotypes, recognizing the importance of social and historical context. Within the techniques and instruments for collecting information, the socio-demographic characterization survey and the semi-structured interview were applied. The information collected from the interviews and the characterization surveys were analyzed, the sociodemographic data analyzed statistically, and the interviews were organized into categories and subcategories associated with sexuality and gender stereotypes. 13 students from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences participated in the study, between men and women. Among the conclusions we find that young people consider that sexuality goes beyond the sexual relationship and includes aspects such as eroticism, intimacy, pleasure, likewise, sexuality responds to biological, psychological and social processes, it is part of the personal evolutionary development. In the same way, they consider the construction of gender stereotypes and gender identity as part of social processes, in this sense, it was found that gender stereotypes translate into characteristics that men and women must meet, as proposed by the challenge for those young people who declare themselves outside the regulations.
The objective of this work is to describe the meanings associated with sexuality and gender stereotypes in the student community of the Simón Bolívar University - Barranquilla, these meanings are built from the processes of social interaction where beliefs, opinions and knowledge converge regarding sexuality, gender, gender identity. This work is part of the research project “Gender stereotypes and sexual diversity, a descriptive study at the Universidad Simón Bolívar- Barranquilla”. The methodological design of the project in order to respond to the objective contemplated is the qualitative approach, from which it is intended to describe and understand the social reality, the constructions that the participants make about sexuality and gender stereotypes, recognizing the importance of social and historical context. Within the techniques and instruments for collecting information, the socio-demographic characterization survey and the semi-structured interview were applied. The information collected from the interviews and the characterization surveys were analyzed, the sociodemographic data analyzed statistically, and the interviews were organized into categories and subcategories associated with sexuality and gender stereotypes. 13 students from the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences participated in the study, between men and women. Among the conclusions we find that young people consider that sexuality goes beyond the sexual relationship and includes aspects such as eroticism, intimacy, pleasure, likewise, sexuality responds to biological, psychological and social processes, it is part of the personal evolutionary development. In the same way, they consider the construction of gender stereotypes and gender identity as part of social processes, in this sense, it was found that gender stereotypes translate into characteristics that men and women must meet, as proposed by the challenge for those young people who declare themselves outside the regulations.
Palabras clave
Sexualidad, Género, Estereotipos, Diversidad, Comunidad LGTBIQ+, Sexuality, Gender, Stereotypes, Diversity, LGTBIQ+ community