Factores de riesgos asociados a la farmacodependencia, en los adultos mayores de la consulta médica del centro de salud La Chinita de Barranquilla 2009
Ramos Isaza, Loly
Ruiz Ariza, Yenifer
Díaz Rubiano, Joana
Rodríguez Benítez, Jorge
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La presente investigación pretendió abordar la incidencia de la Farmacodependencia en Adultos Mayores de la Consulta Medica del Centro de Salud la Chinita de Barranquilla; tendiendo en cuenta lo que esta grave problemática social afecta a la comunidad de este sector popular de la ciudad.
Debido a la importancia de la representatividad de la figura del Adulto Mayor en el ámbito familiar, decidimos tomarlo como base considerando que son la célula activa de la sociedad.
El método empleado para la recolección de la información fue la encuesta con 23 variables ejecutado a una muestra de 30 personas; el cual nos arrojo como resultado general que el rango de edades donde se manifiesta mas la problemática es de 60 – 65 años y su ocupación independiente, el cual incurre por l agotamiento físico obtenido depuse de un estresante día laboral, lo que conlleva al consumo de antiinflamatorios para reducir esta afección y así consecuentemente ocasionó una dependencia farmacológica.
This research aimed to address the impact of Drug Dependence in the Elderly of the doctor of the Health Center Chinita de Barranquilla, taking into account the grave social problems that affect the community in this popular sector of the city. Due to the importance of the representativeness of the figure of the elderly in the family, we decided to take it as a basis to believe that cells are active in society. The method used for data collection was a survey carried out with 23 variables to a sample of 30 persons, which we the result that the general age range is where the problem is most evident from 60 - 65 years and his occupation independent, which is vitiated by the physical exhaustion of deposed obtained a stressful workday, which involves the consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce this condition and consequently causing a pharmacological dependence.
This research aimed to address the impact of Drug Dependence in the Elderly of the doctor of the Health Center Chinita de Barranquilla, taking into account the grave social problems that affect the community in this popular sector of the city. Due to the importance of the representativeness of the figure of the elderly in the family, we decided to take it as a basis to believe that cells are active in society. The method used for data collection was a survey carried out with 23 variables to a sample of 30 persons, which we the result that the general age range is where the problem is most evident from 60 - 65 years and his occupation independent, which is vitiated by the physical exhaustion of deposed obtained a stressful workday, which involves the consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce this condition and consequently causing a pharmacological dependence.
Palabras clave
Farmacodependencia, Adulto mayor, Ámbito familiar