Riesgo suicida y factores asociados en población adolescente y adulta colombiana: una revisión de avances investigativos
Fragozo Royero, Yina Paola
Mejía Cañas, Edna Beatriz
Molina Arteta, María Mónica
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El suicidio es un grave problema social y de salud pública que afecta a la
población de la mayoría de los países del mundo. En Colombia es una de las
principales causas de muerte en un amplio rango de edades. El suicidio, es
reconocido como un fenómeno multifactorial y está condicionado por diversas
variables y factores asociados en el que intervienen múltiples dinámicas del
contexto social, cultural, económico e individual. El objetivo de la presente
monografía estuvo orientado a identificar los hallazgos investigativos respecto al
riesgo suicida y los factores asociados en población colombiana desde la
adolescencia hasta la vejez. Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en la base de
datos electrónica internacional PubMed, utilizando la ecuación booleana suicide or
suicidal ideation or suicidality or suicide attempts AND risk factors or contributing
factors or predisposing factors AND Colombia. Después se filtró la búsqueda por
fecha considerando artículos publicados de 2018 a 2023 en inglés y español
encontrando 53 artículos, los cuales fueron revisados teniendo en cuenta los
criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos, dando paso a obtener como
resultado final 23 artículos en los cuales se observó que se analizaron,
identificaron y describieron los factores de riegos suicida. Dentro de los hallazgos
identificados se encontraron factores psicosociales como la preocupación, abuso
sexual, físico, psicológico, emocional y económico, conductas alimentarias de
riesgo, consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, ya que estos afectan en gran manera
el adecuado afrontamiento de situaciones diarias. Por otro lado, los problemas
escolares relacionados con el bajo rendimiento escolar, el bullying escolar, por la
dificultad de la integración adecuada con sus pares. Sumado a esto, la
funcionalidad familiar, como violencia intrafamiliar, ya sean testigos o víctimas y
relaciones intrafamiliares difusas. Por último, los trastornos mentales como la
ansiedad, depresión, desesperanza e incluso los rasgos de impulsividad, que
median como desencadenantes de la conducta suicida. En conclusión, se ha
identificado que en Colombia existen diversos factores de riesgo que pueden
afectar a la población y que se convierte en una variable de importancia y
seguimiento en el estudio de la Salud Mental en especial énfasis frente al riesgo
Suicide is a serious social and public health problem that affects the population of most countries in the world. In Colombia it is one of the main causes of death in a wide range of ages. Suicide is recognized as a multifactorial phenomenon and is conditioned by several variables and associated factors in which multiple dynamics of the social, cultural, economic and individual context intervene. The aim of this monograph was to identify research findings on suicide risk and associated factors in the Colombian population from adolescence to old age. An exhaustive search was carried out in the international electronic database PubMed, using the Boolean equation suicide or suicidal ideation or suicidality or suicide attempts AND risk factors or contributing factors or predisposing factors AND Colombia. Then the search was filtered by date considering articles published from 2018 to 2023 in English and Spanish finding 53 articles, which were reviewed taking into account the established inclusion and exclusion criteria, giving way to obtain as final result 23 articles in which it was observed that suicide risk factors were analyzed, identified and described. Among the findings identified were psychosocial factors such as worry, sexual, physical, psychological, emotional and economic abuse, risky eating behaviors, consumption of psychoactive substances, since these greatly affect the adequate coping of daily situations. On the other hand, school problems related to poor school performance, school bullying, due to the difficulty of proper integration with their peers. Added to this, family functionality, such as intrafamily violence, whether witnesses or victims and diffuse intrafamily relationships. Finally, mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, hopelessness and even impulsivity traits, which mediate as triggers of suicidal behavior. In conclusion, it has been identified that in Colombia there are several risk factors that can affect the population and that it becomes an important variable and follow-up in the study of Mental Health with special emphasis on suicidal risk.
Suicide is a serious social and public health problem that affects the population of most countries in the world. In Colombia it is one of the main causes of death in a wide range of ages. Suicide is recognized as a multifactorial phenomenon and is conditioned by several variables and associated factors in which multiple dynamics of the social, cultural, economic and individual context intervene. The aim of this monograph was to identify research findings on suicide risk and associated factors in the Colombian population from adolescence to old age. An exhaustive search was carried out in the international electronic database PubMed, using the Boolean equation suicide or suicidal ideation or suicidality or suicide attempts AND risk factors or contributing factors or predisposing factors AND Colombia. Then the search was filtered by date considering articles published from 2018 to 2023 in English and Spanish finding 53 articles, which were reviewed taking into account the established inclusion and exclusion criteria, giving way to obtain as final result 23 articles in which it was observed that suicide risk factors were analyzed, identified and described. Among the findings identified were psychosocial factors such as worry, sexual, physical, psychological, emotional and economic abuse, risky eating behaviors, consumption of psychoactive substances, since these greatly affect the adequate coping of daily situations. On the other hand, school problems related to poor school performance, school bullying, due to the difficulty of proper integration with their peers. Added to this, family functionality, such as intrafamily violence, whether witnesses or victims and diffuse intrafamily relationships. Finally, mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, hopelessness and even impulsivity traits, which mediate as triggers of suicidal behavior. In conclusion, it has been identified that in Colombia there are several risk factors that can affect the population and that it becomes an important variable and follow-up in the study of Mental Health with special emphasis on suicidal risk.
Palabras clave
Riesgo suicida, Factores de riesgo, Suicidio, Adolescentes, Adultos, Salud mental, Colombia