Estrategias didácticas para la innovación de las prácticas docentes en el área de ciencias sociales (media vocacional) en la IED San Judas Tadeo del municipio de Chibolo Magdalena
Andrade Lozano, Jorge
De la Rosa Escorcia, Nohemy
De la Rosa Escorcia, Norma
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Ediciones Univerisidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación, buscaba proponer estrategias didácticas para la innovación en las prácticas docentes en el área de Ciencias Sociales (media vocacional) en la IED San Judas Tadeo del municipio de Chibolo Magdalena.
Inició con la recopilación de investigaciones sobre el tema, definición de categorías principales (práctica docente, estrategias de enseñanza e innovación); de igual forma se analizaron antecedentes, teorías y aportes de distintos autores nacionales e internacionales como Diaz Barriga, Feo, Freire y otros.
Se tuvo como base el enfoque histórico – hermenéutico, una investigación mixta, el diseño de investigación será el estudio de caso, las técnicas que se utilizaron para desarrollar el proceso investigativo son el análisis documental, observación estructurada y el cuestionario; acompañados por instrumentos como matriz de análisis, escala Likert y lista de chequeo.
Partiendo de los resultados se pudo establecer que en la institución san Judas Tadeo en el área de ciencias sociales se deben mejorar aspectos como planeación, estrategias; acordes al contexto, trabajo en equipo, tipo de evaluación y sobre todo innovación. De acuerdo a los hallazgos de la investigación se propone crear comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje convirtiéndose en la estrategia más eficaz para mejorar las prácticas docentes en lo que se refiere a Ciencias Sociales (media vocacional).
Palabras clave: Práctica docente, estrategias de enseñanza, innovación, Ciencias sociales, comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje, media vocacional.
The present research sought to propose didactic strategies for innovation in teaching practices of the area of Social Sciences (vocational media) in the IED San Judas Tadeo in the municipality of Chibolo Magdalena. It began with the collection of research on the subject, definition of main categories (teaching practice, teaching strategies and innovation); In the same way, antecedents, theories and contributions of different national and international authors were analyzed like Diaz Barragan, Feo, Freire and others. It was based on the historical - hermeneutic approach, a mixed research, the research design were the case study, the techniques that were used to develop the investigative process are the documentary analysis, structured observation and the questionnaire; Accompanied by instruments such as analysis matrix, Likert scale and checklist. It was established that in the San Judas Tadeo institution in the Social Sciences area aspects such as planning, strategies according to the context, work and equipment, type of evaluation and above all innovation must be improved. In conclusion and based on the results obtained, virtual learning communities become the most effective strategy to improve teaching practices in terms of Social Sciences (vocational media). Keywords: Teaching practice, teaching strategies, innovation, social sciences, virtual learning communities, vocational media.
The present research sought to propose didactic strategies for innovation in teaching practices of the area of Social Sciences (vocational media) in the IED San Judas Tadeo in the municipality of Chibolo Magdalena. It began with the collection of research on the subject, definition of main categories (teaching practice, teaching strategies and innovation); In the same way, antecedents, theories and contributions of different national and international authors were analyzed like Diaz Barragan, Feo, Freire and others. It was based on the historical - hermeneutic approach, a mixed research, the research design were the case study, the techniques that were used to develop the investigative process are the documentary analysis, structured observation and the questionnaire; Accompanied by instruments such as analysis matrix, Likert scale and checklist. It was established that in the San Judas Tadeo institution in the Social Sciences area aspects such as planning, strategies according to the context, work and equipment, type of evaluation and above all innovation must be improved. In conclusion and based on the results obtained, virtual learning communities become the most effective strategy to improve teaching practices in terms of Social Sciences (vocational media). Keywords: Teaching practice, teaching strategies, innovation, social sciences, virtual learning communities, vocational media.
Palabras clave
Práctica docente, Estrategias de enseñanza, Innovación, Ciencias sociales, Comunidades virtuales de aprendizaje, Media vocacional, Teaching practice, Teaching strategies, Innovation, Social sciences, Virtual learning communities, Vocational media