Principios del buen gobierno en la administración de recursos del magisterio y su incidencia en el desempeño laboral
Villarreal Pérez, Sandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Con esta investigación se pretendió encontrar estrategias para contribuir al dinamismo de los procesos administrativos que solucionaran las situaciones entre las que se encuentra el estrés laboral en el personal administrativo que pertenece a la Oficina del Fondo de Prestaciones Sociales de la Secretaría de Educación del Departamento del Atlántico y así optimizar los procesos de comunicación con la Fiduprevisora S.A que den celeridad a los requerimientos de los docentes para el reconocimiento y pago de sus cesantías y determinar las acciones que conduzcan a la excelencia en el Talento Humano.
Se trató de una investigación de tipo cuantitativo con la que se pretendió determinar si la aplicación de los principios del buen gobierno en la administración de los recursos del magisterio influía positivamente en el desempeño laboral de los servidores públicos de la oficina del Fondo de Prestaciones sociales de la Secretaría de Educación del Departamento del Atlántico.
Se obtuvo como principal resultado que la imposición de una normativa que permita que se les exigirles a los trabajadores de la Secretaría de Educación del Atlántico, una responsabilidad pecuniaria respecto al pago de sanción moratoria por el pago no oportuno de las cesantías es un riesgo psicosocial inminente al generarles estrés, ansiedad y angustia, muy a pesar que en general en la entidad se cumple con la mayoría de los factores necesarios para el buen desempeño de los funcionarios.
De igual manera, se observó que la afectación a estos trabajadores se encuentra en el retardo de la Fiduprevisora SA en el cumplimiento de sus labores, lo que a su vez retrasa el pago de las cesantías a los docentes.
The purpose of this research was to find strategies to contribute to the dynamism of the administrative processes that would solve the situations among which labor stress is found in the administrative personnel belonging to the Office of the Social Benefits Fund of the Secretary of Education of the Department of Atlántico and thus optimize the communication processes with Fiduprevisora S.A. that give speed to the requirements of the teachers for the recognition and payment of their severance pay and determine the actions that lead to excellence in the Human Talent. This was a quantitative research aimed at determining whether the application of the principles of good governance in the administration of teachers' resources had a positive influence on the work performance of public servants in the office of the Social Benefits Fund of the Secretary of Education of the Department of Atlántico. The main result obtained was that the imposition of a regulation that allows the workers of the Secretariat of Education of the Atlántico to be required to pay a pecuniary responsibility regarding the payment of a moratorium penalty for the untimely payment of severance pay, is an imminent psychosocial risk as it generates stress, anxiety and anguish, despite the fact that in general the entity complies with most of the factors necessary for the good performance of the civil servants. Likewise, it was observed that these workers are affected by the delay of Fiduprevisora SA in the fulfillment of their duties, which in turn delays the payment of severance pay to teachers.
The purpose of this research was to find strategies to contribute to the dynamism of the administrative processes that would solve the situations among which labor stress is found in the administrative personnel belonging to the Office of the Social Benefits Fund of the Secretary of Education of the Department of Atlántico and thus optimize the communication processes with Fiduprevisora S.A. that give speed to the requirements of the teachers for the recognition and payment of their severance pay and determine the actions that lead to excellence in the Human Talent. This was a quantitative research aimed at determining whether the application of the principles of good governance in the administration of teachers' resources had a positive influence on the work performance of public servants in the office of the Social Benefits Fund of the Secretary of Education of the Department of Atlántico. The main result obtained was that the imposition of a regulation that allows the workers of the Secretariat of Education of the Atlántico to be required to pay a pecuniary responsibility regarding the payment of a moratorium penalty for the untimely payment of severance pay, is an imminent psychosocial risk as it generates stress, anxiety and anguish, despite the fact that in general the entity complies with most of the factors necessary for the good performance of the civil servants. Likewise, it was observed that these workers are affected by the delay of Fiduprevisora SA in the fulfillment of their duties, which in turn delays the payment of severance pay to teachers.
Palabras clave
Buen gobierno, Principios, Estrés laboral, Prestaciones sociales, Proposal, Human talent, Work stress, Social benefits