El proceso ejecutivo y su culminación por pago total de manera oficiosa o discrecional por parte de los jueces de ejecución de sentencias civiles municipales en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Romero Pérez, Yenis Orlenes
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
EI surgimiento del intercambio entre una persona y otra de bienes comerciables, prestamos de dinero a personas y ante la imposibilidad de cumplir con lo debido por parte del deudor, surge en roma la necesidad de obligar a ese deudor a cumplir con las obligaciones contraídas, imponiéndole de esta manera al deudor un tipo de presión para lograr que cumpla con las obligaciones contraídas por el para con su acreedor, es así como nace los procesos ejecutivos que derivan de la ejecución, de obligaciones, actualmente el consejo superior de la judicatura mediante acuerdo No. PSAA 13-9984 de fecha septiembre 5 de 2013 creo a los jueces de ejecución de sentencias civiles municipales como necesidad de descongestionar a los jueces civiles municipales, de la mano de nuestro nuevo código general del proceso que le impone una serie de cargas procesales a las partes y le coloca una función más activa a dichos jueces, que les permita impulsar y desarrollar de manera más eficaz los procesos hasta su finalización de manera más rápida y ágil.
The emergence of the exchange between one person and another of marketable goods, loans of money to people and the im¡p,ossibility of com¡plying with what is due by the delbtor, arises in Rome the need to force the debtor to comply with the obligations contracted, thus imposing on the debtor a kind of pressure to achieve complianc,e with the obligations contracted by him to his creditor, this is how the executive processes arising from the execution of obligi ations, currently the superior council of the judiciary by agreement No. PSAA 13-9984 dated September 2013 created the judges of the execution of municipal civil judgme,nts as a need to decongest the municipal civil jiudges, hand in hand with our new general code of procedure, which is born the executive processes that derive from the execution of obligations, currently the superior council of the judiciary by agreement No. PSAA13-9984 dated September 2013. PSAA13-9984 dated September 5, 2013 created the judges of execution of municipal civil judgme,nts as a need to decongest the munici¡pal civil jiudges, hand in hand with our new general code of the process that imposes a series of procedural burdens to the parties and places a more active role to these judges, allowing them to promote and develop more effectively the processes until its completion in a faster and more agile way.
The emergence of the exchange between one person and another of marketable goods, loans of money to people and the im¡p,ossibility of com¡plying with what is due by the delbtor, arises in Rome the need to force the debtor to comply with the obligations contracted, thus imposing on the debtor a kind of pressure to achieve complianc,e with the obligations contracted by him to his creditor, this is how the executive processes arising from the execution of obligi ations, currently the superior council of the judiciary by agreement No. PSAA 13-9984 dated September 2013 created the judges of the execution of municipal civil judgme,nts as a need to decongest the municipal civil jiudges, hand in hand with our new general code of procedure, which is born the executive processes that derive from the execution of obligations, currently the superior council of the judiciary by agreement No. PSAA13-9984 dated September 2013. PSAA13-9984 dated September 5, 2013 created the judges of execution of municipal civil judgme,nts as a need to decongest the munici¡pal civil jiudges, hand in hand with our new general code of the process that imposes a series of procedural burdens to the parties and places a more active role to these judges, allowing them to promote and develop more effectively the processes until its completion in a faster and more agile way.
Palabras clave
Sentencias civiles, Código procesal del trabajo