Diseño de un sistema de monitoreo y control para los procesos de la empresa DAZCORD SAS
Gutiérrez Sierra, Yussef Rafael
Santamaria Camargo, Valentina Isabella
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Se tomaron varios trabajos y artículos de autores que aportan ideas brillantes acerca
del control interno que deben de tener las empresas, por ejemplo, Duarte Herrera,
(2018) expone lo siguiente, “realizar el seguimiento de las actividades planeadas
equivale al 95% de su proceso”, ya que, permite medir el avance general de un
proyecto conociendo no solo la evolución de las tareas programadas, sino también
la variación de los recursos asignados con respecto al tiempo; evitando así sobre
costos y desperdicios. Este seguimiento consiste en supervisar, medir y analizar la
información recopilada durante la ejecución del proyecto para que el director del
proyecto pueda tomar decisiones teniendo la perspectiva real de este. Además, de
registrar las lecciones aprendidas que serán implementadas en futuros proyectos
Several works and articles were taken from authors who provide brilliant ideas about the internal control that companies should have, for example, Duarte Herrera, (2018) states the following, "monitoring the planned activities is equivalent to 95% of its process", since, it allows measuring the overall progress of a project knowing not only the evolution of the scheduled tasks, but also the variation of the allocated resources with respect to time; thus avoiding over costs and waste. This follow-up consists of supervising, measuring and analyzing the information gathered during the execution of the project so that the project manager can make decisions having the real perspective of the project. In addition, to record lessons learned that will be implemented in future projects.
Several works and articles were taken from authors who provide brilliant ideas about the internal control that companies should have, for example, Duarte Herrera, (2018) states the following, "monitoring the planned activities is equivalent to 95% of its process", since, it allows measuring the overall progress of a project knowing not only the evolution of the scheduled tasks, but also the variation of the allocated resources with respect to time; thus avoiding over costs and waste. This follow-up consists of supervising, measuring and analyzing the information gathered during the execution of the project so that the project manager can make decisions having the real perspective of the project. In addition, to record lessons learned that will be implemented in future projects.
Palabras clave
Control interno, Monitorea, Control, PMBOOK, Rendimiento, Vale, Juicio de expertos, Historia de usuario, Internal control, Monitor, Control, PMBOOK, Performance, Voucher, Expert judgment, User story