Resiliencia en personas desplazadas que trabajan en el centro histórico de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Cerra Silva, Johanna
Palacio Cantillo, Laura Isabel
Vasquez Nadjar, Rosa Isabel
Zuñiga Viloria, Marinela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La resiliencia en personas que han sufrido desplazamiento forzoso, implica que esta aparece dentro del lugar donde se han reorganizado a manera vital, siendo esa resiliencia la que les permite entrar en contacto con sus aspectos subjetivos respecto a las situaciones vividas, por esto la presente investigación se basó en un modelo cualitativo para poder identificar cada una de las variables de la resiliencia en la población, y poder interpretarlas a partir de una matriz interpretativa en la cual el contenido subjetivo de la población fue contrastado con la teoría existente sobre la resiliencia, permitiendo de este modo conocer como se presenta la resiliencia en la población, a manera de establecer las conclusiones que el presente estudio arrojo durante su ejecución.
A manera de resultados se pudo observar como la resiliencia les ha permitido a las personas reorganizar su vida a partir de los aspectos que los rodean, como la familia, los hijos, el trabajo, los deseos de salir adelante en contra de la adversidad, mostrando de esta forma de cómo la resiliencia les ha permitido establecer un ritmo de vida después del duro evento del desplazamiento forzado al cual se vieron sometidos.
Resilience in people who have suffered forced displacement, implies that this occurs within the site have been reorganized to make vital, with the resilience that enables them to contact their subjective aspects regarding the situations experienced by the present investigation this was based on a qualitative model to identify each of the variables of resilience in the population, and able to interpret from an interpretative matrix in which the subjective content of the population was contrasted with the existing theory on resilience, allowing thus made aware as presented resilience in the population, how to establish the conclusions that this study found during its execution. By way of results was observed as resilience has allowed them to reorganize their lives people from the issues that surround them, such as family, children, work, desire to succeed against adversity, showing thus how resilience has allowed them to establish a rhythm after the hard life of forced displacement event to which they were subjected.
Resilience in people who have suffered forced displacement, implies that this occurs within the site have been reorganized to make vital, with the resilience that enables them to contact their subjective aspects regarding the situations experienced by the present investigation this was based on a qualitative model to identify each of the variables of resilience in the population, and able to interpret from an interpretative matrix in which the subjective content of the population was contrasted with the existing theory on resilience, allowing thus made aware as presented resilience in the population, how to establish the conclusions that this study found during its execution. By way of results was observed as resilience has allowed them to reorganize their lives people from the issues that surround them, such as family, children, work, desire to succeed against adversity, showing thus how resilience has allowed them to establish a rhythm after the hard life of forced displacement event to which they were subjected.
Palabras clave
Resiliencia, Compromiso, Cualidad de control, Reto, Desafío, Desplazamiento, Violencia, Conflicto interno armado, Resilience, Commitment, Quality control, Challenge, Displacement, Violence, Internal armed conflict