Violencia en las relaciones vinculares y su relación con los estilos de amor en los jóvenes y adultos del departamento del Atlántico
García Cantillo, Beatriz Elena
Hernández Pacheco, Carolina Stefanny
Tejera Utria, Angélica María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La violencia en las relaciones vinculares de los jóvenes y adultos ha provocado una gran preocupación dada la prevalencia de comportamientos agresivos por las partes involucradas. Sin embargo, también se tiene en cuenta la existencia de estilos de amor y cómo estos constituyen un papel importante en las relaciones vinculares. Objetivo: Analizar la violencia en las relaciones vinculares y los estilos de amor en los jóvenes del departamento del Atlántico. Método: 125 jóvenes y adultos de 18 a 34 años que residan en el departamento del Atlántico. El 75.2% (n=94) eran de género femenino y 24.8% (n=31) de género masculino. La edad media de la muestra fue de 21.94 años (SD = 3.52). Resultados: La muestra arrojó una prevalencia del 99,2% (n=124) tanto en violencia de control cometida como en la recibida. El estilo de amor manía se manifiesta simultáneamente con la violencia física sexual cometida, así como también, la violencia de control cometida, y violencia psicoemocional tanto recibida, como cometida. Conclusiones: La presencia de los estilos de amor se presenta junto a la violencia en el noviazgo.
Violence in youth and adults relationships has caused major concern given the prevalence of aggressive behaviors by the parties involved. However, the existence of love styles and how it play an important role in bonding relationships is also considered. Objective: To analyze the violence in the bonding relationships and the styles of love in the young people of the department of Atlántico. Method: Young and adults people between 18 and 34 years old, who reside in the department of Atlántico. 75.2% (n = 94) were female and 24.8% (n = 31) male. The mean age of the sample was 21.94 years (SD = 3.52). Results: The sample showed a prevalence of 99.2% (n = 124) in both committed and received control violence. The mania love style manifests simultaneously with the physical sexual violence committed, as well as the control violence committed, and psycho-emotional violence both received and committed. Conclusions: The presence of love styles occurs together with dating violence.
Violence in youth and adults relationships has caused major concern given the prevalence of aggressive behaviors by the parties involved. However, the existence of love styles and how it play an important role in bonding relationships is also considered. Objective: To analyze the violence in the bonding relationships and the styles of love in the young people of the department of Atlántico. Method: Young and adults people between 18 and 34 years old, who reside in the department of Atlántico. 75.2% (n = 94) were female and 24.8% (n = 31) male. The mean age of the sample was 21.94 years (SD = 3.52). Results: The sample showed a prevalence of 99.2% (n = 124) in both committed and received control violence. The mania love style manifests simultaneously with the physical sexual violence committed, as well as the control violence committed, and psycho-emotional violence both received and committed. Conclusions: The presence of love styles occurs together with dating violence.
Palabras clave
Violencia, Relaciones vinculares, Estilos de amor, Violence, Bonding relationships, Love styles