Desarrollo y contexto del proceso de justicia transicional en Colombia
Delgado, Luis Alejandro
Afanador, Mauricio
Caicedo, David
Carrascal, Jesús
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo aborda el desarrollo y contexto del proceso de justicia transicional en Colombia, desde un punto de vista jurídico y desde el acuerdo de paz suscrito entre el Estado Colombiano y las FARC.
De igual forma se enfoca a la Justicia transicional, desde una perspectiva política, a partir del análisis de los instrumentos jurídicos que le han dado vida en Colombia.
Colombia ha venido avanzando hacia la implementación de un procedimiento real de Justicia Transicional con el propósito de crear un ambiente de concordia y paz en toda la sociedad, en donde todas las ramas del poder público han confluido en su reconocimiento, la sociedad civil ha participado de manera activa en su estructuración al igual que se ha contado con el respaldo positivo de la comunidad internacional en los distintos mecanismos que se han adoptado para lograr tal propósito.
Instrumentos como la Ley de Victimas o Marco Jurídico para la paz, la ley de desmovilizados, normas que en el transcurso de este proceso investigativo se someterán a un análisis profundo, creación, alcance y aplicación en el marco de los Acuerdos de Paz suscrito por el Estado Colombiano y las FARC.
En términos de Uprimny (2006), los procesos transicionales deben ser móviles, expeditos y tienen particularidades que le permitan escoger entre una solución u otra que pueden tener características de uno o varios tipos, es decir se inicia de una forma y se termina de otra
This article addresses the development and context of the transitional justice process in Colombia, from a legal point of view and from the peace agreement signed between the Colombian State and the FARC. Likewise, it focuses on transitional justice, from a political perspective, based on the analysis of the legal instruments that have given it life in Colombia. Colombia has been moving towards the implementation of a real procedure of Transitional Justice with the purpose of creating an atmosphere of harmony and peace throughout society, where all branches of public power have converged in recognition, civil society has participated in active way in its structuring as well as the positive support of the international community in the different mechanisms that have been adopted to achieve this purpose. Instruments such as the Law of Victims or Legal Framework for peace, the law of demobilized persons, norms that in the course of this investigative process will be subjected to an in-depth analysis, creation, scope and application within the framework of the Peace Agreements signed by the Colombian State and the FARC. In terms of Uprimny (2006), transitional processes must be mobile, expeditious and have particularities that allow them to choose between one solution or another that may have characteristics of one or several types, that is, it starts in one way and ends in another
This article addresses the development and context of the transitional justice process in Colombia, from a legal point of view and from the peace agreement signed between the Colombian State and the FARC. Likewise, it focuses on transitional justice, from a political perspective, based on the analysis of the legal instruments that have given it life in Colombia. Colombia has been moving towards the implementation of a real procedure of Transitional Justice with the purpose of creating an atmosphere of harmony and peace throughout society, where all branches of public power have converged in recognition, civil society has participated in active way in its structuring as well as the positive support of the international community in the different mechanisms that have been adopted to achieve this purpose. Instruments such as the Law of Victims or Legal Framework for peace, the law of demobilized persons, norms that in the course of this investigative process will be subjected to an in-depth analysis, creation, scope and application within the framework of the Peace Agreements signed by the Colombian State and the FARC. In terms of Uprimny (2006), transitional processes must be mobile, expeditious and have particularities that allow them to choose between one solution or another that may have characteristics of one or several types, that is, it starts in one way and ends in another
Palabras clave
Justicia transicional, Víctimas, Reparación, Restauración y verdad, Transitional Justice, Victims, Reparation, Restoration and truth