Psychopharmacological Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in Naval Military Subjects
Diaz-Perez, Anderson
Pinto Aragón, Elvis Eliana
Mendoza Cataño, Carmenza Leonor
Toro Rubio, Moraima del
Navarro-Quiroz, Elkin
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Canadian Center of Science and Education
Introduction: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric syndrome known since 1980 with multiple
names in the military field. Its etiology is multicausal, whose predominant factor is the lack of adaptation and
managing with events considered traumatic. Objective. To describe the clinical characteristics such as the type of
psychological and pharmacological treatment received by the naval military with diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder at the Psychiatric Unit of Cartagena’s Naval Hospital.
Methodology: A descriptive, retrospective cross-sectional study with an associative approach (Crosstabulation).
The sample was 242 navy subjects with PTSD diagnosis. The information was collected with a data collection
form of medical records. The information analysis was developed through the program SPSS ® 21.0. Chi2 and
value of p≤0.05 calculation was applied through the crossing of variables.
Results: The most prevalent type of traumatic event was the one represented by combat with the presence of
depressive disorders and anxiety with a value of p≤0.05.
Conclusions: The PTSD severity is related to the severity of the event, in addition if the trumatic event was
Palabras clave
PTSD, Posttraumatic stress, Epidemiology, Comorbidity (psychiatry), War, Military, Colombia, Stress, Trauma, Disorder, Psychiatry