Estrés laboral, calidad del sueño y síntomas osteomusculares en trabajadores de la costa caribe colombiana
Blanco Ariza, Andrea Carolina
Castañeda Romero, Cesar Augusto
González Enciso, Belén Juliett
Payares Ballestas, Karen Margarita
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Objetivo: Determinar los indicadores de riesgo asociados a Estrés laboral, Calidad
del Sueño y Síntomas Osteomusculares en trabajadores de la Costa Caribe
Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado a 131
trabajadores de una empresa del sector de las Tecnologías Innovación y
Comunicaciones (TIC). Se indagó sobre las características sociodemográficas y los
factores laborales. Se evalúo el Estrés laboral, la Calidad del Sueño y los Síntomas
Osteomusculares mediante la encuesta Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Encuesta
de Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh y Cuestionario Nórdico de Síntomas
Musculo-tendinosos. Esta investigación se ajusta a los principios científicos y éticos
que la justifican. Se asegura que los participantes no tendrán riesgos en su salud.
Todos firmarán el Consentimiento Informado. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó
el programa estadístico SPSS versión 29 (Licencia de la Universidad Simón
Bolívar); se realizaron análisis estadísticos univariados y bivariados de los datos.
Las variables categóricas se presentan en frecuencias absolutas y relativas, y para
las cuantitativas se emplea la media y la desviación estándar.
Resultados: De una población de 131 trabajadores, el 13% expresó que pocas
veces a la semana se siente vacío, en lo que concierne a la percepción de la fatiga
laboral el 23.7% refiere que pocas veces a la semana, el 20.6% pocas veces al año,
mientras que el 9.9% todos los días. Con respecto a si los empleados se sienten
activos durante la jornada laboral, el grupo de investigación identificó que el 3,8%
refiere nunca sentirse muy activo, el 29,0% pocas veces a la semana, el 3,8%
manifiesta que pocas veces al año. Por su parte; se evidenció que el 35,9% de la
población presenta una calidad del sueño bastante mala, El 8.4% de los
encuestados dice haber tomado medicinas para dormir menos de una vez a la
semana, el 3.8% toma tres o más veces medicación de manera semanal, y,
finalmente, el 4.6% una o dos veces a la semana. En cuanto a la sintomatología
Osteomuscular el 38,9% presentó molestias en cuello durante los últimos siete (7)
días y del total de la población el 48,8% presentaron dolores moderados. El 48.85%
de los participantes informó dolor de intensidad moderada, finalmente; se evaluó la
intensidad del dolor, encontrando que El 10.69% de los participantes experimentó
un nivel de dolor alto y el 3.05% de los participantes describió el dolor como
Objective: Determine the risk indicators associated with work stress, sleep quality and osteomuscular symptoms in workers on the Colombian Caribbean Coast. Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on 131 workers from a company in the Innovation and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector. Sociodemographic characteristics and work factors were investigated. Work Stress, Sleep Quality and Osteomuscular Symptoms were evaluated using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) survey, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Survey and the Nordic Musculotendinous Symptoms Questionnaire. This research conforms to the scientific and ethical principles that justify it. It is ensured that participants will not have risks to their health. Everyone will sign the Informed Consent. For data analysis, the statistical program SPSS version 29 (License from the Simón Bolívar University) was used; Univariate and bivariate statistical analyzes of the data were performed. Categorical variables are presented in absolute and relative frequencies, and for quantitative variables the mean and standard deviation are used. Results: Of a population of 131 workers, 13% expressed that they feel empty a few times a week, with regard to the perception of work fatigue, 23.7% reported that a few times a week, 20.6% a few times. per year, while 9.9% every day. Regarding whether employees feel active during the work day, the research group identified that 3.8% say they never feel very active, 29.0% a few times a week, 3.8% say they rarely feel active. times a year. For its part; It was evident that 35.9% of the population has a fairly poor quality of sleep. 8.4% of those surveyed say they have taken medication to sleep less than once a week, 3.8% take medication three or more times regularly. weekly, and finally 4.6% once or twice a week. Regarding Osteomuscular symptoms, 38.9% presented neck discomfort during the last seven (7) days and of the total population, 48.8% presented moderate pain. 48.85% of participants reported pain of moderate intensity, finally; The intensity of pain was evaluated, finding that 10.69% of participants experienced a high level of pain and 3.05% of participants described the pain as unbearable.
Objective: Determine the risk indicators associated with work stress, sleep quality and osteomuscular symptoms in workers on the Colombian Caribbean Coast. Materials and Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out on 131 workers from a company in the Innovation and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector. Sociodemographic characteristics and work factors were investigated. Work Stress, Sleep Quality and Osteomuscular Symptoms were evaluated using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) survey, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Survey and the Nordic Musculotendinous Symptoms Questionnaire. This research conforms to the scientific and ethical principles that justify it. It is ensured that participants will not have risks to their health. Everyone will sign the Informed Consent. For data analysis, the statistical program SPSS version 29 (License from the Simón Bolívar University) was used; Univariate and bivariate statistical analyzes of the data were performed. Categorical variables are presented in absolute and relative frequencies, and for quantitative variables the mean and standard deviation are used. Results: Of a population of 131 workers, 13% expressed that they feel empty a few times a week, with regard to the perception of work fatigue, 23.7% reported that a few times a week, 20.6% a few times. per year, while 9.9% every day. Regarding whether employees feel active during the work day, the research group identified that 3.8% say they never feel very active, 29.0% a few times a week, 3.8% say they rarely feel active. times a year. For its part; It was evident that 35.9% of the population has a fairly poor quality of sleep. 8.4% of those surveyed say they have taken medication to sleep less than once a week, 3.8% take medication three or more times regularly. weekly, and finally 4.6% once or twice a week. Regarding Osteomuscular symptoms, 38.9% presented neck discomfort during the last seven (7) days and of the total population, 48.8% presented moderate pain. 48.85% of participants reported pain of moderate intensity, finally; The intensity of pain was evaluated, finding that 10.69% of participants experienced a high level of pain and 3.05% of participants described the pain as unbearable.
Palabras clave
Estrés laboral, Calidad del sueño, Sistema osteomuscular, Salud de los trabajadores, Work stress, Sleep quality, Musculoskeletal system, Workers' health