Expresión de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género por medio de las redes sociales en México y Colombia
Hernández López, Linda Paola
Hernández Urzola, María Cristina
Leal Santero, Ermides Nadith
Martínez Martínez, Verónica Yuliana
Vargas Portocarrero, Claudina Cielo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La investigación se enfoca en cómo las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género utilizan las redes sociales para expresar sus pensamientos y sentimientos, ya que la violencia de género en las mujeres es un problema mundial sociocultural. Y esta se ha logrado visibilizar gracias a las mujeres líderes que han dado seguridad a las víctimas para denunciar, pero aún hay casos que no avanzan. Las redes sociales pueden convertirse en una herramienta poderosa para abordar la violencia de género y generar cambios positivos en la sociedad. La recopilación de información por medio de artículos, donde se observaron manifestaciones de mujeres víctimas que utilizan las redes sociales para denunciar o recibir apoyo. Se mencionan datos estadísticos mundiales y locales sobre la violencia de género en mujeres. Además, se destaca el papel de las mujeres en las redes sociales, donde son muy activas y expresivas, lo que puede romper con viejos estereotipos y categorías demográficas.
Como parte el proyecto sensibiliza a la sociedad sobre la prevalencia de la violencia contra las mujeres y como se expresan en las redes sociales. Este proyecto, puede tener una contribución académica significativa descubriendo nuevos conocimientos sobre la forma en que las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género utilizan las redes sociales para expresarse. Esto puede ayudar a los actores a comprender mejor cómo se manifiesta la expresión de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género en el mundo digital y cómo las víctimas la abordan, también se pueden desarrollar teorías respecto a los resultados que se obtienen en la investigación.
Se presenta un proyecto de investigación que busca dar una perspectiva distinta respecto a las redes sociales como medio de expresión para las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género o que conocen casos de violencia, con el objetivo de sensibilizar y concientizar sobre la prevalencia de la violencia contra las mujeres y cómo puede manifestarse en las redes sociales. El proyecto puede contribuir socialmente al ofrecer apoyo emocional y psicológico a las mujeres y empoderarlas al expresar sus pensamientos y sentimientos en un espacio público.
The research focuses on how women victims of gender violence use social networks to express their thoughts and feelings, since gender violence against women is a global sociocultural problem. And this has been made visible thanks to the women leaders who have given the victims security to denounce, but there are still cases that do not advance. Social networks can become a powerful tool to address gender violence and generate positive changes in society. The collection of information through articles, where demonstrations of women victims who use social networks to denounce or receive support were observed. Global and local statistical data on gender violence against women are mentioned. In addition, the role of women in social networks is highlighted, where they are very active and expressive, which can break with old stereotypes and demographic categories. As part of the project, the project sensitizes society about the prevalence of violence against women and how they are expressed in social networks. This project can have a significant academic contribution by discovering new knowledge about the way in which women victims of gender violence use social networks to express themselves. This can help the actors to better understand how the expression of women victims of gender violence is manifested in the digital world and how the victims approach it, theories can also be developed regarding the results obtained in the investigation. A research project is presented that seeks to give a different perspective regarding social networks as a means of expression for women victims of gender violence or who know cases of violence, with the aim of raising awareness about the prevalence of violence against women and how it can be manifested in social networks. The project can contribute socially by offering emotional and psychological support to women and empowering them by expressing their thoughts and feelings in a public space.
The research focuses on how women victims of gender violence use social networks to express their thoughts and feelings, since gender violence against women is a global sociocultural problem. And this has been made visible thanks to the women leaders who have given the victims security to denounce, but there are still cases that do not advance. Social networks can become a powerful tool to address gender violence and generate positive changes in society. The collection of information through articles, where demonstrations of women victims who use social networks to denounce or receive support were observed. Global and local statistical data on gender violence against women are mentioned. In addition, the role of women in social networks is highlighted, where they are very active and expressive, which can break with old stereotypes and demographic categories. As part of the project, the project sensitizes society about the prevalence of violence against women and how they are expressed in social networks. This project can have a significant academic contribution by discovering new knowledge about the way in which women victims of gender violence use social networks to express themselves. This can help the actors to better understand how the expression of women victims of gender violence is manifested in the digital world and how the victims approach it, theories can also be developed regarding the results obtained in the investigation. A research project is presented that seeks to give a different perspective regarding social networks as a means of expression for women victims of gender violence or who know cases of violence, with the aim of raising awareness about the prevalence of violence against women and how it can be manifested in social networks. The project can contribute socially by offering emotional and psychological support to women and empowering them by expressing their thoughts and feelings in a public space.
Palabras clave
Violencia, Genero, Redes Sociales, Mujeres, Victimas, Violence, Gender, Social Networks, Women, Victims