Aportes de la interacción didáctica en el aula para la consolidación de las competencias socioemocionales de los estudiantes de educación secundaria del Colegio Cooperativo San José de Peralta en Cúcuta-Norte de Santander
Caicedo Díaz, Laura Josefina
Guerrero Carrillo, Eduard Alexis
Carrillo Santana, Samir Rodrigo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La educación del siglo XXI hace su apuesta por superar las dicotomías entre lo cognitivo y los emocional para potenciar integralmente los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje desde una visión relacional de la didáctica. El objetivo general de esta investigación fue Analizar el aporte de la interacción didáctica en el aula para la consolidación de las competencias socioemocionales de los estudiantes de educación secundaria del Colegio Cooperativo San José de Peralta en Cúcuta-Norte de Santander, atendiendo al Paradigma Hermenéutico, el enfoque cualitativo y el diseño fenomenológico, sistematizado en tres fases: 1) Caracterizar la interacción didáctica y las competencias socioemocionales desde la narrativa de los docentes; 2) Develar la percepción sobre la interacción didáctica y las competencias socioemocionales de los estudiantes desde las experiencias en el aula y 3) Contrastar las narrativas de los docentes y estudiantes sobre la interacción didáctica y el fomento de las competencias socioemocionales. Para ello se aplicaron las técnicas de: entrevista semiestructurada, grupo focal y análisis de contenido; elaborando los respectivos instrumentos con sus protocolos, los cuales fueron debidamente validados para su posterior aplicación. Los resultados permitieron sustentar los hallazgos desde las categorías de: la interacción didáctica, de la cual emergieron subcategorías como: relación, comunicación y estrategias didácticas; competencias socioemocionales, con las subcategorías: regulación emocional, autonomía emocional y competencia social. Lo cual en definitiva propició que emergieran las categorías axiales: interacción didáctica bajo el modelo conversacional y consolidación de las competencias socioemocionales las cuales son teorizadas para su comprensión en el capítulo de discusión. De esta manera, se pudo concluir que se reconocen aportes comunicativos-relacionales caracterizados por una tendencia cognitiva funcional en la interacción didáctica que emergen entre estudiantes y docentes contribuyendo al proceso de asimilación de las competencias socioemocionales. Se recomienda potenciar las interacciones didácticas en el aula desde un enfoque conversacional dialógico para afianzar el desarrollo de habilidades socioemocionales apostando por una visión profunda de la educación socioemocional que incida en el bienestar integral de toda la comunidad educativa y a su vez en la construcción de una sociedad mas equitativa e incluyente.
The education of the XXI century makes its commitment to overcome the dichotomies between the cognitive and the emotional to fully enhance the teaching and learning processes from a relational vision of didactics. The general objective of this research was to analyze the contribution of the didactic interaction in the classroom for the consolidation of the socio-emotional competences of the secondary education students of the San José de Peralta Cooperative School in Cúcuta-Norte de Santander, attending to the Hermeneutical Paradigm, the qualitative approach and phenomenological design, systematized in three phases: 1) Characterize the didactic interaction and socio-emotional competences from the teachers' narrative; 2) Reveal the perception about the didactic interaction and the socio-emotional competences of the students from the experiences in the classroom and 3) Contrast the narratives of the teachers and students about the didactic interaction and the promotion of the socio-emotional competences. For this, the techniques of: semi-structured interview, focus group and content analysis were applied; elaborating the respective instruments with their protocols, which were duly validated for their subsequent application. The results allowed to support the findings from the categories of: didactic interaction, from which subcategories emerged such as: relationship, communication and didactic strategies; socio-emotional competences, with the subcategories: emotional regulation, emotional autonomy and social competence. This ultimately led to the emergence of the axial categories: didactic interaction under the conversational model and consolidation of socio-emotional competencies which are theorized for understanding in the discussion chapter. In this way, it could be concluded that communicative-relational contributions are recognized characterized by a functional cognitive trend in the didactic interaction that emerge between students and teachers, contributing to the process of assimilation of socio-emotional competencies. It is recommended to promote didactic interactions in the classroom from a dialogical conversational approach to strengthen the development of socio-emotional skills, betting on a deep vision of socio-emotional education that affects the integral well-being of the entire educational community and in turn in the construction of a society more equitable and inclusive.
The education of the XXI century makes its commitment to overcome the dichotomies between the cognitive and the emotional to fully enhance the teaching and learning processes from a relational vision of didactics. The general objective of this research was to analyze the contribution of the didactic interaction in the classroom for the consolidation of the socio-emotional competences of the secondary education students of the San José de Peralta Cooperative School in Cúcuta-Norte de Santander, attending to the Hermeneutical Paradigm, the qualitative approach and phenomenological design, systematized in three phases: 1) Characterize the didactic interaction and socio-emotional competences from the teachers' narrative; 2) Reveal the perception about the didactic interaction and the socio-emotional competences of the students from the experiences in the classroom and 3) Contrast the narratives of the teachers and students about the didactic interaction and the promotion of the socio-emotional competences. For this, the techniques of: semi-structured interview, focus group and content analysis were applied; elaborating the respective instruments with their protocols, which were duly validated for their subsequent application. The results allowed to support the findings from the categories of: didactic interaction, from which subcategories emerged such as: relationship, communication and didactic strategies; socio-emotional competences, with the subcategories: emotional regulation, emotional autonomy and social competence. This ultimately led to the emergence of the axial categories: didactic interaction under the conversational model and consolidation of socio-emotional competencies which are theorized for understanding in the discussion chapter. In this way, it could be concluded that communicative-relational contributions are recognized characterized by a functional cognitive trend in the didactic interaction that emerge between students and teachers, contributing to the process of assimilation of socio-emotional competencies. It is recommended to promote didactic interactions in the classroom from a dialogical conversational approach to strengthen the development of socio-emotional skills, betting on a deep vision of socio-emotional education that affects the integral well-being of the entire educational community and in turn in the construction of a society more equitable and inclusive.
Palabras clave
Interacción didáctica, Competencias socioemocionales, Enfoque conversacional-dialógico, Educación para la Vida, Bienestar, Didactic interaction, Socio-emotional competences, Conversational-dialogic approach, Education for life, Well-being