Plan de muestreo para el estudio de obesidad, sobrepeso y variables biopsicosociales en niños y adolescentes escolarizados de Cúcuta, Colombia
Hernández-Lalinde, Juan
Espinosa-Castro, Jhon-Franklin
Chacín, Maricarmen
Carrillo-Sierra, Sandra-Milena
García Álvarez, Diego
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
La investigación en las ciencias sociales, de la salud o del
comportamiento, cuyo objeto de estudio es el hombre, obliga
a enfrentarse a escenarios en los que, muchas veces, no
está definida la población objetivo. Es bastante común en
estas áreas del quehacer científico, que investigadores se
topen con situaciones en las que deban recurrir a esquemas
complejos de muestreo, incorporando elementos del muestreo
aleatorio simple, estratificado y por conglomerados. La
presente revisión tiene por objetivo servir como guía en este
sentido, construyéndose sobre la base de un estudio real y
en desarrollo, enfocado en analizar la posible relación entre
el sobrepeso, la obesidad y variables biopsicosociales en niños
y adolescentes escolarizados de Cúcuta, Colombia. Se
ha intentado profundizar en el detalle del plan, examinando
cuestiones fundamentales como las etapas utilizadas, los criterios
de estratificación y conglomeración, el tamaño de la
muestra de estudiantes, el número de unidades primarias y
secundarias escogidas y la validación de la muestra mediante
una comparación descriptiva. El elemento matemático se
menciona solo de manera referencial, haciendo hincapié en
el uso de programas como SPSS, para el diseño del plan, extracción
de la muestra y obtención de estimaciones básicas;
y G-Power, para el cálculo del tamaño de la muestra considerando
aspectos como el nivel de significación, potencia,
tamaño de efecto a detectar, grados de libertad, entre otros.
Research in social, health or behavioral sciences, whose object of study is man, requires facing circumstances in which the target population is often not defined. It is quite common in these areas of scientific work, that researchers bumping into situations in which they must resort to complex sampling schemes, incorporating elements of simple, stratified and cluster random sampling. This review aims to serve as a guide in this regard, building on the basis of a real and developing study, focused on analyzing the possible relationship between overweight, obesity and biopsychosocial variables in children and adolescents in school age from Cúcuta, Colombia. The plan has been explained in detail, examining fundamental issues such as the specific stages, the stratification and clustering criteria, the sample size of students, the number of primary and secondary sampling units needed, and the validation of the sample through a descriptive comparison. The mathematical element is mentioned only in a referential manner, with emphasis on the use of programs such as SPSS (for the design of the plan, sample extraction and basic estimation) and G-Power (for the calculation of the sample size according to the significance level, power, effect size, degrees of freedom, among others).
Research in social, health or behavioral sciences, whose object of study is man, requires facing circumstances in which the target population is often not defined. It is quite common in these areas of scientific work, that researchers bumping into situations in which they must resort to complex sampling schemes, incorporating elements of simple, stratified and cluster random sampling. This review aims to serve as a guide in this regard, building on the basis of a real and developing study, focused on analyzing the possible relationship between overweight, obesity and biopsychosocial variables in children and adolescents in school age from Cúcuta, Colombia. The plan has been explained in detail, examining fundamental issues such as the specific stages, the stratification and clustering criteria, the sample size of students, the number of primary and secondary sampling units needed, and the validation of the sample through a descriptive comparison. The mathematical element is mentioned only in a referential manner, with emphasis on the use of programs such as SPSS (for the design of the plan, sample extraction and basic estimation) and G-Power (for the calculation of the sample size according to the significance level, power, effect size, degrees of freedom, among others).
Palabras clave
Muestras complejas, Plan de muestreo, Obesidad, Sobrepeso, Variables Biopsicosociales, Niños y adolescentes, Complex samples, Sampling Plan, Obesity, Overweight, Biopsychosocial variables, Children and Adolescents