Factores que inciden en el incremento del embarazo en adolescentes, en la Región Caribe 2021-2022
Osorio Ruiz, Betsy Edith
Quiroz Almeida, Gabriela
Rodríguez Buelvas, Andrea
Vergara Consuegra, Mihalyc
Watler Cardales, Litza Inés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo describir los factores que inciden en el incremento del embarazo en adolescentes en la Región Caribe Colombiana, con el fin de identificar los factores de riesgo personales, familiares, sociales y culturales que inciden en el embarazo adolescente y determinar los conocimientos que tienen las adolescentes sobre la salud sexual y reproductiva. Se aplicó una muestra de 38 participantes de género femenino, quienes son o fueron en su momento madres adolescentes. Como instrumento de recolección de información se construyó una entrevista estructurada, compuesta por un total de 44 preguntas con enfoque cuantitativo, cuyos resultados arrojaron que los embarazos a temprana edad están directamente relacionados con la poca e inadecuada educación sexual, los tabúes influenciados por la cultura, los antecedentes familiares de embarazos precoces, la baja frecuencia en que se exponen los sentimientos y las emociones al interior de la familia, los problemas económicos, el hacinamiento en la vivienda, entre otros.
The objective of this research was to describe the factors that affect the increase in adolescent pregnancy in the Colombian Caribbean Region, in order to identify the personal, family, social and cultural risk factors that affect adolescent pregnancy and determine the knowledge that adolescents have about sexual and reproductive health. A sample of 38 female participants was applied, who are or, at the time, were teenage mothers. As an information collection instrument, a structured interview was constructed, composed of a total of 44 questions with a quantitative approach, whose results showed that early pregnancies are directly related to little and inadequate sexual education, taboos influenced by culture, family history of early pregnancies, the low frequency in which feelings and emotions are exposed within the family, economic problems, overcrowding in housing, among others.
The objective of this research was to describe the factors that affect the increase in adolescent pregnancy in the Colombian Caribbean Region, in order to identify the personal, family, social and cultural risk factors that affect adolescent pregnancy and determine the knowledge that adolescents have about sexual and reproductive health. A sample of 38 female participants was applied, who are or, at the time, were teenage mothers. As an information collection instrument, a structured interview was constructed, composed of a total of 44 questions with a quantitative approach, whose results showed that early pregnancies are directly related to little and inadequate sexual education, taboos influenced by culture, family history of early pregnancies, the low frequency in which feelings and emotions are exposed within the family, economic problems, overcrowding in housing, among others.
Palabras clave
Adolescencia, Embarazo adolescente, Factores de riesgo, Salud sexual y reproductiva, Adolescence, Adolescent pregnancy, Risk factors, Sexual and reproductive health