Estrategias gerenciales para la formacion de equipos de trabajos en empresas constructoras del Caribe colombiano
Duran, Sonia Ethel
Crissien Orellano, José Eduardo
Virviescas Peña, Jhon
García, Jesús Enrique
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
La presente investigación estuvo dirigida a determinar
las estrategias gerenciales para la formación de equipos
de trabajos en empresas constructoras del caribe
colombiano. La misma estuvo sustentada en los
planteamientos teóricos referidos por: Robbins (2014),
Dell’ordine (2000), Mintzberg y Quinn (2000), Daft
(2004), Koontz y Weihrich, (2007); entre otros. La
metodología fue de tipo descriptiva con un diseño no
experimental de tipo transversal, la población estuvo
conformada por treinta nueve cincuenta (39) sujetos
gerentes de las empresas constructoras. La técnica de
recolección de datos se llevó a cabo a través de dos
cuestionarios, uno para estrategias (69) ítems, el otro
para la variable Trabajo en equipo, (57) ítems, con
alternativas tipo escala Likert. La validez del instrumento
se obtuvo a través del juicio de 10 expertos, Para el
cálculo de la confiabilidad se utilizó el método de alfa
Crombach, donde se obtuvo un valor de 0.81 y 0,80. Los
resultados fueron tabulados de acuerdo a los reactivos e
interpretados estadísticamente mediante frecuencia
absoluta y relativa, calculando los puntajes de tendencia
central y desviación estándar. Representados por tablas.
This research was conducted to determine the management strategies for the training of teams of works at construction companies in the Colombian Caribbean. It was based on the theoretical approaches concerned by: Robbins (2014), Dell'ordine (2000), Mintzberg and Quinn (2000), Daft (2004), Koontz and Weihrich, (2007); among others. The methodology was descriptive with cross-type non-experimental design, the population was conformed by thirty nine (39) fifty subject construction companies managers. The technique of data collection took place through two questionnaires, one for strategies (69) items, the other for the variable work in team, (57) items, with alternatives type Likert scale. The validity of the instrument was obtained through the judgement of 10 experts, for the calculation of the reliability was used the method of Alpha Cronbach, where obtaining a value of 0.81 and 0.80. The results were tabulated according to the reagents and interpreted statistically using absolute and relative frequency, calculating the scores of central tendency and standard deviation. Represented by tables. It is considered the need to implement strategies that allow the creation and function of the work teams.
This research was conducted to determine the management strategies for the training of teams of works at construction companies in the Colombian Caribbean. It was based on the theoretical approaches concerned by: Robbins (2014), Dell'ordine (2000), Mintzberg and Quinn (2000), Daft (2004), Koontz and Weihrich, (2007); among others. The methodology was descriptive with cross-type non-experimental design, the population was conformed by thirty nine (39) fifty subject construction companies managers. The technique of data collection took place through two questionnaires, one for strategies (69) items, the other for the variable work in team, (57) items, with alternatives type Likert scale. The validity of the instrument was obtained through the judgement of 10 experts, for the calculation of the reliability was used the method of Alpha Cronbach, where obtaining a value of 0.81 and 0.80. The results were tabulated according to the reagents and interpreted statistically using absolute and relative frequency, calculating the scores of central tendency and standard deviation. Represented by tables. It is considered the need to implement strategies that allow the creation and function of the work teams.
Palabras clave
Estrategias gerenciales, Equipos de trabajo, Capacitación, Integración, Management strategies, Work, Training, Integration equipment