Propuesta didáctica para la resolución de problemas matemáticos apoyado en las TIC como medio de aprendizaje en los estudiantes de 5 grado de la Institución Educativa Francisco de Paula Santander del Zulia (N. De S.)
López Peñaranda, Álvaro Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La matemática ha sido reconocida como una de las disciplinas más influyentes en el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología, y su esencia es la resolución de problemas; gracias al desarrollo de esta habilidad, innumerables científicos han podido dar respuesta y solución a múltiples necesidades e inquietudes de la humanidad; desde esta perspectiva la presente investigación desarrolló como objetivo principal el análisis del proceso de resolución de problemas matemáticos en el aula; los resultados de este análisis fueron los fundamentos para proponer una estrategia didáctica apoyada en las TIC, como medio de aprendizaje para estudiantes de 5 grado de la Institución Educativa Francisco de Paula Santander del Zulia (N. de S.). Estudio que empleo una metodología direccionada bajo el paradigma constructivista, con un enfoque de investigación complementario, el cual permitió un mejor acercamiento al objeto de estudio desde el uso de técnicas de tipo cuantitativo y cualitativo; con un diseño de investigación de tipo descriptivo para las técnicas y análisis cuantitativas; y hermenéutico para las técnicas y análisis cualitativas.
Para la recolección de información se aplicó inicialmente un diagnóstico, para determinar el pensamiento matemático con mayor dificultad, posteriormente una prueba ensayo con la finalidad de identificar las estrategias aplicadas por los estudiantes para resolver problemas en matemáticas, los resultados de estos dos instrumentos dieron respuesta al objetivo específico 1. Así mismo, se aplicó un guion de entrevista a 4 docentes que orientan los grados 5, para determinar la concepción del maestro frente a la enseñanza de las matemáticas y la resolución de problemas, con estos resultados se dio respuesta al objetivo específico 2. Con base en esos resultados y las dificultades encontradas se propuso una secuencia didáctica, organizada en 6 unidades de aprendizaje asociadas con el pensamiento métrico y sistemas de medidas, con este resultado se dio cumplimiento al objetivo específico 3.
Obteniendo como resultados y conclusión final que El 73.6% de los estudiantes participantes demostraron mayor dificultad, en el pensamiento métrico y sistemas de medidas, específicamente en los procedimientos para convertir unidades, en la comprensión y análisis de enunciados debido a que no extraen datos, no asocian la información gráfica con el enunciado, además desconocen las ecuaciones para hallar áreas de triángulos, rectángulos, y volúmenes. Del mismo modo, desde la concepción de las docentes entrevistadas se encontró que realizan la planeación y enseñanza de las matemáticas apoyadas en la lúdica, el razonamiento inductivo, y la ejercitación como base para el aprendizaje, de igual modo reconocen la importancia de la resolución de problemas como eje central del currículo y manifestaron que evalúan la competencia de resolución de problemas desde la evaluación formativa, argumentando que valoran todo el proceso, los saberes y los conocimientos, realizando retroalimentación de las falencias o dificultades. Por otro lado, desde la concepción de las docentes se afirmó que la mayor dificultad para resolver problemas matemáticos está relacionada con la comprensión lectora, la cual es esencial para la interpretación y el análisis del enunciado de un problema y que el pensamiento con mayor dificultad para los estudiantes es el métrico y sistemas de medidas, coincidiendo estos dos resultados con los encontrados en los resultados en las pruebas aplicadas a los estudiantes
Mathematics has been recognized as one of the most influential disciplines in development of science and technology, and its essence is problem solving; thanks to the development of this ability, countless scientists have been able to give answer and solution to multiple needs and concerns of humanity; from this perspective the present research developed the analysis of the problem-solving process as the main objective mathematicians in the classroom; the results of this analysis were the foundations for proposing a ICT-supported teaching strategy as a learning medium for 5-year students of the Educational Institution Francisco de Paula Santander del Zulia (N. de S.). Study that use a methodology directed under the constructivist paradigm, with a focus on research, which allowed a better approach to the object of study from the use of quantitative and qualitative techniques; with a research-type design descriptive for quantitative techniques and analysis; and hermeneutic for techniques and analysis qualitative. For the collection of information, a diagnosis was initially applied to determine the mathematical thought with greater difficulty, then a test essay with the the purpose of identifying strategies applied by students to solve problems in The results of these two instruments responded to Specific Objective 1. Likewise, an interview script was applied to 4 teachers who guide grades 5, to determine the teacher’s conception of the teaching of mathematics and the resolution of problems, with these results the specific objective 2 was met. Based on these results and difficulties encountered were proposed a didactic sequence, organized in 6 learning units associated with metric thinking and measurement systems, with this the specific objective 3 was met. Obtaining as results and final conclusion that 73.6% of the participating students showed greater difficulty, in metric thinking and measurement systems, specifically in the procedures for converting units, in the understanding and analysis of statements because they do not extract data, do not associate graphic information with the statement, They also do not know the equations for finding areas of triangles, rectangles, and volumes. Of the the same way, from the conception of the interviewed teachers it was found that they perform the planning and teaching of mathematics supported by play, inductive reasoning, and training as a basis for learning, they also recognize the importance of problem solving as a central axis of the curriculum and said they evaluate the problem solving competence from the formative evaluation, arguing that value the whole process, knowledge and knowledge, making feedback from the shortcomings or difficulties On the other hand, since the conception of teachers, it was stated that the greater difficulty in solving mathematical problems is related to understanding reader, which is essential for the interpretation and analysis of the statement of a problem and the most difficult thinking for students is the metric and measurement systems, matching these two results with those found in the results in the applied tests to students
Mathematics has been recognized as one of the most influential disciplines in development of science and technology, and its essence is problem solving; thanks to the development of this ability, countless scientists have been able to give answer and solution to multiple needs and concerns of humanity; from this perspective the present research developed the analysis of the problem-solving process as the main objective mathematicians in the classroom; the results of this analysis were the foundations for proposing a ICT-supported teaching strategy as a learning medium for 5-year students of the Educational Institution Francisco de Paula Santander del Zulia (N. de S.). Study that use a methodology directed under the constructivist paradigm, with a focus on research, which allowed a better approach to the object of study from the use of quantitative and qualitative techniques; with a research-type design descriptive for quantitative techniques and analysis; and hermeneutic for techniques and analysis qualitative. For the collection of information, a diagnosis was initially applied to determine the mathematical thought with greater difficulty, then a test essay with the the purpose of identifying strategies applied by students to solve problems in The results of these two instruments responded to Specific Objective 1. Likewise, an interview script was applied to 4 teachers who guide grades 5, to determine the teacher’s conception of the teaching of mathematics and the resolution of problems, with these results the specific objective 2 was met. Based on these results and difficulties encountered were proposed a didactic sequence, organized in 6 learning units associated with metric thinking and measurement systems, with this the specific objective 3 was met. Obtaining as results and final conclusion that 73.6% of the participating students showed greater difficulty, in metric thinking and measurement systems, specifically in the procedures for converting units, in the understanding and analysis of statements because they do not extract data, do not associate graphic information with the statement, They also do not know the equations for finding areas of triangles, rectangles, and volumes. Of the the same way, from the conception of the interviewed teachers it was found that they perform the planning and teaching of mathematics supported by play, inductive reasoning, and training as a basis for learning, they also recognize the importance of problem solving as a central axis of the curriculum and said they evaluate the problem solving competence from the formative evaluation, arguing that value the whole process, knowledge and knowledge, making feedback from the shortcomings or difficulties On the other hand, since the conception of teachers, it was stated that the greater difficulty in solving mathematical problems is related to understanding reader, which is essential for the interpretation and analysis of the statement of a problem and the most difficult thinking for students is the metric and measurement systems, matching these two results with those found in the results in the applied tests to students
Palabras clave
Resolución de problemas, Propuesta didáctica, Secuencia didáctica, Problemas en matemáticas, Problem resolution, Didactic proposal, Didactic sequence, Math problems