El Modelo de Pirie y Kieren para la comprensión matemática del concepto de razón trigonométrica
Salazar-Torres, Juan-Pablo
Teleche, Carlos Andres
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Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander
El desarrollo de la comprensión matemática ha sido uno de los retos
fundamentales en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas. El
artículo, presenta una reflexión del modelo de Pirie y Kieren como una alternativa
didáctica para la comprensión del concepto de razón trigonométrica, derivado de un
estudio de tesis doctoral en el campo de la educación matemática que busca desarrollar
un esquema de aprendizaje de este concepto fundamental de las matemáticas en el
marco de este modelo. Para el cumplimiento de este propósito, se abordó la alternativa
metodológica del análisis de contenido con perspectiva cualitativa con el fin de encontrar
y describir comprensiones y significaciones del uso de este modelo para la enseñanza
y comprensión de conceptos matemáticos. A nivel general, se concluye que, por medio
del modelo propuesto es posible visibilizar y promover la evolución de la comprensión
de los conceptos matemáticos; gracias a las características propias de la teoría que
permiten la movilización cognitiva y el estudio que tienen las distintas representaciones
dentro del proceso de comprensión de los objetos y conceptos matemáticos.
The development of mathematical understanding has been one of the fundamental challenges in the processes of teaching and learning mathematics. This article presents a reflection of Pirie and Kieren's model as a didactic alternative for the understanding of the concept of trigonometric ratio, derived from a doctoral thesis study in the field of mathematics education that seeks to develop a learning scheme for this fundamental concept of mathematics within the framework of this model. For the fulfillment of this purpose, the methodological alternative of content analysis with a qualitative perspective was approached in order to find and describe understandings and meanings of the use of this model for the teaching and understanding of mathematical concepts. At a general level, it is concluded that, by means of the proposed model, it is possible to make visible and promote the evolution of the understanding of mathematical concepts; thanks to the characteristics of the theory that allow the cognitive mobilization and the study of the different representations within the process of understanding mathematical objects and concepts
The development of mathematical understanding has been one of the fundamental challenges in the processes of teaching and learning mathematics. This article presents a reflection of Pirie and Kieren's model as a didactic alternative for the understanding of the concept of trigonometric ratio, derived from a doctoral thesis study in the field of mathematics education that seeks to develop a learning scheme for this fundamental concept of mathematics within the framework of this model. For the fulfillment of this purpose, the methodological alternative of content analysis with a qualitative perspective was approached in order to find and describe understandings and meanings of the use of this model for the teaching and understanding of mathematical concepts. At a general level, it is concluded that, by means of the proposed model, it is possible to make visible and promote the evolution of the understanding of mathematical concepts; thanks to the characteristics of the theory that allow the cognitive mobilization and the study of the different representations within the process of understanding mathematical objects and concepts
Palabras clave
Modelo de Pirie y Kieren, Didáctica de la Matemática, Comprensión Matemática, Razón Trigonométrica
Salazar-Torres, J. P., y Teleche-Capote, C. A., (2023). El Modelo de Pirie y Kieren para la comprensión matemática del concepto de razón trigonométrica. Eco Matemático, 14(1). 43-56. https://doi. org/10.22463/17948231.4086