Violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo y su relación con la ideación suicida en los adolescentes del departamento del Atlántico
Loaiza Caraballo, Diana Patricia
YacamánSlebi, Kelly Johanna
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Objetivo:Detectar la presencia de Violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo y su relación con la ideación suicida en los adolescentes del Departamento del Atlántico.
Instrumentos: Los instrumentos que se utilizaron durante la investigación fueron el CADRI, que mide la Violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo; la escala del ERS para medir la Ideación suicida en los adolescentes y un cuestionario Sociodemográfico para caracterizar la población.
Metodología: Se realizó una investigación con un enfoque cuantitativo, con una muestra de 542 adolescentes de dos instituciones públicas del Departamento del Atlántico entre los 13 y 18 años de edad de los grados de 9, 10 y 11, en el que se analizaron los datos mediante el paquete estadístico para las ciencias sociales (SPSS, StatisticalPackageforthe Social Sciences, versión 23).Resultados: Las escalas arrojaron que el 40% de los adolescentes evaluados muestran tener Ideación suicida, además, el tipo de violencia que más está presente
es la Violencia verbal emocional con un 19,3% y en la Violencia verbal emocional sufrida con un 23,6% y al analizar la correlación entre las variables de Ideación suicida y violencia en el noviazgo adolescente se pudo evidenciar que sí existe correlaciones positivas significativas bilateral débil, sin embargo; existe una correlación significativa moderada con un ,004 entre la Violencia relacional sufrida y la ideación suicida.
Conclusión: Para concluir se puede decir que en la muestra evaluada se halló Ideación suicida en los adolescentes existiendo así una correlación entre estas dos variables estudiadas.
Objective: To detect the presence of Violence in dating relationships and their relationship with suicidal ideation in adolescents in the Department of the Atlantic. Instruments: The instruments that were used during the investigation were the CADRI, which measures Violence in dating relationships; the ERS scale to measure suicidal ideation in adolescents and a Sociodemographic questionnaire to characterize the population. Methodology: The study was conducted with a quantitative approach, with a sample of 542 adolescents from two public institutions of the Department of the Atlantic between the ages of 13 and 18 in grades 9, 10 and 11, in which the data were analyzed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 23). Results: The scales showed that 40% of the adolescents evaluated show suicidal ideation, in addition, the type of violence that is most present is the emotional verbal Violence with 19.3% and in the emotional verbal Violence suffered with a 23, 6% and when analyzing the correlation between the variables of suicidal ideation and violence in adolescent courtship, it was possible to show that there are significant weak bilateral positive correlations, however; there is a significant moderate correlation with a ,004 between the relational violence suffered and suicidal ideation. Conclusion: In the evaluated sample, suicidal ideation was found in adolescents, thus existing a correlation between these two variables studied.
Objective: To detect the presence of Violence in dating relationships and their relationship with suicidal ideation in adolescents in the Department of the Atlantic. Instruments: The instruments that were used during the investigation were the CADRI, which measures Violence in dating relationships; the ERS scale to measure suicidal ideation in adolescents and a Sociodemographic questionnaire to characterize the population. Methodology: The study was conducted with a quantitative approach, with a sample of 542 adolescents from two public institutions of the Department of the Atlantic between the ages of 13 and 18 in grades 9, 10 and 11, in which the data were analyzed through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, version 23). Results: The scales showed that 40% of the adolescents evaluated show suicidal ideation, in addition, the type of violence that is most present is the emotional verbal Violence with 19.3% and in the emotional verbal Violence suffered with a 23, 6% and when analyzing the correlation between the variables of suicidal ideation and violence in adolescent courtship, it was possible to show that there are significant weak bilateral positive correlations, however; there is a significant moderate correlation with a ,004 between the relational violence suffered and suicidal ideation. Conclusion: In the evaluated sample, suicidal ideation was found in adolescents, thus existing a correlation between these two variables studied.
Palabras clave
Adolescencia, Ideación suicida, Noviazgo, Violencia, Adolescence, Suicidal ideation, Dating, Violence