Deterioro cognitivo en pacientes adultos entre 20 y 45 años con diagnóstico de esclerosis múltiple de la ciudad de Barranquilla
Rodríguez Locarno, Claudia Patricia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
El presente estudio evaluó el deterioro cognitivo en pacientes adultos entre 20 y 45 años, de
la ciudad de Barranquilla, con diagnóstico de Esclerosis Múltiple y su relación con las fases de
evolución de la enfermedad. A esta muestra poblacional, así como a un grupo control de sujetos
sanos, se les aplicó la Batería Neuropsicológica Breve (NEUROPSI BREVE), la cual a través de
nueve subpruebas evalúa los dominios cognitivos de Orientación, Atención-Concentración,
Lenguaje, Memoria, Funciones Ejecutivas, conceptuales y motoras, Lectura, Escritura y Cálculo.
Los resultados evidenciaron que hay una correlación significativa entre las dos variables de
estudio, lo que indica que los pacientes que se encuentran en un estadio más avanzado de la
enfermedad presentan mayor deterioro cognitivo, aunque no arrojan puntuaciones centiles por
debajo del resultado esperado para todas las variables.
En cuanto a los controles sanos se evidenció que en su totalidad no presentaron signos de
deterioro cognitivo, al obtener resultados dentro de los rangos esperados en las diferentes
subpruebas y en el puntaje total de la prueba.
Las variables más afectadas en la mayoría de los pacientes evaluados independientemente
del estadio de la enfermedad fueron la Memoria, la Atención y la Función Ejecutiva, por lo que
en la discusión se analizó el papel que estas funciones que se afectan de manera significativa en
los pacientes con diagnóstico de esclerosis múltiple.
In this study, the cognitive impairment was evaluated in adult patients between 20 and 45 years, of the Barranquilla city, with diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis and its relation with the phases of evolution of the disease, as well as control of healthy subjects, them one applied to a group to this population sample the Neuropsychological Brief Battery (NEUROPSI BREVE), who across nine subtests evaluates the cognitive domains of Orientation, Attention / concentration, Language, Memory, Executive Functions, Prosecution Spatial Tint, Reading, Writing and Calculation. The results demonstrated that there is a significant correlation between the two study variables, indicating that patients who are at a more advanced stage of the disease present greater cognitive impairment, although they do not show centiles below the expected outcome for all variables As for the healthy controls group it was demonstrated that in its entirety they did not present signs of cognitive impairment, on having obtained results inside the status expected in the test. In the discussion there was analyzed the role that takes the attention, the memory and the executive functions as functions that fall ill in a significant way in the patients with multiple sclerosis diagnosis.
In this study, the cognitive impairment was evaluated in adult patients between 20 and 45 years, of the Barranquilla city, with diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis and its relation with the phases of evolution of the disease, as well as control of healthy subjects, them one applied to a group to this population sample the Neuropsychological Brief Battery (NEUROPSI BREVE), who across nine subtests evaluates the cognitive domains of Orientation, Attention / concentration, Language, Memory, Executive Functions, Prosecution Spatial Tint, Reading, Writing and Calculation. The results demonstrated that there is a significant correlation between the two study variables, indicating that patients who are at a more advanced stage of the disease present greater cognitive impairment, although they do not show centiles below the expected outcome for all variables As for the healthy controls group it was demonstrated that in its entirety they did not present signs of cognitive impairment, on having obtained results inside the status expected in the test. In the discussion there was analyzed the role that takes the attention, the memory and the executive functions as functions that fall ill in a significant way in the patients with multiple sclerosis diagnosis.
Palabras clave
Esclerosis Múltiple, Deterioro Cognitivo, Orientación, Atención, Concentración, Lenguaje, Memoria, Funciones Ejecutivas, Procesamiento Viso-espacial, Lectura, Escritura y Cálculo, Multiple sclerosis, Cognitive Impairment, Orientation, Attention, Concentration, Language, Memory, Executive Functions, Prosecution Spatial Tint, Reading, Writing and Calculation