La responsabilidad social como factor sostenibilidad de productos ROCHE
Florez Porras, Pedro Hernando
Gámez Curiel, Alejandro
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Este trabajo trata del estudio de caso de la responsabilidad social como estrategia
de sostenibilidad y generación de rentabilidad y competitividad en el mercado, tema
fundamental en el mundo globalizado para las empresas privadas, debido a las
motivaciones que se generan y a las relaciones enriquecidas entre ellas y sus
contextos, lo que incide en el desarrollo y crecimiento de estas.
El sector en el cual se llevó a cabo la investigación es el farmacéutico, en la empresa
Productos Roche S.A filial Colombia, uno de los sectores más importantes dado su
aporte al país. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativa con un estudio de caso para
responder a los objetivos por medio del análisis de información.
De acuerdo con lo anterior se plantea un objetivo general: Valorar las acciones de
RSE que realiza la empresa farmacéutica Roche y su incidencia en las relaciones
con su entorno y en su sostenibilidad como estrategia de gestión social de la
empresa mercantil.
El documento cuenta en principio exhaustivo estudio de: investigaciones, artículos,
previos que se usaron como referentes y se aplicaron en esta investigación.
Posteriormente y a través de un proceso de divulgación y socialización del proyecto
de investigación con las directivas de la compañía para obtener el consentimiento
informado; Se convocó a los empleados para la participación anónima y la
aplicación de los instrumentos, vía virtual, en el cual se incluye una encuesta
sociodemográfica, en la cual se consignaron datos como: cargo, edad, género; y
una serie de preguntas individuales para obtener más información acerca de la
practicas de RSE en la empresa. Finalmente, con los datos recolectados se planteó
el análisis documental del último reporte de sostenibilidad presentado (año 2017)
para responder a los objetivos y preguntas de investigación planteada.
This paper gives an account of social responsibility as a sustainability strategy creating profitability and competitiveness in the market, a fundamental issue in the globalized world for private companies, due to the motivations generated and the enriched relationships between them and their contexts, which affects their development and growth. The sector in which the research was carried out is the pharmaceutical, in the company Roche de Colombia, one of the most important sectors given its contribution to the country. This research is qualitative with a case study to respond to the objectives through the analysis of information. In accordance with the above, a general objective is proposed: To assess the CSR actions carried out by the pharmaceutical company Roche and its impact on relations with its environment and its sustainability as a social management strategy of the commercial company. The document has in principle exhaustive study of: research, articles, previous ones that were used as referents and were applied in this investigation. Subsequently and through a process of dissemination and socialization of the research project with the company's directives to obtain informed consent; Employees were summoned for anonymous participation and the application of the instruments, via virtual means, which includes a sociodemographic survey, in which data such as: position, age, gender; and a series of individual questions to obtain more information about CSR practices in the company. Finally, with the data collected, the documentary analysis of the last sustainability report presented (year 2017) was presented to answer the research objectives and questions raised.
This paper gives an account of social responsibility as a sustainability strategy creating profitability and competitiveness in the market, a fundamental issue in the globalized world for private companies, due to the motivations generated and the enriched relationships between them and their contexts, which affects their development and growth. The sector in which the research was carried out is the pharmaceutical, in the company Roche de Colombia, one of the most important sectors given its contribution to the country. This research is qualitative with a case study to respond to the objectives through the analysis of information. In accordance with the above, a general objective is proposed: To assess the CSR actions carried out by the pharmaceutical company Roche and its impact on relations with its environment and its sustainability as a social management strategy of the commercial company. The document has in principle exhaustive study of: research, articles, previous ones that were used as referents and were applied in this investigation. Subsequently and through a process of dissemination and socialization of the research project with the company's directives to obtain informed consent; Employees were summoned for anonymous participation and the application of the instruments, via virtual means, which includes a sociodemographic survey, in which data such as: position, age, gender; and a series of individual questions to obtain more information about CSR practices in the company. Finally, with the data collected, the documentary analysis of the last sustainability report presented (year 2017) was presented to answer the research objectives and questions raised.
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad social, Sostenibilidad, Competitividad en el mercado, Social responsibility, Sustainability, Competitive market