Inteligencia artificial como herramienta de marketing, para la segmentación de mercado en el sector turismo en el departamento del Atlántico
Polo Rodríguez, Claudet Ivon
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El sector turismo ha experimentado un impacto profundo debido a la era de la tecnología, donde las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) han transformado los procesos que experimenta un viajero, desde la reserva de su lugar de llegada hasta la compra de boletos y más. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones no tiene claro cuáles son las actividades que podría realizar en su lugar de llegada, teniendo en cuenta sus gustos. El mercado global, se enfrenta con la cuarta revolución industrial, la cual es comandada por la Inteligencia Artificial, por lo que las empresas que atienden a los turistas no pueden quedarse atrás y deben implementarla en sus procesos, para así mejorar la interacción del usuario, el destino y el servicio prestado.
En este contexto, el mercado global se encuentra inmerso en la cuarta revolución industrial, liderada por la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Las empresas que brindan servicios turísticos no pueden permitirse quedarse rezagadas en esta nueva era, sino que deben incorporar la IA en sus procesos para mejorar la interacción entre el usuario, el destino y los servicios ofrecidos.
La IA ofrece un potencial significativo para la industria turística, ya que puede ayudar a personalizar la experiencia del viajero, ofreciendo recomendaciones y sugerencias adaptadas a sus gustos y preferencias individuales. A través del análisis de grandes volúmenes de datos, la IA puede identificar patrones y tendencias que permiten a las empresas turísticas ofrecer servicios más relevantes y atractivos para cada turista.
Al implementar la IA en el sector turístico, las empresas pueden mejorar la interacción con los usuarios a través de chatbots o asistentes virtuales que brindan información en tiempo real, facilitan la reserva de actividades y responden preguntas frecuentes de manera rápida y eficiente. Además,
la IA puede ayudar en la optimización de precios y la gestión de la demanda, permitiendo a las empresas adaptarse ágilmente a las necesidades cambiantes del mercado y garantizar una oferta competitiva.
Es fundamental que las empresas del sector turístico reconozcan el potencial de la IA y adopten estrategias que les permitan aprovechar al máximo esta tecnología. Aquellas empresas que logren implementar de manera efectiva la IA en sus procesos podrán ofrecer experiencias más personalizadas y satisfactorias para los turistas, mejorando así su nivel de satisfacción y fortaleciendo su posición competitiva en el mercado turístico global.
En conclusión, en el contexto de la cuarta revolución industrial, la implementación de la Inteligencia Artificial se vuelve crucial para las empresas del sector turismo. Al utilizar la IA, las empresas pueden mejorar la interacción con los turistas, personalizar la experiencia del usuario y brindar servicios más relevantes y atractivos para cada individuo. Es imperativo que las empresas turísticas reconozcan este potencial y adopten estrategias adecuadas para adaptarse a esta nueva era tecnológica y ofrecer servicios de calidad en el mercado turístico global. La IA tiene el poder de transformar la industria turística, mejorando la eficiencia operativa, la satisfacción del cliente y la competitividad en un mercado en constante evolución. Al abrazar esta tecnología y aprovechar sus beneficios, las empresas pueden posicionarse como líderes en la industria y ofrecer experiencias de viaje excepcionales a los turistas de todo el mundo.
The tourism sector has experienced a profound impact due to the era of technology, where Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have transformed the processes experienced by travelers, from booking their destination to purchasing tickets and more. However, often they are not clear about the activities they could engage in at their destination, considering their preferences. The global market is facing the fourth industrial revolution, which is led by Artificial Intelligence (AI), so companies catering to tourists cannot lag behind and must implement AI in their processes to improve the interaction between the user, the destination, and the service provided. In this context, the global market finds itself immersed in the fourth industrial revolution, led by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Companies providing tourism services cannot afford to lag behind in this new era; instead, they must incorporate AI into their processes to enhance the interaction between the user, the destination, and the services offered. AI offers significant potential for the tourism industry as it can help personalize the traveler's experience by offering recommendations and suggestions tailored to their individual tastes and preferences. Through the analysis of large volumes of data, AI can identify patterns and trends that enable tourism companies to offer more relevant and appealing services to each tourist. By implementing AI in the tourism sector, companies can improve user interaction through chatbots or virtual assistants that provide real-time information, facilitate activity bookings, and promptly answer frequently asked questions. Additionally, AI can assist in price optimization and demand management, allowing companies to adapt quickly to changing market needs and ensure a competitive offering. It is crucial for companies in the tourism sector to recognize the potential of AI and adopt strategies that allow them to fully leverage this technology. Those companies that effectively implement AI in their processes will be able to offer more personalized and satisfying experiences to tourists, thereby improving customer satisfaction and strengthening their competitive position in the global tourism market. In conclusion, in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence becomes crucial for companies in the tourism sector. By using AI, companies can enhance interaction with tourists, personalize the user experience, and offer more relevant and appealing services to each individual. It is imperative for tourism companies to recognize this potential and adopt suitable strategies to adapt to this new technological era and provide quality services in the global tourism market. AI has the power to transform the tourism industry by improving operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and competitiveness in an ever-evolving market. By embracing this technology and harnessing its benefits, companies can position themselves as industry leaders and offer exceptional travel experiences to tourists worldwide.
The tourism sector has experienced a profound impact due to the era of technology, where Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have transformed the processes experienced by travelers, from booking their destination to purchasing tickets and more. However, often they are not clear about the activities they could engage in at their destination, considering their preferences. The global market is facing the fourth industrial revolution, which is led by Artificial Intelligence (AI), so companies catering to tourists cannot lag behind and must implement AI in their processes to improve the interaction between the user, the destination, and the service provided. In this context, the global market finds itself immersed in the fourth industrial revolution, led by Artificial Intelligence (AI). Companies providing tourism services cannot afford to lag behind in this new era; instead, they must incorporate AI into their processes to enhance the interaction between the user, the destination, and the services offered. AI offers significant potential for the tourism industry as it can help personalize the traveler's experience by offering recommendations and suggestions tailored to their individual tastes and preferences. Through the analysis of large volumes of data, AI can identify patterns and trends that enable tourism companies to offer more relevant and appealing services to each tourist. By implementing AI in the tourism sector, companies can improve user interaction through chatbots or virtual assistants that provide real-time information, facilitate activity bookings, and promptly answer frequently asked questions. Additionally, AI can assist in price optimization and demand management, allowing companies to adapt quickly to changing market needs and ensure a competitive offering. It is crucial for companies in the tourism sector to recognize the potential of AI and adopt strategies that allow them to fully leverage this technology. Those companies that effectively implement AI in their processes will be able to offer more personalized and satisfying experiences to tourists, thereby improving customer satisfaction and strengthening their competitive position in the global tourism market. In conclusion, in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence becomes crucial for companies in the tourism sector. By using AI, companies can enhance interaction with tourists, personalize the user experience, and offer more relevant and appealing services to each individual. It is imperative for tourism companies to recognize this potential and adopt suitable strategies to adapt to this new technological era and provide quality services in the global tourism market. AI has the power to transform the tourism industry by improving operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and competitiveness in an ever-evolving market. By embracing this technology and harnessing its benefits, companies can position themselves as industry leaders and offer exceptional travel experiences to tourists worldwide.
Palabras clave
Inteligencia Artificial, Segmentación de mercado, Turismo, Tecnología, Artificial Intelligence, Market Segmentation, Tourism, Technology