Prácticas sociales de aprendizajes generada en la vereda Siberia. Un aporte al desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas en la educación básica
Martínez Becerra, Leida Marcela
Arciniegas Kopp, Laura Patricia
Ordoñez Andrade, Andrés Michael
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El proyecto de investigación se desarrolla en el contexto de la educación colombiana, que tiene como objetivo comprender las prácticas sociales de aprendizajes del contexto rural de Siberia, municipio de Herrán, Norte de Santander y su adaptabilidad al desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas. Siendo esta una forma de descubrir nuevas visiones, perspectivas y prácticas ciudadanas de distintos actores; se trabajó a través de un proceso metodológico que se basó en un paradigma interpretativo desde las realidades sociales y abordadas desde un enfoque cualitativo, apoyado en el diseño de la complementariedad a través de técnicas de recolección de información: como el análisis documental y entrevistas semiestructuradas, todas estas desde el aporte de la misma comunidad y actores claves, que luego fueron tomadas para ser interpretadas desde la subjetividad de la comunidad que aportaron a la investigación en ciudadanía, a través de la comparación de los elementos hallados en el campo y los documentos que fueron sometidos a la triangulación como técnica de análisis de información siendo como base los documentos de la educación y competencias ciudadanas del ministerio de educación Colombiano, a su vez los diarios de campos y entrevista de la comunidad, lo cual permitió que se obtuvieran los resultados de la identificación y análisis de las prácticas sociales de aprendizaje de la comunidad. Que dio como resultado unos capítulos de hallazgos producto de las categorías y elementos emergentes de la noción del territorio, la recuperación del tejido social, el sentimiento de unión colectiva, y la memoria colectiva, todos estos elementos base para identificar los procesos comunitarios que pueden ser adaptados a la educación básica Colombiana, desde allí siendo importante el trabajo conjunto para la construcción de un mejor estado, es por ello que en el presente documento se generaron unas orientaciones pedagógicas desde la base del contexto rural y las competencias ciudadanas.
The research project is developed in the context of Colombian education, which aims to understand the social learning practices of the rural context of Siberia, municipality of Herrán, Norte de Santander and its adaptability to the development of civic skills. This being a way of discovering new visions, perspectives and citizen practices of different actors; We worked through a methodological process that was based on an interpretive paradigm from social realities and approached from a qualitative approach, supported by the design of complementarity through information collection techniques: such as documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews, all of these from the contribution of the same community and key actors, which were then taken to be interpreted from the subjectivity of the community that contributed to the citizenship research, through the comparison of the elements found in the field and the documents that They were subjected to triangulation as an information analysis technique, being the documents of education and citizenship competencies of the Colombian Ministry of Education as a basis, in turn the field diaries and community interviews, which allowed the results of the identification and analysis of the social learning practices of the community. Which resulted in some chapters of findings product of the categories and emerging elements of the notion of territory, the recovery of the social fabric, the feeling of collective union, and collective memory, all these basic elements to identify the community processes that can be adapted to Colombian basic education, from there being important the joint work for the construction of a better state, that is why in this document some pedagogical guidelines were generated from the base of the rural context and citizen competencies.
The research project is developed in the context of Colombian education, which aims to understand the social learning practices of the rural context of Siberia, municipality of Herrán, Norte de Santander and its adaptability to the development of civic skills. This being a way of discovering new visions, perspectives and citizen practices of different actors; We worked through a methodological process that was based on an interpretive paradigm from social realities and approached from a qualitative approach, supported by the design of complementarity through information collection techniques: such as documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews, all of these from the contribution of the same community and key actors, which were then taken to be interpreted from the subjectivity of the community that contributed to the citizenship research, through the comparison of the elements found in the field and the documents that They were subjected to triangulation as an information analysis technique, being the documents of education and citizenship competencies of the Colombian Ministry of Education as a basis, in turn the field diaries and community interviews, which allowed the results of the identification and analysis of the social learning practices of the community. Which resulted in some chapters of findings product of the categories and emerging elements of the notion of territory, the recovery of the social fabric, the feeling of collective union, and collective memory, all these basic elements to identify the community processes that can be adapted to Colombian basic education, from there being important the joint work for the construction of a better state, that is why in this document some pedagogical guidelines were generated from the base of the rural context and citizen competencies.
Palabras clave
Practica social del aprendizaje, Competencias ciudadanas, Educación, Ciudadanía, Social practice of learning, Citizen skills, Education, Citizenship